List of spirits (Others)

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The following is the list of the Spirits that are left unsorted by game series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Primary Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Support Slots Base Stats Ability Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
Aisya Shield Novice 2 ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
File:Akira virtua fighter.png Akira Yuki Attack Legend 3 Virtua Fighter
File:AlexandraRoivas.png Alexandra Roivas Grab Novice 2 Eternal Darkness Zero Suit Samus •Hazard: Screen Flip
File:Allenn.png Allen Balanced Advanced 3 Culdcept
Dark emperor.png Dark Emperor Shield Legend Find Mii
File:Eagle.png Eagle Attack Novice 1 Advance Wars
File:Felix.png Felix Balanced Advanced Golden Sun
File:Flare.png Flare Balanced Novice Custom Robo Samus Pokémon Stadium Stamina battle
•The enemy starts the battle with a Ray Gun
•The enemy starts the battle with a Rocket Belt
File:Heracles Spirit.png Heracles Attack Advanced Glory of Heracles Simon Temple
File:Karate Joe.png Karate Joe Attack Ace Rhythm Heaven
Mach rider.png Mach Rider Shield Novice Mach Rider
Moe.png Moe Shield Novice 1 The Legendary Starfy
Munchymonk.png Munchy Monk Shield Novice 1 Rhythm Heaven
Nick.png Nick Balanced Novice 2 Captain Rainbow
Nintendoji.png Nintendoji Balanced Novice Nintendoji
Raymondbryce.png Raymond Bryce Shield Novice 3 Disaster: Day of Crisis
Sable Prince.png Sablé Prince (Frog and snake forms) Shield Advanced Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru
Satoru.png Satoru Grab Novice 3 Kousoku Card Battle: Card Hero
File:Shantae.png Shantae Shield Ace Shantae Zero Suit Samus Pirate Ship •Item: Transforming Types •The enemy's battering items have increased power
•The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge
Shinobu.png Shinobu Grab Novice 1 Ninja Launcher
Spring man.png Spring Man Ace ARMS
Stfalcon.png ST Falcon Attack Novice 1 Battle Clash
Starfy.png Starfy Balanced Ace 3 The Legendary Starfy
Starly Spirit.png Starly Balanced Advanced The Legendary Starfy
Sumo Brothers.png Sumo Brothers Grab Novice 2 Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Tamagon devil world.png Tamagon Grab Novice Devil World
Wonder-Blue.png Wonder-Blue Attack Novice 1 The Wonderful 101
File:Wonder red.png Wonder Red Grab Advanced The Wonderful 101
Zael.png Zael Attack Advanced The Last Story

Support Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Ability Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
File:Balloonfighter.png Balloon Fighter Defense Advanced Jump ↑ Balloon Fight
File:Bayonette.png Bayonette Attack Custom Robo V2
File:Boss galaga.png Boss Galaga Defense Advanced Galaga
File:Coraline Spirit.png Coraline Grab Novice Ultimate Angler
File:Crispin Spirit.png Crispin Defense Novice Feed Mii
File:Drlube.png Dr. Lobe Balanced Advanced Big Brain Academy
File:Ftype.png F-Type Defense Novice Stunt Race FX
Lip.png Lip Grab Ace Lip's Stick Equipped Panel de Pon Mii Swordfighter + Jigglypuff Garden of Hope •Flowery
•Item: Lip's Stick
•Defeat the main fighter to win
•You constantly take minor damage
•The enemy starts the battle with a Lip's Stick
Master Fusui.png Master Fusui Grab Sujin Taisen: Number Battles
Miomayu.png Mio & Maya Amakura Poison Damage Reduced Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Noise.png Noise Shield Novice Kiki Trick
Oendan.png Ouendan Critical-Health Stats ↑ Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
File:Wii party phil.png Party Phil Easier Perfect Shield Wii Party
Rathalos monster hunter.png Rathalos Advanced Monster Hunter
File:Sebastian tute wii music.png Sebastian Tute Ace Wii Music
Sheriff2.png Sheriff Legend Sheriff
Snipclip.png Snip and Clip Undamaged Attack ↑ Snipperclips
Yama.png Yama Attack Novice The Tower SP

Unclassified Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
File:Bacteria.png Bacteria Kurikin Nano Island Story
File:Barbara.png Barbara the Bat Jam with the Band
File:Baxter&co.png Baxter and Forthington Rhythm Heaven Fever
File:Calista.png Calista The Last Story
File:Captain Rainbow.png Captain Rainbow Captain Rainbow
File:Chef.png Chef Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What to Eat? King Dedede Pictochat 2 •Item: Food •The enemy becomes more powerful after eating
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
File:Chibi Robo.png Chibi-Robo Chibi-Robo!
File:Chorus Kids.png Chorus Kids Rhythm Heaven
File:Culdra.png Culdra Culdcept
File:Demille.png DeMille Tomato Adventure
File:Dillon.png Dillon Dillon's Rolling Western
File:Diskun.png Diskun Famicom Disk System
File:Donbe hikari.png Donbe & Hikari Shin Onigashima
File:Drake Redcrest.png Drake Redcrest Chibi-Robo!
Esna.png Esna Ever Oasis
File:Fish.png Fish Balloon Fight
File:Footballplayernintendo.png Football Player Nintendo Pocket Football Club
File:Goligan culdcept.png Goligan Culdcept
File:Hanenbow2.png Hanenbow Electroplankton
File:Harry teleroboxer.png Harry Teleroboxer
File:Henry fleming codename steam.png Henry Fleming Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Captain Falcon •Item: Shooting Types
File:Iris Archwell.png Iris Archwell Monster Manor
Kyle Hyde.png Kyle Hyde Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Mallo.png Mallo Pushmo
Matthew.png Matthew Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Min min.png Min Min ARMS
Monita.png Monita Nintendo Land
Muddy mole mania.png Muddy Mole Mole Mania
File:Fossilhunters.png Nibbles Fossil Fighters: Frontier
Ninjara.png Ninjara ARMS
Olaf.png Olaf Advance Wars
Protagonist.png Protagonist Style Savvy
Raymk3.png Ray MK II Custom Robo
Sagi.png Sagi Baten Kaitos Origins
Saki Amamiya.png Saki Amamiya Sin and Punishment
File:Shovelknight.png Shovel Knight Shovel Knight
Sukapon 3.png Sukapon Joy Mecha Fight
Takamaru.png Takamaru The Mysterious Murasame Castle
Tethu.png Tethu Ever Oasis
Twintelle.png Twintelle ARMS
Urbanchampionfighter.png Urban Champion Fighter Urban Champion
Volleybalplayer.png Volleyball Player Volleyball
Welt.png Welt Soma Bringer
Wrestlergirl.png Wrestler & Reporter Rhythm Heaven Fever
Yakuman.png Yakuman Player Yakuman
Yuri kozukata fatal frame.png Yuri Kozukata Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water