Tortimer Island

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Closedverse Dramatica is now accepting donations. Because fucking hookers and smoking that dank kush makes us all better at writing articles, fact. Donate if you support the site or just want to make the quality in articles better!


If you are reading this, you probably know that this started off as a small Wikia. Closedverse Dramatica, or CV:D for short, was reported by Arian Kordi and his retarded fan-base, resulting in deletion of the wikia. Now, we are here, away from anyone deleting or reporting us.

Welcome to Closedverse Dramatica

Closedverse Dramatica is a wiki for pages of users from the site known as Closedverse, developed and made by Arian Fagordi and some nerd named PF2M.

If your offended by this site or upset that you are on this wiki, please click here.

We at Closedverse Dramatica are truly caring if you are rather upset or quite angry that you are on this wikia or dislike the fact that you are exposed to the public on what you do, if you would like to file a complaint, a message, or meeting about deleting or hiding a page about you, a user, or a users friend, please contact us at the link provided below.

Closedverse Dramatica Contact Info


If you have any questions or issues, contact these current lists of admins via Discord.

Main Hub

Who's online: Alex the weeb, SylveonFan700, CKcoolidge, Mexi, IcyKeswick, Hydreigon Fan 2k17, Saintsoft, CanvasK, The Jacketed Terrapin, CrimsonArrow

Did You Know...

From Closedverse Dramatica's endless supply of factoids:

  • ...Gnarly is a basically a god on earth?
  • ...Closedverse is full of pee pee heads?
  • ...Arian Kordi is a PEDOPHILE?
  • ...That Cedar is better then Closedverse?
  • ...That Eric sent a picture of his dick to an under aged user named Toast?
  • ...That Arian Kordi fanboys are the worst?
  • ...That the Closedverse discord is gay?
  • ...That no matter how hard Arian Kordi tries to hide info from us by hiding profiles or restricting Closedverse, he will always fail.

Article of the Now

Arian Kordi
Arian Kordi (Persian: آریان كوردی) also known as Arian K, was a retarded Miiverse user back in the day where everyone sucked his dick because he totally didn't steal, but LEARNED from an actual scripter/hacker known as Lane, or PF2M as he goes by his user name. Arian "My Penis Is Moldy For Children Solely" Kordi later went on to create a bunch of shitty Miiverse clones no one cared about without the restriction of the Miiverse Admins and stuff that limited you on Miiverse. Many of these failed or went into garbage of local-host hell. But alas, Arian "My Pee Pee Begs For Child Wee Wee" Kordi struct gold when he literally copied from PF2Ms Openverse and made Closedverse, the hell that he started and is still running to this day, did i mention that its totally original?

Recent Articles

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Why can't i edit and hide proof that i did something illegal? GNARLY!1!!!!!!!!!! STOP EXPOSING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because your mega gay.

Can i appear on Closedverse Dramatica with my friends TOO?!??!?

Closedverse Dramatica isn't like LMR, where you can shamefully pretend your someone else glorifying you.

Is there a discord i can join so i can be butt-hurt to you?