Hello, mah name is Zelda101, but you can just call me Z.101, Zelda, or the girl who really likes Pit (which I do honestly).
Were do I begin with my history with the series? Lemme see; it all began when my now jerky brother got a game called Super Smash Brothers Melee. While he was playing it, me, a little girl back then, would watch in fascination as he played. The more he played, the more of a gamer-nerd I became. Sure I would try to play sometimes, but I was never as good as my big brother.
As the years passed however, my brother would play less and less and began focusing more on boring football games, much to my annoyance. The two grew apart, and for sometime the boy would never play any games she enjoyed watching.
Luck for both of us, on Easter of 2008, big bro was given a game called Super Smash Brothers Brawl, the sequel to the previous game we loved. He would play for hours as I watched. It was just like those good old times.
But sadly for me, those years are long gone now. My brother, now 15 and very soon to be 16, is now done with both of these old games and has moved on to Xbox games with sports. We don't really get along anymore, and my brother bullies me over being such an anime nerd.
As for me? I'm 14, and I still like to play these games and look over those years I would watch my brother. I don't really play Brawl anymore; there's nothing left to do in it. The melee game for some reason always gets reset since the memory card is pretty old, and replaying it is such a drag. But lucky for me, I'm just as good as my brother
Whatever, random stuff time.
- I really like pasta
- My favorite color is lavender
- I hate hot weather
- I think Sonic really sucks. Legit.
- I am a huge video game+anime nerd
- I love drawing :D
- I love VOCALOID and My little pony
- I need a life
- I have a dog, two cats, and a hamster that bites me
- My brother is an a-hole to me
- My favorite game is Kid Icarus Uprising. Dark Pit is the best MOFU you will ever know. EVER.
- I used to have a massive crush on Pit when I was little.
- I hate Math
- I think TiersR4Queers
- I've always thought Tiers and Brawl Tournaments were kinda stupid. Really, people from other places in the world gathering together just to play a video game? Kinda weird to me...