Character info
Smash 4 mains Rosalina and Luma, Bowser
Other Smash 4 characters Duck Hunt, Bowser Jr.
Personal and other info
Real name Taylor
Birth date (age 34)
Location Florida USA
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. 4 Average
NNID Coonfoot

Hi. I'm Coonfoot. I'm on a lot of websites. This is now one of them.

Super Smash Bros.: The Next Melee

I've seen a few users here make pages dedicated to their own ideas for the next Super Smash Bros. game. I thought it was a good way of organizing such ideas in one convenient place, so I decided to make my own pages from scratch. These will all be attributed to the fictional fifth installment of the Super Smash Bros. franchise that I have named Super Smash Bros.: The Next Melee.