Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Tournament:University of Iowa Smash Championship Series

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University of Iowa Smash Championship Series
Dates November 15, 2008
Venue University of Iowa
Address/City Iowa USA
Super Smash Bros. Brawl winners USA Varun
Organizer(s) SLAPAHO

The University of Iowa Smash Championship Series, or UISCS was a series of Brawl tournaments in Iowa City, Iowa hosted by SLAPAHO. The tournaments were open to the general public not just students as the name might suggest. The tournament was open to any Smashers wanting to compete in the largest tournament series in the state of Iowa at the time. The qualifier tournaments were held on the 7th and 8th of November and the finals were held on the 15th. The total prize money awarded was $600. This tournament was Smash Back Room certified, as it complied with all the rules and regulations sanctioned by the Smash Back Room at the time of competition.

Tournament formatEdit

The series consisted of three tournaments. The first two tournaments, the "Preliminary Tournaments," were open entry.

Tournament SystemsEdit

Qualifier TournamentsEdit

  • The tournaments began with 3-5 (depending on number of entrants) preliminary rounds
  • These rounds were run under the modified swiss system
    • Rounds were best of 3
    • 2-0 received 4 points
    • 2-1 received 3 points
    • 1-2 received 1 point
    • 0-2 received 0 points
      • If game three became a Caveman Game, each player receives an additional half point
  • After the requisite number of rounds, the tournament broke to an eight person double elimination tournament
  • The finals and semifinals were best of 5 rounds.


  • The Championship began with three rounds of modified Swiss system
    • These were scored just like the preliminary tournaments
  • After these three rounds, the tournament broke to a double elimination bracket
    • All rounds prior to the Semi-Finals were best of 5
    • The Semi-Finals were best of 7
    • The Final round was best of 9
  • If the final round pairs two members of the same crew, they may choose to split the championship title


  • Items are set to "off" and "none".
  • All characters are legal, and players may switch characters whenever they want.
  • For the first game of the round, characters are chosen double blind (if requested) and a neutral stage is randomly selected
  • After the first round, the loser of the previous game may select character second and select the stage, excluding banned stages
    • This does include stages that are not banned, but are also not neutral.
  • Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect
    • Additionally, the player choosing the stage must choose a stage. No selecting random in the hopes of getting around Dave's Stupid Rule.
  • Modified Swiss games are 3-stock, six minutes
  • Double elimination games are 4-stock, eight minutes

Neutral stagesEdit


Originally, the idea was that two qualifiers would be held with a 'Last Chance' tournament to fill the remaining slots. This was modified to the following: the final was a Ro16, with 8 proceeding from both qualifiers.

Of the 8 that make it to the quarter final round, six will advance, with the bottom four playing each other for a qualifying spot. So, the semi final players and the two winners of the losing participants will advance.


1st: Varun   ($200)
2nd: Jamie    ($100)
3rd: Blake   ($175)

Other prizesEdit

Best Play: Foghorn, for his Sheik on Meta Knight counter-pick, as well as his Norfair anti-Snake strategy ($75).
Ax: 2nd place at Qualifier ($25)
Cramer and Waters: Random door prize/scavenger hunt winners. ($25 each)