Smasher:Zoso (Australia)

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Character info
Smash 64 main Pikachu
Rankings and results info
Best tournament result Super Smash Bros. 7th / 29 at Project Melbourne 2
Personal and other info
Real name Ned Thomas
Location Adelaide, South Australia Australia

Zoso is a Smash 64 player from Adelaide, South Australia. Though he has not attended a national tournament since May 2017, he continues to play bar tournaments in his home town and is helping foster a community of their own alongside El_Hefe.

Tournament placingsEdit


Super Smash Bros.Edit

Tournament Date 1v1 placement 2v2 placement Partner
Project Melbourne 2 May 7th-8th, 2016 7th
Battle Arena Melbourne 9 May 7th-8th, 2016 17th