Flame Pillar
Mii Gunner Side B SSBU.gif
Mii Gunner using Flame Pillar in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
User Mii Gunner
Universe Super Smash Bros.

Flame Pillar (フレイムピラー) is one of three side special moves for the Mii Gunner.


When used, the Gunner fires an energy shot that erupts into a pillar of flame that lingers for a few moments. The move shares properties of both Ness and Lucas's versions of PK Fire, alongside Robin's Arcfire: like Ness, the Gunner fires the move slightly downward if standing on the ground, but around 45° downward if in midair. In Smash 4, the move functions like Lucas's PK Fire, knocking back opponents instantly instead of trapping them in the fire. Like Robin, and unlike either Ness or Lucas, the shot can also erupt by hitting the stage.

Similarly to Lucas' PK Fire, hitting an opponent directly with the initial shot counts as two hits: one for the shot, and one for the fire. Connecting with the move this way also makes the sound effect for being hit by a magic effect attack.

In Ultimate, the move now traps opponents in the fire pillar (functioning much more like Robin's Arcfire and Ness's PK Fire), and it no longer autocancels. Its new multi-hit nature also means that the attack deals more damage overall than it used to. However, the move's endlag has also been increased.

Instructional quotesEdit

  case foldout   Launch a blast diagonally that creates a fire pillar.
  Move List   Fires a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact.


Special Move customization was added in Super Smash Bros. 4 and returns in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Mii Fighters. These are the variations:

Smash 4Edit

1. Flame Pillar 2. Stealth Burst 3. Gunner Missile
"Fire a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact." "A stealthy shot that explodes when you release the button." "Fires a guided missile. Alternatively, enter the move like a smash attack for a super missile!"


1. Flame Pillar 2. Stealth Burst 3. Gunner Missile
"Fires a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact." "Fires an exploding shot that is difficult to see. Letting go of the button causes the shot to explode." "Fires a guided missile. Flicking rather than tilting the stick fires a super missile!"


Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name
  Japanese フレイムピラー, Flame Pillar
  English Flame Pillar
  French (PAL) Tir incandescente
  French (NTSC) Boule incandescente
  German Brennball
  Spanish Llamarada
  Italian Colonna di fuoco
  Chinese (Simplified) 燃烧火柱
  Chinese (Traditional) 燃燒火柱
  Korean 플레임 필러, Flame Pillar
  Dutch Vuurbal
  Russian Пламенный столб