Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Event 9: The Monster Beneath the Earth

Single Event 9
The Monster Beneath the Earth
Official description A fearsome beast awaits in the dungeon. Pray you settle things before you see it.
Character(s) used Ike (1 stock)
Opponent(s) 2 Diddy Kongs (1 stock each)
Giant Donkey Kong (1 stock)
Stage(s) Castle Siege
Music Ike's Theme
Availability Starter

The Monster Beneath the Earth (地の底に巣くう怪物, Monster Nesting under the Earth) is the 9th solo event match out of a total of 41 in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The player begins on Castle Siege as Ike facing two Diddy Kongs. If the player does not defeat both Diddy Kongs before the stage moves to the third level of the castle, the player must also face a Giant Donkey Kong, who deals more knockback that usually KOs the player in one hit.

Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese 地の底に巣くう怪物 Monster Nesting Under the Earth
  French Un grondement sous Terre An underground rumble
  German Das Monster der Tiefe The Monster of the Depths
  Spanish Viaje al monstruo de la Tierra Journey to the Monster of the Earth
  Italian Il mostro del sottosuolo The monster of the underground
  Korean 지하 소굴의 괴물 Monster in the Underground Lair