Not all vandals are mindless idiots...
Read a message from one to me:
Although my intentionEdit
Was for you to answer my message, you apparently weren't on this wiki, so I don't care. I am not apologizing because I got a response, but rather because I think I've given you too much of a hard time. See, I use the Internet sometimes sort of like prank-calling people, but it's more fun (in my opinion) because sometimes I get angry responses from people like you. But I think I really overdid it, and I don't think it's necessary for someone to get more than one prank-message from the same person, and maybe I have just altogether been an asshole from the start. And the next paragraph was not intended to go into the little bar that it's in now, just to let you know. I don't know what it's like to get annoyed by prank messages, but I guess you have probably been busy no matter how much you enjoy wikis, and I didn't help that at all. And I guess I probably did piss you off with some of my comments. And I do know what it's like to be continuosly insulted for something you enjoy, like a favorite TV show or movie, etc., and I guess I probably did that a little, too. I don't know whether you like gaming wikis because you like helping people, or writing about video games, or what, but I honestly like all of those. I was just giving you a hard time because of that time you banned me from Paper Mario wiki, and, don't get me wrong, I wasn't mad, I knew you had a good reason for it, I was just messing with you. When you left me that message saying, quote, "...all vandals are stupid idiots who know nothing of intelligence," then I just wanted to piss you off even more. Don't apologize to me for anything you said, although I doubt you would've anyway, because I was being a dick. I have nothing against you or your personal interests, and I honestly understand your reasons for enjoying wikis. Anyway, I'm sorry. And now, the moment you've always been waiting for....
I'm done bothering you. I've done it enough, and I'm done messing around on wikis. Please forgive me for being an asshole, and if you want my help for something, anything, ever, I'll try to help, although why would you come to ME for help, anyway? Anyway, I WILL try to contribute to something since I'm here and I've been an ass, and please know that I am not a friendless loser living in his mom's basement OR a video game hater, I'm just an asshole. And I am also sorry for being a vandal; I am not a vandal by nature, I just did it that once. And I was wrong to do it. Please accept my apology, and that's all.
The Great Paper Mario WikiContributing Demon 04:13, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Is I contributingz to teh wikiz?Edit
So basically, this guy "feels" like he made you mad cuz he "decided" to vandalize your wiki(z), and now he's apologizing?
You better be careful, because maybe tomorrow he'll "decide" that he "feels" like amputating your penis. 03:33, November 3, 2009 (UTC)