KTAR (which stands for Keitaro's Tournament at Rutgers) is a series of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U regional tournaments currently held in Somerset, New Jersey by Keitaro. The series originally only featured Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a game, but brackets for Super Smash Bros. Melee and Project M were added at KTAR 6 and KTAR 7, respectively. KTAR XI was the first to feature Smash Wii U in its line-up, and eventually became its only featured game in subsequent installments.
KTAR 4 and KTAR 6 were both intended to be the last tournament of the series, but more tournaments proceeded to be hosted subsequently anyway.
List of tournaments
- KTAR - December 6th, 2009
- KTAR 2 - March 20th, 2010
- KTAR 3 - September 25th, 2010
- KTAR 4 - January 15th, 2011
- KTAR 5 - May 21st, 2011
- KTAR 6 - August 14th, 2011
- KTAR 7 - July 6th, 2013
- KTAR 8 - December 28th, 2013
- KTAR 9 - March 22nd, 2014
- KTAR X - October 4th, 2014
- KTAR XI - November 22nd, 2014
- KTAR XII - March 21st, 2015
- KTAR XIII - July 11th, 2015
- KTAR XIV - November 7th, 2015
- KTAR XV - December 5th, 2015
- KTAR XVI - January 9th, 2016
- KTAR XVII - February 13th, 2016