Character info
Melee mains Fox, Captain Falcon
Other Melee characters Sheik, Marth, Falco
Team info
Crew(s) Hall of Gaming
Rankings and results info
Most recent ranking Super Smash Bros. Melee 2015 SSBMRank: 69th
Personal and other info
Real name Anthony Detres
Birth date (age 31)
Location Bridgeport, Connecticut United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. Melee Top professional

Slox is an American smasher who started playing competitively in Connecticut around 2009.


Slox is currently ranked 1st on the New England Melee Power Rankings, 9th on the NYC Metropolitan Area Melee Power Rankings, and 69th on the 2015 SSBMRank.

Notable tournament placements


Tournament Date 1v1 placement 2v2 placement Partner
Revival of Melee 6 November 16th-17th, 2013 25th 9th The Moon
Apex 2014 January 17th-19th, 2014 97th
Revival of Melee 7 March 8th-9th, 2014 17th 13th Ryobeat
SKTAR 3 May 31st-June 1st, 2014 13th 17th SwiftBass
GUTS 3 September 19th-21st, 2014 2nd 3rd SwiftBass
Justice 4 October 11th, 2014 9th 3rd SwiftBass
Apex 2015 January 30th-February 1st, 2015 25th 49th $Mike
NeoNebulous 7 March 28th, 2015 13th 13th SwiftBass
Super Nebulous 3 April 25th-26th, 2015 25th 7th SwiftBass
The Big House 5 October 2nd-4th, 2015 49th 25th Tirno

External links