Big D "Big D"
Character info
Brawl mains King Dedede, Ice Climbers
Smash 4 mains King Dedede, Captain Falcon, Peach
Other Smash 4 characters Pit, Palutena, Mario
Project M mains King Dedede, Ice Climbers
Team info
Crew(s) P4K, TEG
Personal and other info
Real name Dawson
Location Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Professional
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Big D is a Canadian Smasher from Vancouver, British Columbia. Big D represents Vancouver and British Columbia by being the highest ranked and most consistent player in tournament results both locally and regionally.

He is currently ranked 1st on both the British Columbia Smash 4 and Brawl Power Rankings. Used to be a member of the Smash Lab and Brawl Backroom before they disbanded. Currently a member of the PMDT.

Notable tournament placings

Project M

Tournament Date 1v1 Placement 2v2 Placement Partner
Pacific Northwest Regional December 21st-22nd, 2014 3rd
Northwest Majors VII April 24th-26th, 2015 2nd

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Tournament Date 1v1 Placement 2v2 Placement Partner
Pacific Northwest Regional December 21st-22nd, 2014 2nd
Northwest Majors VII April 24th-26th, 2015 2nd


Tournament Date 1v1 Placement 2v2 Placement Partner
Alberta Beatdown August 9th - 11th, 2013 1st

External links
