Bureaucrat.png This user is a bureaucrat.
He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which, eventually of course, he did. —Darth Sidious
Character info
Smash 64 main Yoshi
Other Smash 64 characters Kirby, Pikachu, Random
Melee main Yoshi
Other Melee characters Kirby, Pikachu, Random
Brawl main Yoshi
Other Brawl characters Kirby, Pikachu, Olimar, Random
Personal and other info
Birth date (age 36)
Location Peterborough, ON Canada
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Better than all the casuals, worse than all the competitives

General Stuff

Since I've never played Smash Bros. offline with anyone near my skill level, I have no idea how good I really am - though I can take a decent guess that I wouldn't be able to beat anyone with a properly competitive mindset. That said, as a point of comparision, here is a list of other game-related things I've accomplished:

  • I've cleared the 1P Game of SSB64 on Very Hard (albeit needing all 5 stock), a run that included earning No Damage versus Master Hand.
  • I've beaten Events 50 and 51 in SSBM with every character.
  • I've collected all trophies in SSBM (that can be obtained without hacking).
  • I've cleared the Subspace Emissary 100% on Hard without stickers.
  • I've cleared the Subspace Emissary on Intense.
  • I've earned all 120/150 Stars in SM64/SM64DS twice (each).
  • I've earned all the Stars in SMG and SMG2.
  • I have 5 glittering stars in SM3DL and SM3DW.
  • I'm 550-183 in MKDS online without snaking, as well as being a triple star.
  • I've a Vs Rating of over 8000 in MK Wii, with a Battle Rating of over 7500. I'm also a triple star.
  • I'm 3796-2054 in MK7 online (VR over 11000), and also a triple star.
  • I have a Vs Rating somewhere above 4400 in MK8.
  • I have 200% in DKC Tropical Freeze.
  • I can beat Banjo-Kazooie 100% in under 5 and a half hours without dying (without a strategy).
  • I can beat Banjo-Tooie 100% without a Turbo controller.
  • I own The Legend Of Zelda: Collector's Edition and have beaten three of the four full games it contains.
  • I've beaten Metroid Prime and MP2: Echoes on Hard, with 100% on each. (GCN versions)
  • I've beaten the Elite 4 in Pokémon Pearl with a team of around level 47.
  • At one point, I was ranked 3rd on the Guacamelee (PC) leaderboards for Normal mode 100% speed runs (2:33:38) and 1st for Hard mode 100% speed runs (3:21:56).

Global Smash Power

Global Smash Power
Smash Run 2,882,721
Solo Classic 3,015,474 1,209,849
Group Classic
Solo All-Star 2,774,248 934,053
Group All-Star
Target Blast 2,463,191 636,531
Home-Run Contest 2,541,923 818,486
Co-op Home-Run Contest
Solo 10-Man Smash 2,204,801 539,848
Solo 100-Man Smash 2,113,901 361,924
Solo 3-Minute Smash 1,781,901 131,101
Solo Rival Smash 1,706,301 324,201
Solo Endless Smash 1,759,973 293,201
Solo Cruel Smash 785,201 434,201
Group 10-Man Smash
Group 100-Man Smash
Group 3-Minute Smash
Group Endless Smash
Group Cruel Smash
Solo Trophy Rush 2,321,142 588,460
Co-op Trophy Rush
Total 3,105,474 1,226,655
Last updated 10:24, 28 February 2015 (EST) 10:24, 28 February 2015 (EST)

Other Stuff

  • It's pronounced "two-may", not "two-my". Not that it really matters.
  • None of the quotes at the top of this page are just throw-ins. They all have some sort of meaning. (Although sometimes that meaning is just "Toomai has a sense of humour".)
  • People on the IRC tend to call me "toom", or use "0" instead of "o", or do other things to mention me without pinging me. I will never understand why.
  • My "away" name on the IRC, "IAmOot", has nothing to do with Ocarina of Time. It's a combination of a Canadian joke and a lucky reversal.
  • No, you cannot have my offline name, or my face, or my address, or anything of the sort. Only those who are fading and those who are fools ruin their own mystique.

Game list/history

See this subpage.

Friend codes etc.

May be incomplete, may be not. No idea.

3DS 4382-2548-1945
Nintendo Network Toomai
SSBB 4081-5247-2514
Mario Kart Wii 1461-6656-9884
Glimmergarage (Mario Kart 7 community) 45-6512-1181-1168
Steam name Toomai_Glittershine
Steam ID 76561198013182579

My current lag situation appears to be: Good


Dispute Handling 30%    
Smash Skill 70%    
Smash Knowledge 95%    
Spelling/Grammar 95%    
Typing Speed 80%    
Wikipresence 100%  
Wikiskill 90%    
Basic Attributes
Admin Of Admins This user is a bureaucrat.
Big Cheese This user is an admin.
Controller Of Zed This user has rollback.
Firewall This user is immune to Flame attacks.
I R Seeing You This user uses the IRC.
Icy Head This user cannot use Flame attacks.
Mr. Vulcan This user's Logic attacks deal 33% more damage.
Notoriety This user is a significant contributor.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Polygon Team This user can create 3D imagery.
Rasterizer This user can create .png images.
Respectability This user cannot use Troll attacks.
Rock Head This user is immune to Troll attacks.
Vectorizer This user can create .svgs.
Other Attributes
Arena Zebra This user runs the Smash Arena.
By The Numbers This user attempts to define everything in terms of predictability and definite values.
Creative Breeze This user can easily create names, nomenclatures, systems, and symbols.
Data Miner This user has Project Smash Attack, BrawlBox, and OpenSA2.
Iconic This user has produced various sets of icons.
Leek Power This user is part of the Smash Lab.
Overcautious Every time one of this user's talk page posts is in the Review phase,
there is a 66.7% chance it will be overthought and discarded.
Shut Up Maggots This user knows it's not your fault but still loathes you
when you edit something a minute before he does.
Strength Of Opinion This user's opinion is often nonexistant and/or immutable.
Tabulated Gridiron This user makes useful and cool tables.
  LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora!  
  This user is the big cheese.
  This user is tall and skinny.
  This user avoids doctors.
  This user couldn't care less about "fashion" or what's "in".
  This user is astronomical.
  This user is persistent, albeit slow.
  This user can't stand entitled brats.
  This user is sensitive to smells.
  This user has no hygiene and doesn't care in the least.
  This user does not like ties.
  This user believes that Banjo and Kazooie deserve to be Smashers.
  This user prefers a predictable sequel over one that makes changes just for the sake of making changes.
  This user drinks a lot of milk.
  This user has a big head.
  This user has two distinct personalities.
  This user has a nonzero amount of ninja.
  This user has both too much and too little power.
  This user works best alone.
  This user is a klutz.
  This user doesn't give a crap about whether a game is "kiddy" or "family-friendly".
  This user is faceless.
  This user drops the hammer.
  Only this user has the brains to rule here.
  This user thinks a cloned Final Smash is the worst possible insult to a character.
  This user has never played a game he thinks he couldn't improve.
  This user is ambivalent towards ketchup.
  This user has an extremely powerful musical mind.
  This user could have de-cloned the entire roster.
  This user is the original, not the duplicate.
  This user is super effective.
  This user dislikes water.
  This user hates the outdoors.
  This user chooses preference over performance.
  This user dislikes traditional fighting games.
  This user hides in the shadows.
  This user is male.
  This user is a nonconformist.
  This user is a wimp.
  This user is vulnerable to low temperatures.
  This user prefers to remain at a distance.
  This user respects the timey-wimey.
  This user has annoying sweetspots.
  This user has no sympathy.
  This user has a large vocabulary.
  This user is probably of the last generation that can appreciate the offline world.
  This user has an arsenal.
  This user tells it like it is.
  This user is a good guy.
  This user has a scientific mind.
  This user plays, investigates, and makes games.
  This user has reflexes.
  This user has large pockets.
  This user really shouldn't be alive based on what he eats.
  This user isn't sure where he stands on games with too many options.
  This user enjoys your failure.
  This user will taunt you.
  This user once had a huge cardboard box.
  This user likes shenanigans.
  This user dislikes paranormals.

Competency Charts

I don't do this like most other users around here (though many have since stolen the format). Basically, this is how well I feel I play with each character in combination with how much fun I have playing as the character. Characters are also not sorted within blocks.

Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. 4

A Smashing Saga

  • Check out A Smashing Saga. Basically, it's a fanfiction of the entire story of the Smashers, starting way back in 1999 and following all the way up to the present.
Random Bio
  Kirby is often (accurately) described as a bottomless pit. While his appetite is surely deserving of the title, he's also an endless source of happiness and optimism - not to mention humourous butcherings of the English language.  

Chapter Timeline
1 Invitations are distributed across various universes. Formation April 1999
2 Introductions are exchanged between the newly-acquainted Smashers.
3 Catch the fish, don’t get caught by the enemies. Accustomization
4 Targets are smashed and snatched without mercy.
5 Dogfights are more interesting when you have eleven competent enemies to shoot down.
6 Purple, the colour of mysteries and shadow.
7 Duodecamicitia: an alliance of twelve - with a single goal.
8 Communication can be difficult without the right technology.
9 Branching out horizons to new lengths.
10 Landings can be rough - but they are always appreciated.
11 Buffets are a good source of fun.
12 Cavernous areas instill various emotions, such as fear.
13 Dozens of enemies against a dozen heroes - with a dozen questions.
14 Frontier formation can define a nation.