The aim of a match in the Super Smash Bros. series is to attack the opponent so that they are knocked back beyond the "blast lines", resulting in a KO. The types of attack which can be performed are:
- Neutral attacks (officially known as standard attacks), attacks performed by pressing the button(s) assigned to the attack function (the A button in most control schemes) while one's character is standing still and the control stick or d-pad is in a neutral position.
- Smash attacks, chargeable (cannot be charged in Super Smash Bros.) attacks performed by holding the attack button, then "tapping" the control stick/D-pad as the button is released. In Brawl, the control stick can be pushed in order to execute an immediate smash attack in any of the four regular directions.
- Aerial attacks (officially air attacks or midair attacks) any attack performed in midair (using the A button) that is not a special move.
- Tilt attacks (officially known as strong attacks), ground attacks performed by lightly pushing and holding, or "tilting", the control stick or D-pad in a direction and pressing the attack button. Attacking while the character is walking also results in a tilt attack.
- Dash attacks, any non-special attack performed while the character is running.
- Special moves, whereof some are special attacks, which are attacks activated by pressing the special move button (the B button in most control schemes) along with a direction. Note that not all special moves are attacks.