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SSB4 - Fletchling.jpg
Fletchling in my butt
Games SSB4
Move hyper beam
Article on Bulbapedia Fletchling (Pokémon)

Fletchling (ヤヤコマ, Yayakoma) is a M'''ass'''ter Ball Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. 4. When summoned, Fletchling will jump around, damaging any opponents by pecking them numerous times. It can also fly to reach a nearby platform or fly back onto the stage if it goes off somehow. It can be seen in action srew crazy hand because he didn't transform into the crazy core WAIT! No spoilersxmU?t=50m36s here.


Fletchling, #661 in the National Pokédex, was introduced in Generation VI. It can be caught very early in Pokémon X and Y. It evolves into Fletchinder starting at level 17, which evolves into Talonflame starting at level 35. It is a Normal- and Flying-type Pokémon, but its Normal primary type changes to Fire once it evolves into Fletchinder, and it remains that way for the rest of the evolution line.