
User.png This user is just your regular user.
Conny (コニー)
Airconny Snake Fox Dolphin Custom Texture User.png
Character info
Melee main Marth
Other Melee character Ganondorf
Brawl main Snake
Other Brawl character Marth
Personal and other info
Location United States United States

Your ordinary hacker.

Why am I here?

To help out with images in Brawl, Melee, or SSB64, since I have all the games in both ISO and retail form, though the last one is actually is only in ROM form, so bleh. I will be more than obliged to handle any image requests, so don't be afraid to ask. I don't bite...

I will also be more than honored to be asked to Brawl, so if ya want to, I'll gladly accept (if nothing spontaneous occurs in the time being).

Yeah, I have nothing else to say. I live in the other corner of the world, and there's not much to talk about.


The Ultraverse

We'll delve into what it is, once we get into the back story.


  You don't mess with the Starban.
  This user is known for being a high class con artist.
  This user is a spy, working for two sides while trying to keep is unknown to others.
  This user is half-heart, half-man, but is still as a whole cool.

Top 5 Video Game OSTs

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask (N64)
  2. Turtles In Time (Arcade)/Hyperstone Heist (Genesis)/The Manhatten Project (NES)
  3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
  4. Classicvania (NES)/Simon's Quest (NES)/Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
  5. Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (GBA)/Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen (GBA)/Pokemon Black & White (DS)



Future article images

When you get the time...

This guy has no tech skill because he is Nintendo.





High quality emulator images