MLG Dallas 2010
Date November 5 to November 7, 2010
Venue Hilton Anatole
Address 2201 Stemmons Freeway
City Dallas, Texas USA
Attendance 182
Entry Fees Singles and Venue fee (combined): $35
Doubles: $10
Pot Size(s) Singles: $35,000
Doubles: $960
Winner (1v1) Gnes
Winners (2v2) Ally & Lee Martin
Director(s) MLG
Assisted by
Housing Hilton Anatole Hotel

MLG Dallas 2010 was the last Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament hosted by the MLG in 2010 and the last Super Smash Bros. tournament MLG hosted. The tournament received praise for its giveaways and professional set ups. M2K and ADHD were banned from this tournament as punishment for bracket manipulation in MLG DC 2010.


Friday, November 5th

Time Event
10:30AM-1:30PM Early check-in
1:30PM-5:00PM Check-in/Warm-up
5:00PM-5:30PM Welcome
5:30PM-9:30PM 1v1 winners round 1
7:40PM-8:00PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 1
8:00PM-8:20PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 2
8:20PM-8:40PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 3
8:40PM-9:00PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 4
9:00PM-9:20PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 5
9:20PM-9:40PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 6
9:40PM-10:00PM All-Star Classic Screw Battle 7
9:30PM-11:30PM 1v1 winners round 2
11:30PM-12:30AM 1v1 winners round 3

Saturday, November 6th

Time Event
8:00AM-10:00AM Warm-up
10:00AM-12:00PM 1v1 losers round 1
12:00PM-2:00PM 1v1 losers rounds 2
2:00PM-3:00PM 1v1 losers round 3
3:00PM-4:00PM 1v1 losers round 4
4:00PM-4:30PM 1v1 winners round 4
4:30PM-5:00PM 1v1 losers round 5
5:00PM-5:30PM 1v1 losers round 6
5:30PM-6:00PM 1v1 winners round 5/losers round 7
6:00PM-6:30PM 1v1 losers round 8
6:30PM-7:00PM 1v1 winners round 6/losers round 9
7:00PM-7:30PM 1v1 losers round 10
7:30PM-12:00AM 2v2 Event

Sunday, November 7th

Time Event
8:00AM-10:00AM Warm-up
10:00AM-10:45AM 1v1 Championship Winners Round 1
10:45AM-11:30AM 1v1 Championship Winners Round 2/Losers Round 1
11:30AM-12:15PM 1v1 Losers Round 2
12:15PM-1:00PM 1v1 Championship winners Round 3/Losers Round 3
1:00PM-1:45PM 1v1 Championship Losers Round 4
1:45PM-2:30PM 1v1 Championship Winners Finals/Losers Round 5
2:30PM-3:45PM 1v1 Championship Losers Finals
3:45PM-5:00PM 1v1 Championship Finals


Players who break the rules will receive a warning or foul, depending on the rule. Any warning beyond the first will result in a forfeit of the game or match.

Gameplay rules

  • 3 stocks
  • 8 minute time limit
  • Items are set to "Off" and "None"
  • Team attack is set to "On"
  • Marth and Squirtle are forbidden from using grab release infinites against Ness.
  • King Dedede is forbidden from using a standing grab infinite against Bowser, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus, and Mario.
  • Meta Knight's Infinite Dimensional Cape is banned.
  • No pausing is allowed without the referee's permision.
  • No action that disrupts standard gameplay may be used.
  • Any infinite move must end before the effected character reaches 300%.
  • Cheating is forbidden.
  • In 1v1 or 2v2 events, the higher seeded player/team must choose their controller port first.
  • Players may request a blind pick of character for the first game of a match.
  • Players must follow the official striking procedure.
  • Ties are settled with percents and the edge grab limit of 35 (15 in a tie breaker).
  • Games started without the approval of a referee will be restarted.
  • Share stock is allowed.

Stage list

Starter Counterpick
Smashville Brinstar
Battlefield Green Greens
Final Destination Norfair
Lylat Cruise Pictochat
Yoshi's Island Frigate Orpheon
Delfino Plaza Rainbow Cruise
Battleship Halberd Pokémon Stadium 2
Pokémon Stadium 1
Castle Siege

Rules of conduct

  • Controllers with modifications or turbo capabilities are banned. Players who break the rule once will receive a warning.
  • Players may not attach a headset to the Wii or TV.
  • Players may not intentionally manipulate a teammate's controller while a game is in progress. Doing so will result in a forfeit.
  • Players may not appear on the main stage or feature station with sponsor insignia not approved by the MLG or its sponsors.
  • In case of a Wii/TV malfunctions, the game will be restarted from the beginning.
  • No warm-up games may be played outside of scheduled warm-up periods.
  • During warm-up periods, all games must be played with three stocks or less. At the end of a game, All players must get up and allow any players who are waiting to take their seat.
  • Players who have not been eliminated from the event on Saturday and Sunday have priority over those eliminated.
  • Players late to their station within 5 minutes of their match's announcement will forfeit their first game. 10 minutes late will result in a forfeit of the best of 3 game match or the second game of the best of 5/7/11 match. 15 minutes late wil result in a forfeit of the best of 5/7/11 match. If both teams forfeit the match, the higher seeded player/team will win the match.
  • Players/teams may forfeit a game/match if a player leaves their station without their referee's permission, or is otherwise unable to play. referees may set a time limit for players who requested to leave for s short time, but may also deny permission to leave.
  • Players who wish to dispute game results must notify their referee that they would like to protest the game.



Championship Brackets

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(x) denotes the placement of the Smasher before advancement to Championship Brackets

1st (9) Gnes -Diddy Kong - $12,500
2nd (3) Tyrant - Meta Knight - $7,500
3rd (2) ESAM - Pikachu - $5,000
4th (1) Ally - Snake - $3,500
5th (11) Espy - Sonic - $2,500
6th (12) X - Sonic - $1,750
7th (4) Lee Martin - Meta Knight/Lucario - $1,250
8th (7) Atomsk - King Dedede/Ice Climbers/Meta Knight $1,000
9th (14) mikeHAZE - Marth
10th (15) Dojo - Meta Knight
11th (13) DEHF - Falco
12th (16) MJG - Toon Link
13th (6) Rich Brown - Olimar
14th (5) Nick Riddle - Zero Suit Samus
15th (8) Fatal - Snake
16th (10) Logic - Olimar

Normal Brackets

9: UTDZac
9: CO18
9: MVD
9: Shaky
13: Krystedez
13: Seibrik
13: D4BA
13: Trela
17: Elemental
17: Biglou
17: Poltergust
17: GermmyyyJermz
17: error-13
17: Domo
17: SadaharuInui
17: Tearbear
25: Bizkit
25: furiousduffmanx
25: TehFuture
25: Dphat
25: SlovenlyTunic
25: Havok
25: ch33s3
25: bassem6
33: oniLoKo
33: Xyro77
33: h0lmsmonster
33: Nikers.
33: Lain
33: JNig
33: FK1
33: bwett1
33: Melee1
33: Clel
33: .BigBoss.
33: Fino
33: El_Steeler
33: UltimateRazer
33: Hylian88
33: DAO
49: Jumpman
49: Omegablm
49: shadow1pj
49: Sloshi
49: Denti
49: B_Nut
49: ArturitoBurrito
49: Fliphop05
49: MetalMusicMan
49: Zeton
49: Smoom
49: Tetsuyalol
49: Fogey_Foges
49: dakpo
49: flyro
49: Sethlon
65: itsBigfoot
65: L33T.
65: TriforceOfChozo
65: heytallman
65: Affinity2412
65: MrDoom8000
65: K Prime
65: Zax255
65: Sync713
65: Fadetoinferno
65: jiovanni007
65: deathbysuarez
65: mrt1293
65: unabletable
65: r0ni
65: _choice_
65: Infinitysmash
65: Tequila
65: Eber415
65: ItsZekeyy
65: Tmacc_22
65: itzsince
65: Razmakazi
65: Illmatic
65: The_Real_Inferno
65: TwilightPrince
65: SantiQ6
65: Neon_
65: asc853
65: Rockettrainer
65: Glen
65: hurd86
97: RedShadow
97: Rhyan
97: jiveturkey33
97: Aberu
97: ADarkDreamer
97: Tyson33
97: Leaf.
97: Lelu
97: Pavis
97: The-Scrub
97: Paw_
97: Devalinked
97: Raziek
97: Senior-P4
97: Radium8886
97: King
97: YoshQ
97: BadKarma202
97: Redraven4
97: noshow_soul
97: Psychoace
97: .iGGY
97: nitropro5
97: AeroLinkSM
97: 4GOD
97: Federal_Her0
97: Oats_SD
97: Unkn0wn71
97: SiNaCiDe_
97: Clippen
97: Snakeeee
129: elxrage
129: Deadpool517
129: xNecrox
129: thetantalus
129: cplink2001
129: __PaNiC__
129: RanIji
129: ChamWow
129: PeachGuard
129: Grayfox_sama
129: AndrewT.
129: KoNfucius
129: Nohbdy212
129: Phil3187
129: DaDoomsDay23
129: Wingless_
129: Problem2
129: bigtmonee
129: The_Truth_
129: Sphere.
129: eskimojared
129: TKD
129: Mr.Luigi
129: Kid_EZ
129: yorkdc
129: frameperfect
129: Breakkdownn
129: Surfing_Ollie
129: Ripple_1
129: Jujment
129: Virtue00
129: Jib_Landing
129: Sparkywrecks
129: TIS-Raikou
129: THE_Burger_King
129: BooM_90
129: Laurel
129: RAGEx
129: TheCurlz
129: reptarbars
129: GameKrib_HEAVY
129: killteca305
129: Hutch
129: ravemaster47
129: chukie
129: Kyndrix
129: nvh2pc
129: Pr0xyy
129: dark55
129: ShadowX64
129: RastaRob
129: Haviklink
129: -NoID-


1: Ally & Lee Martin - $528
2: Nick Riddle & shak3y - $288
3: DEHF & Gnes - $96
4: Esam & MVD731 - $48
5: Germ & flyro
5: sadaharuiInui & bassem6
7: mjg7tlink & Domo_123
7: Atomsk & Rich Brown
9: yoshq & fino.
9: furiousduffman & arturritoburrito
9: Tearbear & Fatal-Matt
9: tyrant & seibrik
13: ultimaterazor & fliphop05
13: SantiQ6 & Dojo-
13: Lounis & CO18
13: Havok & mikeHAZE
17: pokemon-trela & utdzac
17: dphat & d4bag
17: error13 & tetsuyalol
17: clel & zeton
17: mrdoom8000 & holmsmonster
17: asc853 & tehfuture
17: nuh2pc & logic
17: hylian88 & poltergust
25: jumpman_ & melee1
25: jnig & lelu
25: heytallman & senor_p4
25: fogey-foges & bwett1
25: k_prime & puffball64
25: Ripple-1 & Neon-
25: affinity2412 & infinitysmash
25: denti & fk1
33: adarkdreamer & mrt1293
33: federal-her0 & problem2
33: itszekey & Oats-SD
33: radium8886 & shadowj
33: panic- & tis-Raikou
33: Dakpo & badkarma202
33: metalmusicman & twilightprince
33: raziek & nikers
33: aero.linksm & devalinked
33: tmacc-22 & therealinferno
33: Thecurl3 & Jiovani007
33: Omegablm & Tequila
33: itsbigfoot & razmakazi
33: grayfox_sama & surfing_ollie
33: sync713 & leaf
33: Paw- & Oniloko