
Revision as of 17:42, March 28, 2011 by Omega Tyrant (talk | contribs)
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Everyone's thinking about what the next Smash game will be like. I'll bring up a new question: Who should join the fight as playable characters? In my opinion:

  1. Lyn (from Fire Emblem)
  2. Victini (from Pokemon)
  3. Bowser Jr. (from Mario)

There could be more fighters, but I can't think of any more. BrawlingbrianFalcoHead.png LANDMASTER! 10:07, 24 December 2010 (EST)

- Anthony Higgs (from Metroid Other M)

- Grey Fox (from Meta Gear Solid)

- Another Sonic character (I don´t really care who is it)

And I think that Mewtwo should return. Zero (talk) 11:11, 24 December 2010 (EST)

I just realized. They should also add Prince Fluff (from Kirby's Epic Yarn). BrawlingbrianFalcoHead.png LANDMASTER! 08:34, 27 December 2010 (EST)

  1. Krystal,Leon,and Panther(Star Fox)
  2. Roy and Mewtwo should return with new movesets
  3. Black Shadow(F-Zero)he should be similar to how ganondorf is now and ganondorf should get a moveset that involves his sword from Twilight Princess
  4. Camus(Fire emblem Shadow Dragon)General Zelgius AKA The Black Knight,Micaiah(Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn)
  5. King K.Rool(Donkey Kong Country)
  6. Meowth(Pokemon)Pokemon Trainer should be removed and replaced by three new individual character Pokemon,Bulbasaur,Quilava,and Swampert,the first eveolution of the first of the trio in the original the second evolution of the second of the trio in the second beginer pokemon trio and the third evolution of the third in the trio of the third beginer pokemon trio
  7. Teddy(Mother)Paula,Jeff,Poo(Earthbound)Kumatora,Duster,Masked Man(Mother 3)
  8. Ice Climbers should be two individual characters,a single charcter(i dont care which one,Popo or Nana it makes no difference to me)or should just be removed period
  9. Id like to see Sheik,Toon Link(Sheik was never important enough to even be in a smash game and one Link is enough)Snake,and Sonic go(no more 3rd party characters)i also wouldnt mind if Mr.Game & Watch,R.O.B,Olimar,and Jigglypuff went,theyre all pretty boring characters and their spot could be filled by much more interesting and likable characters
  10. If there are going to be 3rd party characters then id like to see Sonic return but Snake go(he fits in with smash brothers and nintendo about as much as master chief does)and along with Sonic id like to see Geno from Mario RPG representing Square and Mega Man(the original) representing Capcom,theyre both not only more fitting for a smash game but much more deserving than SnakeGig (talk) 13:42, 27 December 2010 (EST)

One character I'd like to see in any new SSB game would be either Isaac or Matthew from the Golden Sun Series. Fuddlebob (talk) 05:08, 11 January 2011 (EST)

I think Gallade,Knuckles, and Poo all Pwn and deserve to be added! MagicGallade (talk)

i know i already suggested this in the Smash Bros. DS forum, but`how about a Pokemon Trainer with the Gen 5 Pokemon Oshawott, Janovy and Emboar? Or even better, those pokemon being independent?Rising Dragon (talk) 00:37, 20 February 2011 (EST)

Better idea: How about a Trainer with three Pokemon from different gens? Totodile, Grotle, and Blaziken/Emboar would be awesome. Really, I'd like to see all five gens represented as playable characters in the next smash game, which is made possible through the trainer. --Spenstar (talk) 16:49, 28 March 2011 (EDT)

Forum is old, but the Pokemon Trainer gimmick should just be gotten rid of all together. It's essentially useless, it has several drawbacks other characters don't have, as it forces one to main three different characters, can either force a switch or severely weaken your character in the most inopportune times, and all three pokemon of the Pokemon Trainer would be better as stand alone characters. I don't see why people would want the Pokemon Trainer to return, let alone adding another Pokemon Trainer. Imo, it's just a pointless gimmick at an attempt to create an unnecessary "unique" character. Separate the Pokemon and eliminate the trainer, that is what should be done. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 16:54, 28 March 2011 (EDT)
I didn't say to add a second trainer, my suggestion was to replace the old one with a trainer that covers a wider range of generations. Even so, I do see your point, but it is possible to keep the trainer while making things generally batter for the Pokemon. Remove the stamina mechanic, and allow people playing as the Pokemon Trainer to not switch Pokemon when respawning by holding A or something. Then the Pokemon Trainer will become more like Zelda/Sheik, in that you can play as all the Pokemon, or you can only use one, and no mechanic will force you to do either. Besides, alone the Pokemon would be pretty bland characters. --Spenstar (talk) 17:18, 28 March 2011 (EDT)
I didn't necessarily implied you suggested adding a second trainer, though some comments I seen seemed to implied adding a second trainer. As for removing the stamina and force switching, then yes that would remove the detriments that makes the Pokemon Trainer such a poor gimmick. But then the only thing it adds to the characters is the ability to change the character midmatch, which is an ability that sounds more useful than it actually is. Only one of the pokemon could give you your best matchup in a given match, so what good does it do to switch from this pokemon to another, especially when the switch can not be done anytime without risk? By having them as a stand alone though, you could give them a proper down special, which would be very likely to help the character more than the ability to switch with another character.
As for the point that the Pokemon wouldn't be appealing stand alone characters, while true to a degree, that brings up another question. Why spend three character slots on these less desirable characters when you could instead use these slots on more important/popular characters that would have no problems standing as stand alone characters, such as Mewtwo? I'm certain more people would of wanted Mewtwo instead of any of the current Pokemon Trainer's pokemon, or even the entire Pokemon Trainer set, not to mention how much more significant Mewtwo is than the characters of the Pokemon Trainer. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 17:42, 28 March 2011 (EDT)