"You'll never know how much something means to you until it's gone"

Character info
Brawl mains Snake, Captain Falcon
Other Brawl characters Lucas, Fox
Personal and other info
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Fight me and find out!!

Yo! Welcome to my user page. I have played all Smash Bros. games at least once when I was younger, but my first real game I owned was Brawl, which iis my favorite Wii game (although theres not much comepetiton...), and I have borrowed my friend's Melee for a week. I hope to get the original Smash Bros. when it comes out for Virtual Console. Feel free to challenge me to a wifi brawl, I'm usually free on weekdays. Though if you are, plz have a decent conection... Anyway, since I'm a new person to the wiki, a few things first...

Oh, and please don't ask about where my username's from. Let's just say it brings the saying on the top of my page to a whole new level of meaning...

Stop Crying!

"Just because I'm not the best, doesn't mean I don't know how to be the best"

Why is everyone so crazy over this 'tier' list? Plz don't ask me what I think about them. To be honest, every fighter can beat a "top tier" character if the player has enough expericnce with any other character . Also, it is too heavily based on tournys ( hello? just get a bunch of people to lose on purpose with MK in some tournaments and the next thing you know, hes bottom tier character). Now, I'm not saying MK is a bad character, but you get the point. >_>Also, why is Falcon such a low tier character in Brawl? I'm not saying he's the next MK or Fox, but WORST CHARACTER?! These people don't know what they're saying...

History as a gamer

"Live in the past. It's usually better"

My first system was the SNES, which i had when I was very young. I got more into it as I got older, my favorite games for the system are Donkey Kong Country and Street Fight II. I also have DKC2 for V.C., and I loved it...felt like old times again. And yes, I wasn't introduced to Mario around that time (what is an SNES mouse for? apparently you need it to play Maario Paint...), so I never really got interested in his games.Oh, and DK needs a new major new game like DK64... his games aren't doing so hot nowadays.>:(

My next system was the PS2. Let me tell you, one of the best systems ever. Has anyone noticed that wii games have similar graphics to this system? O_o Its games rock, my favorite games being Burnout 3, Jak 3, and Ace Combat 04. And yes, not all my systems are from Nintendo, yet I have other Nintendo systems!(I can see the fanboys yelling at me now...). Also, they're STILL making games for this system too! A new Jak game (and some other game) is under development now...too bad about PS3 though.

My current system is the Wii. Now, while I am planning on getting a 360 for Christmas, the wii still has it's notable games, such as Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart Wii (which have PS2 graphics...),and, the best wii game ever, Diego Dinosaur Rescue!:P Oh, and Sony and Microsoft are making motion-sensing add-ons for their systems...The Eyetoy(Sony) and Project Natal(M.S.). Look up Project Natal...you won't believe it...

Smash Bros.

"Obey all the rules, and you miss all the fun."

My Skill With Super Smash Bros. Brawl Characterz
Best With Good With Decent With Not-so-Good with

1. The Explosive Master
3. Luke
4. F.A.W.X.
5. Roy's Replacement
6. D.K.

7. Koybee
8. Failco
9. Met a knight yet?
10. Paper Cutout
11. WAH!WAH!WAH!!!
12. Fire-proof gloves
13. Mars?
14. The third clone?

15. Zamus
16. Lucariowned?!
17. sNes
18. Ganon
19. Mr. Alarm Clock
20. The football maker
21. (Zelda)
22. Pink Ball Of Love
23. Blondey
25. D.K.
26. Mr. Pick & Flick

27. Mr. Command & Conquer
28. Sammy
29. R.A.W.B.
30. (Sheik)
31. The spam is on??
32. Bedtime Stories!
34. Two little kids climbing a mountain?!
35. Apple
36. Pawnching Bag

Please note, this is based on how good I am with the characters with my own experience. Some I barely play as at all, and feel free to tell me any suggestions about this on my talk page. Oh, and aren't my nicknames the gr8est?


"-What?! Who called you?!Oh your boy, uh... Captain Ximon Kupertikjakmos?What?! That call couldn't of happened! Captain Xinom Kupertikjakmos is on leave for this month!"

  This user misses Mewtwo, and doesn't care what the tier list says about it...
  This user has t3h ph1re!
  This user thinks this stage should of returned in Brawl.
  Beware of the spinning barrel of death, found in the DK games and this stage as well...
File:Icon-luigi.gif This user thinks Luigi is awsome.
File:Icon-mario.gif This user is part Italian, and knows adding 'a' to the end of an English word doesn't make it Italian.
File:Icon-captainfalcon.gif This user is manly.
File:Icon-falco.gif This user wishes he could fly.
File:Icon-lucario.gif Personally, this user prefers Mewtwo...and yeah shoots blue fiya outta his handz!
File:Icon-pit.gif This user can be nostalgic.
  This user is smart.
File:Icon-donkeykong.gif This user has the original DKC, and still plays it.
File:Icon-diddykong.gif This user loves to joke around.
  This user thinks Young Link's milk is more epic then Toon Link's Wind Waker.
File:Icon-olimar.gif This user beleives in teamwork.
  This user is lazy.
  7|-|15 U53R </-\ |\| 5P34|< L337.
  This user is a thinker, and has a big imangination.
UB This user makes user boxes when he's bored.
File:Icon-link.gif This user has very dark blonde hair
File:Icon-toonlink.gif This user can be forgetful and makes mistakes, and don't act like you never had, either.
File:Icon-iceclimbers.gif This user wonders why these two are climbing a mountain all by themselves...
File:Icon-lucario.gif This user thinks Pokemon is starting to get old.
File:Icon-sonic.gif This user thinks Sonic could be doing so much better.
  This user NEVER gives up in a fight, and fights till the end.
File:Icon-charizard.gif This user thinks Charizard is teh b3st Pokemon ever.
File:Icon-jigglypuff.gif This user loves to sleep, and doesn't take things so seriously all the time Theres always a second way around problems...
File:Icon-kirby.gif This user likes to make faces.>:D!!!
File:Icon-ganondorf.gif This user fights like a man, without any swords.