Event 2: Landmaster Ignition

Single Event 2
Landmaster Ignition
Official description Slippy! Send me a Landmaster! Show them Star Fox's Final Smash!
Character(s) used Fox (1 life)
Allies None
Opponent(s) Meta Knight (infinite lives)
Sheik (infinite lives)
Stage(s) Corneria
Music {{{music}}}
Availability Starter

Landmaster Ignition is an Event Match in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In it, Fox must get at least one KO on Meta Knight and Sheik (who have infinite stock) on Corneria using only the Landmaster within a minute on one stock. Fox is constantly ready to use his Final Smash, which basically makes this event the easiest. However, Sheik and Meta Knight are given a huge buff, giving their attacks more knockback, and making KOs impossible without the Landmaster.


  • The song used for this event match is Area 6, which normally doesn't play on Corneria. (It usually plays on Lylat Cruise.)