This article is about Toon Link's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Toon Link.
Toon Link
Toon Link
Universe The Legend of Zelda
Appears in SSBB
Availability Unlockable

Toon Link (トゥーンリンク, Tūn Rinku) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. His moveset appears similar to that of Young Link (SSBM). His appearance is based off of his look in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass, among other games.

Role in Subspace Emissary & Cons

Toon Link's role begins with him walking through a forest with his fairy companion (possibly Navi). Upon reaching the Master Sword's resting place, Toon Link pulls the sword from its pedestal, wielding it once more. In a clearing of the forest is a napping Yoshi, who Toon Link and his fairy companion at first pay no mind to. However, the Halberd soon flies over the clearing, dropping Shadowbugs which soon form into Primid. At this point, Toon Link and Yoshi form a team and battle through the enemies while in pursuit of the Halberd, only to lose their aforementioned target as it flies far off into the distance, though they quickly continue their pursuit.

Toon Link's next appearance plays out depending on which princess is saved earlier on in the story. If Peach was saved, Toon Link and Yoshi do battle with a Shadowbug clone of Peach (who had recently been turned into a trophy by Bowser) after it attempted to turn an unsspecting Mario and Pit into trophies until Toon Link prevented the attack by slicing the Trophy Gun in half. Upon defeating the clone of Peach, Toon Link is attacked by Mario, who witnessed the defeat of Peach's copy as it reverts into Shadowbugs and drifts away, apparently mistaking it for the real Peach. Then Toon Link and Yoshi fight him and Pit. If Zelda is saved earlier on, then it is she who is cloned, and Mario and Pit fight the clone of her, and must then fend off an attack by Toon Link and Yoshi. After the defeat (and subsequent trophification) of Mario and Pit/Toon Link and Yoshi, King Dedede arrives in a cargo, and snatches the trophies of the fallen duo with an arm attached to it. Fortunately, Kirby (who had accompanied Peach/Zelda earlier) appears and frees the two trophies, and revives them as well. Upon revival, Pit/Toon Link fires an arrow at the incoming cargo, slowing it down a little. The five characters then form an alliance and pursue Dedede.

During their pursuit, they find Dedede's cargo (now empty) parked outside of a cave, and decide to enter it. After getting out of the cave, they find Dedede's trashed hideout, and, upon finding a hole in the wall, they decide to enter it. After they get out of the hole, they find Bowser, who Mario tries to attack until Bowser raises Peach/Zelda's trophy as a shield, forcing him to miss. Pit then fires an arrow at Bowser, whom he barely dodges, before escaping in his Koopa Clown Car.

They then pursue the Ancient Minister in a desert, trying to stop him from detonating another Subspace Bomb. Mario and Toon Link begin to approach the Minister while dodging the lasers he fires at them. Despite their best efforts, the Subspace Bomb still explodes while the heroes barely escape the blast.

Toon Link later appears after the team makes its way to the desert, where they aid another group (consisting of Marth, Ike, the Ice Climbers, Lucas, and the Pokémon Trainer) in fighting off the Subspace Army. If Toon Link and Zelda's tropy forms are retrieved after the initial attack by Tabuu, they will both be shown agreeing to revive Ganondorf (who was turned into a trophy earlier on when he tried to attack Tabuu on his own), at which point they show him where their common target is. Toon Link helps the other heroes throughout the rest of the story.


  • Has multiple, verstile projectiles
  • Has quick attacks, many of which can string together
  • Smashes are quick with high knockback
  • Fast running speed
  • Tether Recovery available
  • Ranged grab
  • Very good back air.
  • Down air is a Stall-Then-Fall aerial, allowing it to negate vertical knockback, being useful as a recovery move.
  • Can Wall jump
  • Shield may block attacks on its own and reflect projectiles
  • Dair is a powerful spike and has high knockback
  • Up B can be charged and has good vertical recovery
  • Small target
  • Can perform a type of Fence of Pain with aerials
  • RAR can be used to combo with Bair
  • Is able to Quickdraw his arrows
  • Boomerang has a good wavebounce


  • Light
  • Tether Recovery is very short and situational
  • Grab is slow and laggy
  • Limited Horizontal movement in his Up-b
  • Can't control fall of down arial

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Dash A - Horizontal slash, similar to Link's dash A.
  • Neutral A - Slashes twice then thrusts his sword forward.
  • Forward Tilt - Slash from behind Toon Link to in front of him. Begining of the attack hits behind him. Slowest of his tilts.
  • Down Tilt - Swipes his sword along the ground.
  • Up Tilt - Quick overhead swipe. Covers a fairly large arc.
  • Forward Smash - Standard Link-type weak slash forward, with option to tack on a much stronger forward smash by hitting A or forward on the C-stick within a window afterwards.
  • Up Smash - Single overhead strike. Slower, longer ranged, and more powerful than his uptilt.
  • Down Smash - Sweeps his sword in front of and then behind him along the ground. First hit knocks in to second hit.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Aerial - Double swipe of the sword, similar to Link's Foward Air or Marth's Neutral Air.
  • Forward Aerial - Slow forward slash, high knockback
  • Back Aerial - Quick backward arc, raising from his feet to about his head. High damage, but low knockback, enabling multiple-hits strung together consecutively.
  • Up Aerial - Sticks his sword above him, as per usual Link Up Air. Long duration, decent knockback.
  • Down Aerial - Sticks his sword straight down, as per usual Link Down Air. However, this has a twist. When the attack begins, it stalls momentarily in midair, then launches Toon Link downwards very quickly. This property means the move can be used while being knocked upwards to stop vertical knockback. The beginning of the downwards descent can spike the opponent. In addition, when Toon Link slams into the ground, any opponents near the impact point but not struck by the attack are pushed back with a fair amount of force.

Grabs and Throws

  • Down Throw: Throws opponent on the ground and slams on top of them.
  • Up Throw: Throws opponent upward and slashes them.
  • Back Throw: Pulls opponent close, falls back, then kicks them backwards.
  • Forward Throw: Drops opponent quickly and slashes them forward.

Special Moves


Special Movements


Up: Waves his Wind Waker baton.

Side: Puts his sword away and looks around.

Down: Slashes his sword around wildly, which tires him out.

On-Screen Appearance: Appears from a Wind Waker style explosion.

Victory Poses

  • He waves the Wind Waker baton.
  • He tries to catch a pig but ends up tripping and falling on his bottom and begins rubbing it gently.
  • He catches a pig and holds it above his head, all while struggling trying not to drop it.

External Links

DOJO!! Page

Gameplay Video vs Ganondorf

Final smash image

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