Ay-Kriv "aykrivwassup"
Ultimate mains Joker, Sora, Pokémon Trainer
Other Ultimate
Pac-Man, Piranha Plant, Mr. Game & Watch, Inkling, Richter, Mario, Mii Gunner, Sephiroth
Spirits Mode: Banjo & Kazooie, Bowser
SSB4 mains Pac-Man, Ludwig
Other SSB4
Cloud, Mii Brawler, Duck Hunt, Charizard, Mr. Game & Watch, Mewtwo, Greninja, Mario
Brawl mains Pokémon Trainer, Mr. Game & Watch
Skill Other Better than most casuals, but not as good as most competitives. Would that be considered "Pro-am"?
Additional info
Real name Andrew Krivansky
Pronouns They/Any
Birth date (age 25)
NNID Ay-Kriv22
3DS Code 0533-4826-0169
& 1178-0056-9097
Location Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania USA

This user has made 558 edits.

User.png This user is just your regular user.

Japanese.png This user likes regional name and version differences.

Credit for the latter userbox goes to Raffina_H-207. Thanks to Ender R. Musk for helping me add my pronouns to the infobox above.

On Other NIWA Wikis

Mains and Colors


Joker: Colors 2  , 7  
Pokémon Trainer: Colors 3  , 4  , 5  
Piranha Plant: Color 2  
Pac-Man: Color 4  
Mr. Game & Watch: Color 7  
Inkling: Colors 4, 6, 7
Richter: Color 4
Mario: Color 7 (Builder)


Pac-Man: Black Sleeve  
Bowser Jr.: Ludwig
Cloud: Advent Teal
Mr. Game & Watch: Green


Pokémon Trainer: Default  , Green  
Mr. Game & Watch: Default, Green

Bonus: Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl

I typically use alternate costumes.
April (secondary)

Bonus 2: Multiversus

I haven't officially picked a true main yet but I've really been vibing with Reindog since I started playing during the end of the Preseason when he was part of the free rotation, and even bought him as a permanent character when Season 1 started.


Mainspaced Articles

  • Bullet Bill - made to merge the two previous articles, which covered the item and the enemy separately, into one.

My social media

Alternate Facebook: Drew Denim
Twitter (I'm not calling it by its new name.): aykrivwassup
Twitter Backup (My main account got suspended...): aykrivbackup
Instagram: aykrivwassup
Tumblr: aykrivwassup
Tumblr Archives: anonymousgamer22, aykrivwassup
Reddit: u/aykrivwassup
Snapchat: aykrivwassup
YouTube: Andrew Krivansky
Twitch: aykrivwassup
TikTok: aykriv
Steam: aykrivwassup
Skype: aykrivwassup

3DS Friend Codes and NNID are in my Infobox
Switch Friend Code: SW-5525-3094-6615
Xbox Gamertag: AyKriv22
PSN Username: aykrivwassup