User talk:AD4K

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Revision as of 05:11, July 16, 2023 by The Jacketed Terrapin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Show preview== Hi, just want to let you know that you should do all your edits in one go instead of consecutively, as doing the latter method can clog up the "Recent changes" page and makes it harder to review your edits. You should also make use of the "Show preview" button to check if your edits look good before you save them ~~~~")
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Hi, just want to let you know that you should do all your edits in one go instead of consecutively, as doing the latter method can clog up the "Recent changes" page and makes it harder to review your edits. You should also make use of the "Show preview" button to check if your edits look good before you save them  The Jacketed Terrapin  05:11, July 16, 2023 (EDT)