This article is about Ike's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Ike.
Universe Fire Emblem
Appears in SSBB
Availability Starter

Ike (アイク, Aiku) is a character appearing in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Revealed on Smash Bros. DOJO!! on August 1st, 2007, Ike is a newcomer to the franchise. He is the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, and also appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. His sword from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Ragnell, is a two-handed sword but he is known to wield it with one hand, showing his incredible strength.

Role in The Subspace Emissary

Not much is known about Ike's role in the Subspace Emissary but in a recent video he was shown fighting the Subspace Army in some Ruins. Ike is also presumably the first character to directly attack the Ancient Minister, causing him to drop his Subspace Bomb, now a dud. [1]

Pros and Cons


  • Incredibly powerful
  • Very long range on most attacks
  • Heavy
  • Neutral A combo and Side B are fast attacks that can be used to approach. Side B (Quick Draw) has incredible versatility, allowing him to perform numerous effective combos
  • Up Tilt is long-ranged and quick
  • Back Air is quick and immensely powerful
  • Forward smash kills at low percentages
  • Two powerful, long ranged spikes
  • Fights for his friends
  • Has Bandana and an awesome tattered cape... seriously, who doesn't want that?!


  • Most attacks start up slowly
  • Significant ending lag on several aerial attacks, special attacks, and Smash attacks
  • Recovery is short ranged
  • Large target
  • No projectile or way to deal with projectiles

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Dash A - Slashes forward
  • Neutral A - Punches with his left hand, then a step-forward kick, moving forward with each blow, then an overhead swing of the sword
  • Forward Tilt - Horizontal slash
  • Up Tilt - Holds his sword out horizontally and raises it to above his head this way, jumping. One of his fastest ground moves
  • Down Tilt - Slashes along the ground. Slower than Marth's, but longer ranged. Spikes the opponent powerfully
  • Forward Smash - Overhead swing of his sword to the ground in front of him. Long ranged and very powerful, but very slow
  • Up Smash - Swings his sword from his feet over his head to behind him. Also powerful, long ranged, and slow
  • Down Smash - Slashes towards the ground on either side. Powerful, long ranged, and one of his fastest smash attacks

Aerial Attacks

  • Up Aerial - Slow swipe over his head in an arc, hits a wide range above him
  • Down Aerial - Thrusts his sword down under him. Powerful spike move if he hits with the blade
  • Neutral Aerial - Swings his sword in an arc around his body. Shorter ranged than most of his aerials, but hits all around him
  • Forward Aerial - Swings his sword like his forward smash, but a little faster. Overhead arc to horizontal by his feet. Long landing lag
  • Back Aerial - Quick backwards swing with his sword. Apperance similar to Marth's Neutral Aerial. Very powerful, fastest of his aerials

Grabs and Throws

  • Up Throw - Puts his hands together and clubs opponent upward.
  • Down Throw -
  • Back Throw -
  • Forward Throw -

Special Moves


Special Movements


Up:Poses with his blade while crouching, and wind blows his cape up.

Side:Poses with his blade and says "Prepare Yourself."

Down:Thrusts his sword into the ground, crosses his arms, and wind blows his cape up.

On-Screen Appearance:Uses Warp Magic, similarly to Marth, but poses differently.

External Links

Template:Fire Emblem Brawl