
Revision as of 12:13, December 14, 2021 by PorpleBot (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "[[Wikipedia:" to "[[wikipedia:")
An icon used in notice templates. This page is a SmashWiki help page, intended to be a guide to helping users understand SmashWiki and its functionalities. When editing this page, please ensure that your revision reflects consensus. If in doubt, consider discussing changes on the talk page.

Absolute beginners?

If you can type and click, you can edit most pages on this wiki.

1. Find a page to improve. (If you want, you can practice in the Sandbox first. It's there for "practicing", or experimenting with almost anything. It's a good place to get used to how the wiki works.)

2. Click "Edit this page".

3. An "edit box" will open - type your new sentences or corrections (just like any word processing program)

4. Click the "Save" button - (well, it may be wise to hit the "Preview" button first, in case of mistakes!)

5. You're now a SmashWiki editor. Welcome aboard!

More detail

As with all wikis, you can edit any non-protected page on SmashWiki. Your changes will be visible immediately. Just click the "edit" link that appears near the top of every page.

Explain your edit in the "Summary" box between the edit window and the save and preview buttons. eg: "typo" or "added info on xyz".

Use the "Show preview" button to check your edit and get the formatting right before saving. Remember to Save page before moving on.

If you are logged in, you can mark an edit as minor by checking the This is a minor edit box to let people know your edit is not something substantive.

To try editing, open a new window and go to the Sandbox (which is an editing test area), and then click the "edit" link. Add something and click save.


Most text formatting is usually done with wiki markup, so you don't have to learn HTML.

Bold and italics

Bold and italics are added by surrounding a word or phrase with multiple apostrophes ('):

  • ''italics'' is rendered as italics. (2 apostrophes on each side)
  • '''bold''' is rendered as bold. (3 apostrophes on each side)
  • '''''bolded italics''''' is rendered as bolded italics. (2 + 3 = 5 apostrophes on each side)

Headings and subheadings

Headings and subheadings are an easy way to improve the organization of an article. If you can see two or more distinct topics being discussed, you can break up your article by inserting a heading for each section.

Headings can be created like this:

  • ==Main heading== (2 equals signs)
  • ===Subheading=== (3 equals signs)
  • ====Another level down==== (4 equals signs)
  • =====Another level down===== (5 equals signs)

If an article has at least three headings, a table of contents (TOC) will be automatically generated. Try creating some headings in the Sandbox and see the effect on the TOC.


To indent text, place a colon (:) right at the beginning of a line. The more colons you put, the further indented the text will be. A new line (pressing Enter or Return) marks the end of the indented paragraph.

For example:
This is aligned all the way to the left.

:This is indented slightly.
::This is indented more.

is shown as:
This is aligned all the way to the left.

This is indented slightly.
This is indented more.

Bullet points

To insert a bullet, use an asterisk (*). Similar to rectal indentation, more asterisks in front of a paragraph means more indentation.

A brief example:

*First list item
*Second list item
**Sub-list item under second
*Isn't this fun?

Which is shown as:

  • First list item
  • Second list item
    • Sub-list item under second
  • Isn't this fun?

Numbered lists

You can also create numbered lists. For this, use the number sign or hash symbol (#). Using more #s will affect the level of indenting.


#First item
#Second item
##Sub-item under second item
#Third item

Shows up as:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Sub-item under second item
  3. Third item


Links are important on wikis to help readers navigate your site.

Internal links

You can extensively cross-reference wiki pages using internal links. You can add links to existing titles, and also to titles you think ought to exist in future.

To make a link to another page on the same wiki, just put the title in double square brackets.

For example, if you want to make a link to, say, the Main Page, it would be:

[[Main Page]]

If you want to use words other than the article title as the text of the link, you can add an alternative name by adding it after a pipe "|" divider (Shift + Backslash on most English keyboards).

For example, if you wanted to make a link to the Main Page, but wanted it to say "home page" you would write it as such:

View the [[Main Page|home page]]...

It would appear as:

View the home page...

When you want to use the plural of an article title (or add any other suffix) for your link, you can add the extra letters directly outside the double square brackets.

For example, you would write:

[[Party Ball]]s release many [[item]]s.

It would appear as:

Party Balls release many items.

Several templates exist for the purpose of shortening commonly-used link patterns. An example of this is the {{SSBM}} template, which can be used to shorten [[Mario (SSBM)|Mario]] into {{SSBM|Mario}}; the two both look and act the same when viewed on a page (Mario and Mario), but one is simpler to type than the other. Make sure to preview edits using shortcut link templates so you know you've used them properly.

Interwiki links

To link to another wiki (such as Wikipedia or Bulbapedia), you can use its title followed by a colon and the article name, instead of using the full URL.

For example, the Wikipedia Main Page is at wikipedia:Main Page, which can be typed as

[[wikipedia:Main Page]]
rather than as

A complete list of interwiki links available on SmashWiki can be seen at Special:Interwiki.

External links

If you want to link to a non-wiki site, you may just type the full URL for the page you want to link to.

It is often more useful to make the link display something other than the URL, so use one square bracket at each end, with the alternative title after the full URL address, separated by a space (not a pipe). So if you want the link to appear as Google search engine, just type:

[ Google search engine]

Certain websites which are frequently linked to have pre-assigned icons that will appear next to any external links to them. For example, a link to a Miiverse URL will include the Miiverse favicon, meaning that:

[ Miiverse main page]

...displays as:

Miiverse main page


To redirect automatically from one page to another, type #REDIRECT and then put in two square brackets the name of the page to be redirected to.

For example, you use #REDIRECT[[Cat]] to redirect from a page like "Cats", to the page "Cat". That way, anyone typing either spelling in the search box will automatically go to "Cat".


You can create templates. After you create the page Template:XXX, using the command {{XXX}} will include that content in your current page. So, if you have something that needs to be included on many other pages, like the one below, you might want to use a template.