Reawaken the Undying Light! (known as New Fighters on the Block in PAL regions) is an upcoming Event Tourney themed after Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and commemorating the release of Sora. It will run from from 6 a.m. on October 29, 2021 to 6 a.m. on November 1, 2021 (UTC). During the event, only the newcomers from Ultimate can be used.
North America
- This tourney is just for fighters that first joined the battle in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
- The further you advance, the better spirit you'll win![1]
PAL regions
- This time-limited tourney features the new kids - that is, fighters who joined Smash for the first time in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
- The further you advance, the better the spirit you'll win![2]
- Format: Smash
- Rules: Time
- Time Limit: 2:30
- FS Meter: On
- Items: Medium
Available fighters
Fighters | |||||
Dark Samus |
Daisy |
Chrom |
Ken |
Inkling |
Ridley |
Simon |
Richter |
King K. Rool |
Isabelle |
Incineroar |
Piranha Plant |
Joker |
Hero |
Banjo & Kazooie |
Terry |
Byleth |
Min Min |
Steve |
Sephiroth |
Pyra/Mythra |
Kazuya |
Sora |
Names in other languages
- The Japanese and NTSC English titles for the tourney are derived from the lyrics of Lifelight.
- Unlike other Event Tourneys themed around newcomers for a particular Smash Bros. game, Reawaken the Undying Light does not restrict stage selection to the stages that debuted in Ultimate.
- This is the only Event Tourney themed around newcomers for a particular Smash Bros. game in which every eligible fighter appears on the banner.
- The unlockable fighters from Smash 64 (Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff) are not present in the banner for Original Class of '64.
- Sheik is not present in the banner for A Tribute to Melee, likely in reference to how she shared a character slot with Zelda in Melee.
- The Pokémon Trainer himself is not present in the banner for Brawl Veterans Represent!, although all three of his Pokémon (Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard) are.
- The Mii Fighters are not present in the banner for Free Four All.