Wolf thrusts his hand forward and hits the opponent with a palm strike. One of Wolf's best KO moves as well as a reliable baiting tool. It has high startup, coming out on frame 20, making it one of the slowest of its kind in the game. However, it has 4 active frames and its ending lag is extremely low, having an FAF of 42, meaning that the move only has 19 frames of cooldown once the hitbox ends. This makes it one of his best moves on the ground as the move has very high power, easily being able to KO middleweights near the ledge at high percents, and thanks to its low ending lag, it is safe on shield while also being difficult to punish even if it is whiffed. Lastly, due to the move being difficult to punish, it can be used to bait approaches and frame trap opponents, giving Wolf opportunities to dish out heavy damage or KO them at high percents with one of his finishers.
Charges between | 6-7 |
Hitboxes | 20-23 |
Interruptible | 42 |
Animation length | 48 |
Lag time |
Charge interval |
Hitbox |
Interruptible |