Super Smash Bros. series


Revision as of 15:34, July 20, 2021 by CanvasK (talk | contribs) (→‎List of reflectors: Tested with Charge Shot. Training w/ 3 CPUs, attack from right, press B, frame advance 13 times to get to charge, frame advance 73/74 times, hold B, frame advance, CPU 4 swing, reflect, despawn CPU 4, reflect as player, CPU 2 & 3 swing. Reflect on 73 (19.99107143%), pass on 74 (20.19642857%). I used 2 CPUs for the 3rd reflect because in an earlier test I think the shot went *too* fast to be detected, this way there was a "larger detector")
Fox reflecting a thrown Capsule in Brawl.
This article is about the attack property. For other uses, see Reflector (disambiguation).
"Reflect" redirects here. For the tournament, see Tournament:Reflect.

Reflection is a phenomenon wherein one fighter gains control of an enemy's projectile and uses it as their own attack. Most, but not all projectiles reverse direction upon being reflected, sending them back to their original users.

To be reflected, a projectile must come into contact with an attack or object that reflects, such as the aptly-named Reflector, Ness's forward smash, or a character wearing a Franklin Badge. Most reflectors increase the damage done by projectiles, while some also increase their speed. Projectiles can be reflected in any direction and can be reflected multiple times to multiplicatively increase the damage dealt.

In SSB64 and Melee, if a projectile is too strong for a reflector, the reflector breaks as if it was a shield and stuns its user. From Brawl onwards, the projectile simply ignores the reflector and hits its user anyway. In the case of Ness's or Lucas's forward smash, should the overpowered projectile collide with the move's hitbox without striking the user, he will undergo a proportionally-substantial amount of lag due to being outprioritized.

Reflectors are generally very useful moves, as they help prevent projectile camping and spamming. As such, characters with reliable reflectors tend to have better matchups against characters that rely upon projectiles, such as Samus, than those who lack a reliable reflector.

In addition to the above, Villager and Isabelle are able to grab projectiles and items and store them for later use via Pocket. While not strictly a reflector, retrieved projectiles gain a 1.9x damage multiplier generally associated with reflectors.

In Ultimate, a visual indicator in the form of a flashing blue hexagon (referencing Fox's Reflector) was added to all reflecting moves when struck by a projectile as an indicator that the item was reflected. In addition, projectiles now disappear if they hit a reflector 7 times.

Damage dealt by reflected projectiles are increased by the "Reflect-Damage buffed" rule often accompanied by the "All fighters' reflected projectiles have increased power" condition.

List of reflectors

  This article or section may require additional technical data.
The editor who added this tag elaborates: Projectile duration modifiers are a thing as well. They're usually there to compensate for the increased speed of the projectile, but sometimes actually increase the number of frames the projectile is active for. They're also important to know because some projectiles can't be sped up by reflection but still have their duration reduced.
You can discuss this issue on the talk page or edit this page to improve it.

Reflectors only available as custom moves are in italics.

User Move Damage multiplier Speed multiplier Lifespan multiplier Max damage reflectable
Dark Pit Electroshock Arm[1] 1 1 50
Electrocut Arm[1] 1 1 50
Quickshock Arm[1] 1.3 1 50
Guardian Orbitars 1.5 1.7 50
Amplifying Orbitars 2 2 50
Dr. Mario Super Sheet 1.5    1 50
Breezy Sheet 1.5
Falco Reflector 1.5    1    50
1.2    1.3    50
Accele-Reflector 1 2.1 50
Reflector Void[2] 0.7 0.6 999
Fox Reflector 1.8   1     50
1.5   (NTSC-J)  
1.4    1.4   
Big Reflector 1.2 1
Amplifying Reflector 2.1 1.8
Hero Bounce[3] 1.5 1.4 50
Joker Makarakarn[4] 1.6 1.9 50
Kazuya Left Splits Kick 2.4 1.8 0.8 80
King Dedede Inhale   1.5 1.6
King K. Rool Gut Check 1.5 2 50
Lucas Forward smash 1.5 1.5 50
Mario Cape 1.5 1 50
Gust Cape 1.5 1 50
Mega Man Skull Barrier 1.2 1.2 25
Mewtwo Confusion[5] 1.4 1.2 50
Mii Gunner Echo Reflector 1.4   1.1   50
1.5   1.9   50
Mii Swordfighter Reversal Slash 1.5   1   50
1.8   1.5   50
Min Min Up smash 1.8 2 50
Mr. Game & Watch Oil Panic[2]   1 0.8 50
Ness Forward smash 1.8   1      
1.5   (NTSC-J)     50  
1.5   80    
2    2.5   
Palutena Reflect Barrier 1.17   1.25 50
1.4   50
Pit Angel Ring 1.5 1 50
Mirror Shield 1.5 1.7 50
Upperdash Arm[1] 1 1 50
Interception Arm[1] 1 1 50
Quickdash Arm 1.3 1 50
Guardian Orbitars 1.5 1.7 50
Amplifying Orbitars 2 2 50
R.O.B. Arm Rotor 1.5 1   50
1.3    50
Reflector Arm 1.8 1.5 50
Backward Arm Rotor 1.5 1.3 50
Wolf Reflector 1.3   1.8 50
1.5   50
Zelda Nayru's Love 1.5   1   50
1.2   1.2   50
1.25    1.4    50
Nayru's Rejection 1.25 1.2 50
Home-Run Bat   Forward smash 2.0 2.5 80
Franklin Badge 1.3 1.3 0.5 50
Gardevoir 1.3 1.3 100
Ghirahim 1.0 1.3 30
Gray Fox 1.0 1.0 100
Shovel Knight 1.2 ? ?
  1. ^ a b c d e Does not change the ownership of certain projectiles reflected.
  2. ^ a b Only reflects physical projectiles. Absorbs energy-based projectiles.
  3. ^ Selected randomly through Command Selection.
  4. ^ Only available while Arsene is active.
  5. ^ In Melee, simply reverses projectiles without changing their owner.

List of reflectable attacks


These attacks are also blocked by the shields worn by Link (Melee onwards), Young Link, Toon Link, and Hero.

User/Item Move
By Characters
Bayonetta Bullet Climax
Bowser (Giga Bowser) Fire Breath
Bowser Jr. Clown Cannon, Mechakoopa both when walking and when thrown as an item
Byleth Failnaught[1], Sword of the Creator[2]
Charizard Flamethrower, Rock Smash fragments
Cloud Blade Beam both normally and in Limit Break
Corrin Dragon Fang Shot's projectile
Daisy Toad's spores, Vegetables when thrown
Dark Samus Charge Shot, Missile, Bomb
Dark Pit Silver Bow
Diddy Kong Peanut Popgun, stray barrels from Rocketbarrel Boost, Banana Peel whether stationary or thrown
Dr. Mario Megavitamin
Duck Hunt Trick Shot can, Clay Shooting clay pigeon, Wild Gunman gunfire
Falco Blaster shots from forward throw, back throw, and down throw; Blaster, Reflector[3] (  only)
Fox Blaster shots from forward throw, back throw, and down throw; Blaster
Greninja Water Shuriken, Hydro Pump
Ice Climbers Ice Shot, Blizzard
Inkling Splattershot, Splat Bomb
Isabelle Dash attack, forward aerial, back aerial, Fishing Rod[2], Lloid Trap
Ivysaur Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf
Joker Eiha, Eigaon, Grappling Hook[2]
King Dedede Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, and Gordos thrown by Waddle Dee Toss[4] (  only), Waddle Doo's beam attack (  only), Gordo Throw (  onwards), Super Dedede Jump landing stars
King K. Rool Blunderbuss (Cannonball), Crownerang
Kirby All reflectable attacks he can copy, Final Cutter projectile
Link Forward smash sword beam (  only), Hero's Bow (before  ), Bow and Arrows whether fired or thrown as items (  only), Boomerang (    only), Gale Boomerang (   only), Bomb (before  ), Remote Bomb (  only)
Lucario Aura Sphere when launched, Force Palm blast
Lucas PK Freeze[3], PK Fire, PK Thunder
Luigi Fireball
Mario Fireball, F.L.U.D.D. (  onwards)
Mega Man Neutral attack, forward tilt, forward smash, neutral aerial, up aerial, down aerial, Metal Blade, Crash Bomber, Leaf Shield once thrown
Mewtwo Forward throw shots, Shadow Ball, Disable
Mii Brawler Shot Put
Mii Gunner Forward aerial, Charge Blast, Laser Blaze, Grenade Launch, Flame Pillar, Stealth Burst at the moment of detonation[3], Lunar Launch, Bomb Drop
Mii Swordfighter Gale Strike, Shuriken of Light, Chakram
Mr. Game & Watch Forward aerial[3] (  only), up aerial (  only), Chef
Ness PK Flash[3], PK Fire, PK Thunder
Olimar Forward smash (  onwards), Up smash (  onwards), Down smash (  onwards), Pikmin Throw
Pac-Man All Bonus Fruit projectiles, Fire Hydrant while falling, Fire Hydrant water blasts
Palutena Autoreticle, Explosive Flame
Peach Toad's spores, Vegetables when thrown
Pichu Thunder Jolt, Thunder[3]
Pikachu Thunder Jolt, Thunder[3] (  onwards)
Piranha Plant Ptooie, Poison Breath
Pit Palutena Bow
R.O.B. Robo Beam, Gyro both when launched and when thrown
Richter Axe, Cross, Holy Water
Ridley Plasma Breath
Robin All Thunder projectiles, Arcfire, Elwind, Levin Sword and all Tomes once expired and thrown as items
Rosalina Luma Shot, Star Bits (  only)
Ryu Hadoken
Samus Charge Shot, Missile, Bomb
Sephiroth Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare[3], Shadow Flare, Scintilla
Sheik Needle Storm, Burst Grenade (  onwards)
Simon Axe, Cross, Holy Water
Snake Up smash bomb, Hand Grenade, Remote Missile, independently flying Cypher, Box
Squirtle Water Gun[5]
Steve Down smash, Down aerial, Minecart, TNT
Terry Power Wave
Toon Link Hero's Bow, Boomerang, Bomb
Villager Dash attack, forward smash, up smash firework explosion, forward aerial, back aerial, Lloid Rocket; Timber water, falling tree, and wood chip
Wario Wario Bike when thrown, Wario Bike tires (  only)
Wii Fit Trainer Sun Salutation, Header ball
Wolf Blaster projectile
Yoshi Egg Throw, Yoshi Bomb landing stars
Young Link Fire Bow, Boomerang, Bomb
Zelda Din's Fire at the moment of detonation[3], Phantom Slash
Zero Suit Samus Paralyzer, thrown Power Suit Pieces (  only)
By Items
All throwable items except for the Spiny Shell
All projectiles fired by items, including Banana Gun shots, Fire Flower flames, Super Scope shots, Cracker Launcher bombs, Rage Blaster lasers, Ray Gun lasers, Staff shots, Steel Diver torpedos, Ramblin' Evil Mushroom spores, the Drill, beams shot by the Killer Eye, Superspicy Curry flames, tornados launched by forward smashes with the Ore Club, stars launched by forward tilts and forward smashes with the Star Rod, and spores launched by forward tilts and forward smashes with Lip's Stick
Bob-ombs and Bombchus while moving along the ground, Rolling Crates in motion, and players who have transformed into a Bullet Bill during flight
Soccer Balls when launched
The explosion from a Blast Box
Bumpers (  only) and Uniras when set
By Pokémon
Blastoise Hydro Pump
Bonsly Tackle when thrown as an item
Charizard Flamethrower
Chespin Seed Bomb
Chikorita Razor Leaf
Clefairy Some copied attacks with Metronome
Cyndaquil Flamethrower
Darkrai Dark Void balls
Ditto Any reflectible moves it copies
Fennekin Incinerate
Genesect Techno Blast
Kyogre Hydro Pump
Marill Tackle
Meloetta Echoed Voice
Meowth Pay Day
Oshawott Surf
Piplup Surf
Snivy Razor Leaf
Starmie Swift
Staryu Swift
Tapu Koko Electroweb beams
Vulpix Incinerate, Blizzard
By Assist Trophies
Chef Kawasaki Plates
Color TV-Game 15 Pong ball
Dark Samus Homing shots
Dr. Wily Projectiles
Elec Man Thunder Beam
Excitebikes Collision
Ghirahim Knives
Guile Sonic Boom
Hammer Bros. Hammers
Infantry and Tanks Shots
Jeff Multi-Bottle Rockets
Knuckle Joe Smash Punch
Krystal Ice Blast
Mother Brain Rinkas
Phosphora All attacks
Rathalos Fireballs
Ray MK III Lasers
Saki Amamiya Shots
Sheriff Shots (  only)
Shovel Knight Dirt
Starman PK Beam, PK Beam γ
Sukapon Tondeker
Takamaru Thrown Knives
Zero Genmu Zero
By Stage Hazards
Corneria Shots fired from Arwings, Wolfens, and the Great Fox
Green Greens Apples
Mario Bros. Shellcreepers and Sidesteppers
Sector Z Shots fired from Arwings
Venom Shots fired from Arwings and Wolfens
Wily Castle Yellow Devil's energy blasts
By Enemies and Bosses
Armank Energy shot
Autolance Launched lance
Bombed Thrown head
Boom Primid Thrown boomerang
Bullet Bill Collision
Crazy Hand Bombs[6]
Duon Scattershot, missiles
Fire Primid Fireball
Galeem Tri-Eye Attack
Gamyga Lasers
Hammer Bro. Hammers
Master Edges Sword projectiles
Master Hand Finger bullets, fireball rain (  only)
Meta Ridley Small and medium fireballs
Poppant Tossed gifts
Puppit Lasers
Rayquaza Energy ball
R.O.B. Blaster Lasers
R.O.B. Launcher Missiles
Roturret Bullets
Scope Primid Shots
Spaak Electric ball, lightning bolt
  1. ^ When fully charged, cannot be pocketed or inhaled
  2. ^ a b c Does not change trajectory nor damages the user when reflected, instead act as if they were shielded.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i Does not change trajectory when reflected.
  4. ^ When reflected, Waddle Dees and Waddle Doos will not switch ownership.
  5. ^ In Brawl, Water Gun is only reflectible when at least partially charged.
  6. ^ Only the bombs themselves, not their explosions, can be reflected.


  • Not counting Melee's powershield, since Zelda's Nayru's Love and King Dedede's Inhale in Ultimate are the only neutral special reflection moves, they are the only reflection moves that Kirby can copy or use.
  • Pit is the only character to have different reflectors between games.
  • Prior to version 1.0.8 of Smash 4, all but the final hit of Zoroark's Fury Swipes were technically considered projectiles. By wearing a Franklin Badge, a character trapped by Zoroark would only take damage from the final hit of the attack.
  • Ness, Lucas, Min Min, and Kazuya are the only fighters whose reflection moves are not Special moves.
    • Of these, Min Min is the only one whose reflection move is an Up Smash.
    • Kazuya's Left Splits Kicks is the only one that requires multiple inputs.
  • Hero has the most reflectable attacks out of all of the playable fighters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Frizz/Frizzle/Kafrizz, Kazap (first half), Woosh/Swoosh/Kaswoosh, Kaboom, Bang, Sizzle, Sizz, Snooze, Thwack, and Whack can all be reflected.

See also