Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Official Tourney Qualifiers

Revision as of 16:36, September 18, 2020 by Thenonexistent (talk | contribs) (So this mode is officially available outside of Japan, so I think it should now have it's own page., and I just checked the game's online and it's there. Should start listing the tournaments.)
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File:Background Matchmaking Official Tourney Qualifiers.jpg
Official Tourney Qualifiers as seen on the main Online menu.

Official Tourney Qualifiers is an Online Mode for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, originally being an Japanese exclusive mode. The mode functions as a qualifier event for online tournaments, players will play a certain ruleset, climb up the leaderboards, the top 10 players will advance to the finals, and finally the names of the top 100 players will be displayed on the official website.


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