Battle Arena

Revision as of 10:59, March 8, 2019 by Mr.Napkino (talk | contribs) (Added new info for the arena, please correct me if i'm wrong in any way. Also made a grammar correction in the first paragraph.)
An icon for denoting incomplete things.
Players in the Battle Arena, also rewrite

Battle Arena is an online mode that allows people to battle with each other in an arena. In the Battle Arena, a room can be created for friends to join. When joined, players must first choose a character before being displayed on the arena. If one wants to switch characters, they must leave the arena before doing so, although this places them at the end of the line. The rules in the Battle Arena are pre-set by the creator of the room. Once the creator leaves the room, the room closes and everyone is automatically kicked out.

Once a match is over, in a 1v1 arena, one person will be sent to the back of the line, while the other stays. In an arena with 3 or more people in the ring at once, the system is slightly different. If 1 person is waiting in line, only one person will have to leave the ring after the match is over, while if two or more are waiting in line, two people will leave the ring after the match is over. In the arena settings menu, you can change it to either have it set to winner stays or loser stays.

In the Battle Arena, players are represented by tokens. Tokens can be placed in the ring to start the fight, the waiting area to wait in line, or the spectator stands to spectate the match.

Battle Arenas created by friends are visible on their friend lists. People who aren't registered as friends can still join other player's Battle Arenas, however they would need to search for the Arena ID. Furthermore, Battle Arenas can be set with a password so that only those who have the password can enter.

This is the only online mode where spirits can be used.