Ramuh in Final Fantasy VII.
Universe Final Fantasy
Debut Final Fantasy III (1990)
Smash Bros. appearances SSB4
Console/platform of origin Famicom
Gender Male

Ramuh (ラムウ, Ramuh) is a summon from the Final Fantasy series.


Ramuh is a recurring summonable entity, introduced in Final Fantasy III along with the Summon ability. He made several appearances in later games, always associated with the Lightning element. His attack, Judgment Bolt, deals lightning damage to all enemies.

His appearance in the Midgar stage is based on his Final Fantasy VII summoning sequence, where he rains thunderbolts on the enemies from atop a mountain.

In Super Smash Bros. 4 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Ramuh in SSB4

As a stage element

Ramuh appears as one of the summons on Midgar. Once summoned, a mountain rises in the background with him on top: he then casts an electric spell which moves the three floating platforms to a random position and electrifies them, damaging opponents who touch them. His summoner is immune to this effect.

In Smash 4, Ramuh also appears as a Profile icon, unlocked with Cloud and Midgar.


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