User:KirbyMelee/Newcomer Ideas

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I will be putting my newcomer ideas on this page. Most will probably be implemented in my future game.

Mirror Kirby

Mirror Kirby enters the battle from Another Dimension!

A Kirby that uses magic to fight.

Mirror Kirby's moveset:

A: Mirror Kirby swipes with his rod. If held shards come out of the rod.

Side A: The rod shoots a beam that starts angled up and then goes down.

Up A: Waves rod upward and shards fly upward.

Down A: Slides across the ground. Surprisingly high knockback.

Dash Attack: Cartwheels with shards.

Air: Spins the rod around very fast, hitting opponents multiple times.

Forward Air: Swipes in front of him, creating a rainbow. The tip of the rainbow paralyzes.

Back Air: Hits opponents with shards. Slash damage.

Up Air: Swipes in a arc above him with the rod. Can freeze opponents and KO them.

Down Air: Flips and then swipes his rod downward. Can Meteor Smash at extremely early percentages.

Up Smash: Mirror Kirby makes a thunder cloud and it strikes anyone below it.

Forward Smash: Charges up and fires a huge beam blast. Carries opponents with it.

Down Smash: Creates a fire tornado in front of him that launches opponents a certain distance depending on their damage.

B: Reflect Bubble: Creates a barrier which reflects projectiles with 1.36x power and 2.10x speed.

Side B: Black Hole: Creates a black hole which traps opponents for up to 8 seconds. It can potentially trap every opponent on stage. Mirror Kirby can attack them, but trapped opponents take less damage. Mirror Kirby can't summon another black hole until 10 seconds pass.

Up B: Mirror Warp: Two mirrors appear, one in front and one above. Mirror Kirby enters the one in front and appears out the one above.

Down B: Mirror Counter: Mirror Kirby guards behind a square mirror, if an opponent even touches this mirror (let alone attack it), Mirror Kirby will retaliate.

Floor Attack: Hits with rod.

Edge Attack 0-99%: Jumps up and hits opponents with a beam.

Edge Attack 100-999%: Slowly gets up and kicks.

Trip Attack: Spins like a helicopter kicking.

Grab: Grabs with a Capture Beam.

Pummel: Hits the opponent with magic.

Forward Throw: Plants seed which grows to a plant and hits opponent multiple times.

Back Throw: Launches opponent and shoots them with paint.

Up Throw: Juggles opponents with Cycle Beam before launching them.

Down Throw: Throws opponent on the ground and repeatedly shoots them with a beam.

Final Smash: *Flare Beam Portal*: Mirror Kirby launches a Flare Beam, anyone who gets hit will be sent into another dimension, where Mirror Kirby will unleash a huge combo, ending with a launch upwards. Can potentially OHKO.

Classic Ness

Classic Ness and his palette swaps. The "Giygas Classic Ness" at the bottom can be thought as a bonus.

Not complete yet

A sprite version of Ness. He's very different from regular Ness, though. Most of his attacks, animations, etc, make homage to EarthBound. He's also much lighter than Ness.

Classic Ness's moveset:

Side Smash: Same as Ness but has a random chance of a critical hit. B: PK Powers - Classic Ness can choose lots of PK attacks to use in situations, but he can only use one at a time. They may also need to recharge, but they do so at a good rate. If Classic Ness wants to see which PK he has equipped without using it, he can hold the special move key, which will, if successfully done, make him face the screen and pulse a certain color.

  • PK Fire (Red) - Unless regular Ness or Lucas, Classic Ness's PK Fire travels along the ground. It barely does any knockback and can't be spammed as much as theirs. Instead it inflicts the Burn status.
  • PK Thunder (Yellow) - Classic Ness summons Thunder which goes in random directions, but Paralyzes anyone it does hit.
  • PK Freeze (Blue) - Classic Ness shoots a snowflake shape into the sky, which explodes right above him. It will cause the Freeze status to anyone it hits.
  • PK Beam (Orange) - Classic Ness fires a powerful beam which can be charged and angled. It can be reflected by non-reflecting attacks which can prove fatal to Classic Ness, but he can just reflect it back to turn it into a game of tennis.
  • PK Mushroom (Green) - Classic Ness throws a spore that plants a Mushroom on opponents' heads, reversing their controls. Effect can be stacked. Opponents, however, can air dodge to catch the spores with good timing and throw them back at Classic Ness!
  • PK Sleep (Purple) - Classic Ness fires a sonic boom-like blast which puts any opponents it hits to sleep for a time.
  • PK...Favorite Thing (White) - Classic Ness surrounds himself with a huge light that deals great vertical knockback. It takes quite a while to recharge though.

Side B: Brainshock - Works like PK Flash, except it makes opponents dizzy depending on how powerful the Brainshock was. A fully charged one will deal 30%+ and stun them for quite a time.

Up B: Teleport - Classic Ness focuses and then teleports to an area he's told to go. If he is attacked while focusing, he will explode and take recoil damage but the explosion damages opponents.

Down B: Cup of Life Noodles - Very important to Classic Ness. It heals 75% of his total damage and removes any current status aliments. It also ceases any knockback, so Classic Ness can survive a move that would've KO'd, when this happens, a window will pop up stating "Classic Ness has survived mortal damage!". It doesn't automatically activate, so be sure to use it. And use it wisely too- you can only use this once every stock or...every 1000 seconds. Any attempt to use it before then will result in Classic Ness looking around with a pair of chopsticks.

FINAL SMASH: *PSI Flash β* - Classic Ness points at the sky and releases a PK Flash while the background turns dark. This huge PK Flash can be controlled like a regular one, but when it explodes, any victims are instantly KO'd.

Nothing really moveset related, but if Classic Ness is Screen KO'd, the word SMAAAASH!! will appear next to him. Just a nice touch to Classic Ness to make him even more nostalgic.


Good luck, GeoSword. ALERT ALERT

Not complete yet

Our starship hero. A floaty character that's a bit lighter than Mega Man. It has some palette swaps which turns it into other starships from other Namco games, like Solvalou from Xevious. Note GeoSword itself does not actually talk. Instead it uses random sound clips, like Bosconian's infamous alert sound.

GeoSword moveset: Grab: Tractor Beam - Like Pac-Man's SSB4 grab, but more reliable.

Side Smash: Boosts a short distance forward. Sends the opponent backward. (Galaga)

Up Smash: Backflips multiple times in the air which traps opponents.

Down Smash: Fires a shot forwards and backwards. When opponents are next to it, GeoSword is also a hitbox. This hitbox has a good tripping chance. (From Bosconian)

B: Laser - GeoSword fires shots that do not do any knockback, only add %, however if at least 10 lasers hit the same opponent in a row, they will have the Burn status, which will make the opponent take even more damage.

Side B: Bacura Turret - GeoSword places a Bacura with guns on it. It will alternate between reflecting projectiles and attacking. The Bacura, however, is not invincible and will be destroyed if it takes 8%. Rarely, the regular Bacura may be replaced by a gold one, which has much more attack and defense. It can also heal GeoSword. (Xevious)

Up B: Hyperdrive - GeoSword boosts in a selected direction. Has super armor.

Down B: Crash Landing - GeoSword dives downwards, if it hits someone it will make a huge multi-hit explosion which causes some recoil damage. Anyone that collides with it in the air will be Meteor Smashed. If GeoSword hits terrain it will bounce off.

Final Smash: In Orbit - GeoSword transports everyone to outer space, where they will have to avoid GeoSword's arsenal of weapons. (Sort of based on Galaxian/Galaga)

Idea feedback

  1. Mirror Kirby's moveset seems well-done and fun, but I find the character choice itself somewhat odd. Maybe parts of this could be combined with regular Kirby somehow? Nyargleblargle.pngNyargleblargle (Contribs) 17:32, 30 September 2016 (EDT)
Thanks for even looking at this. Well, I mean, I picked Mirror Kirby because of his similarity to Marx, but I didn't want to pick Marx because he's too weird for me... As for the combining part - how? I always thought Kirby was a physical fighter. Kirby's Crazy Appetite ~ KirbysCrazyAppetiteSig.png 17:37, 30 September 2016 (EDT)
That's the thing: I feel Kirby as a physical fighter, while necessary during the N64 era, has become stale and unrepresentative of 80% of his games' content. Some of your ideas being implemented into Kirby's moveset would solve that problem and probably be far less questionable than a second Kirby. Nyargleblargle.pngNyargleblargle (Contribs) 18:00, 30 September 2016 (EDT)
I guess your right about that, I mean, he only uses like 1/6 of his abilities in Smash. Kirby's Crazy Appetite ~ KirbysCrazyAppetiteSig.png 18:04, 30 September 2016 (EDT)