Pokémon Stadium

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Pokémon Stadium (ポケモンスタジアム, Pokemon Sutajiamu) is a very interesting level that has a basic stage and four other stages that it transforms into. The basic stage is three comprised of three platforms; one large platform, and two smaller ones. The large platform is on the bottom is flat with two very small elevations for the sides of the stages. The two small platforms of the basic stage float at the medium between 1/4 and 2/4 for the first platform and 3/4 and 4/4 for the second. The basic stage is physically symmetrical. After a while, which could be from a few seconds to a few minutes, the basic stage will transform into one of the other four stages, as indicated by the jumbo television screen that is showing a program of the match you are currently having. After the change into a different stage, the level always goes back into it's original basic stage. The same stage could appear twice in a row, but only after the basic stage interval.

The second stage is a forest/jungle area. It is somewhat flat on the main platform. There is a small elevated plateau on the right, it ends about 1/3 of the level through, followed by a flat grass area that goes the rest of the level through. There is also a river a little left of the halfway mark that has a minor depression. There are three arial platforms of this second stage. One medium sized one halfway of the staged and risen and another one higher than it and to the left. The second platform starts halfway of the first platform. The third and final platform is to the right that is flat and very small.

The third stage is a water level. It is flat on the right side with an elevated left side that depresses back down before the stage ends at the left side. On the smooth right side of the level, there are two arial platforms. A lower one just left of the halfway mark, and a higher one to the right of it. The thing that makes this stage very memorable is the windmill on the left side. The arms of the windmill spin slowly and you can stand on them, but they will dump you off if you stand on the current lowest arm.

The fouth stage is a fire area. The bottom platform is not very flat at all. The middle is a small valley. Where the valley ends on the right, it is flat through the rest of the level. There is one floating platform that follows the elevated pleateau for the rest of the level. That floating platform is flat. To the left of the valley in the middle is an unusual shaped obstical. As soon as the valley ends on the left, there is a strait up elevation that you can not pass through (however some attacks can, that is a good strategy to keep in mind). Most characters need to double jump this hurdle, which you can stand on the top of it. After the platform that is the top of the hurdle, it goest strait down again, but only half way. At a 45 degree angle up and left, there is a medium sized platform that sticks out to the end of the level. It is possible to stand under that 45 degree angle and the platform to the left.

The fith and final stage is a rock/mountain stage. This stage has a very rugged bottom platform, with 5 aerial platforms in the center. Two on the left are very small and attached to the mountain they are parallel and are flat. The other three on the right are all on top of eachother, each with their own diffrent angle. The bottom arial platform is at a steep angle that touches the ground so that you can walk on it. On the left side, there is a huge mountain that shoots almost strait up with a good sized platform on the top you can stand on. When the platform ends, the mountain shoots strait down, leaving only room for one person before the stage ends.

In All-Star mode, this stage is played on when you face Pikachu and any of its teammates.

Tournament Status

Pokemon Stadium is one of the few stages that people in tournaments have almost never questioned. Many people consider Pokemon Stadium to be the fairest level because of the changing ground and the platforms but it isn't too big that a person can camp with projectiles.