Super Smash Bros. 4

Gravitational Pull

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Gravitational Pull
Smash.4 - Rosalina Down Special.jpg
Gravitational Pull
User Rosalina
Universe Mario
Article on Super Mario Wiki Star Cursor
You have to shake the Wii Remote to perform this move in Super Mario Galaxy, but you won't need to do that in this game.
—Masahiro Sakurai
Draw items safely towards you, injuring foes on the way.
Smash for 3DS's foldout

Gravitational Pull (アイテムキャプチャー, Item Capture) is Rosalina's down special move. In the move, Rosalina waves the Star Cursor from Super Mario Galaxy around her as a form of protection.


Despite appearing to be unable to cause damage by itself, Gravitational Pull has three distinct properties. If Rosalina is within range of any items, the Gravitational Pull will bring them towards Rosalina, allowing her to use them. Several items can be moved with one use of Gravitational Pull. If an item has been thrown by another character, Rosalina will gain ownership of the item as she brings it toward herself, nullifying any damage that it would have caused. Finally, Gravitational Pull will cause a loose Luma to return to Rosalina provided it isn't loose due to Luma Shot.

If Rosalina is being directly attacked by a projectile that is not an item, the Gravitational Pull has a different purpose. It will be absorbed and orbit around towards her nullifying any damage to her. However, while orbiting, the projectile will be considered Rosalina's and do damage to other opponents if they're in the way of the orbit's path.

Gravitational Pull's variants are Catch and Release, a version that grabs and throw nearby opponents instead of projectiles and items, and Guardian Luma, which makes Luma grow significantly larger and take more hits for a brief period of time.


Special Move customization was added in Super Smash Bros. 4. These are the known variations:

1. Gravitational Pull 2. Catch & Release 3. Guardian Luma
Gravitational Pull
Catch & Release
Guardian Luma
"Draw items and projectiles safely toward you. While being drawn in, they can damage foes." "Pull foes in and damage them. Has no effect on items or projectiles." "Causes Luma to grow bigger and protect you from attacks. Also does a bit of damage."
  1. Gravitational Pull: Default.
  2. Catch & Release: Causes fighters to be drawn in and damaged, being released after. However, Rosalina will lose her ability to draw in items. Highly inferior to the default due to removing Rosalina's immunity to all projectiles.
  3. Guardian Luma: Luma briefly grows larger, protecting Rosalina, and somewhat retains the ability to pull in items.


Suppressing a Grand Goomba using the Star Cursor in Super Mario Galaxy.

While the move is not a clear translation of any move in Super Mario Galaxy, Gravitational Pull implements various features of the Star Cursor. The Star Cursor itself appears as part of the move, as it surrounds Rosalina, leaving a blue trail behind it, just like in Super Mario Galaxy.

In Super Mario Galaxy, the player can collect Star Bits by moving the Star Cursor over them. Rosalina's ability to draw in items with this move appears to be based on this ability.

In the two-player mode of Super Mario Galaxy, the second player takes control of their own Star Cursor, which they can use to suppress enemies and other hazards by pointing at them and holding A. The ability to deflect projectiles using Gravitational Pull and the ability to damage enemies with Catch & Release may also have been drawn from this feature of the Star Cursor.

The name "Gravitational Pull" is likely a reference to the numerous black holes found in the Super Mario Galaxy games.
