Demonic User Talk:INoMed

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Revision as of 15:35, December 16, 2015 by (talk) (oops.)
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Last revision made by (talk) (16/12/2015 15:35:55)
(Whose talk page is awesome)


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You literally just got off probation and in the middle of an information rush you're doing mostly userspace. Is this really such a good idea? ---Preceding unsigned comment added by SANTY CLAWS! Or maybe DatNuttyKid. 15:11, 16 December 2015 (EST)

I concur. Control yourself, or I'll have to probate you again. And I don't really want to do that. Serpent SKSig.png King 15:12, 16 December 2015 (EST)
The main problem is the CSS. I am really sorry about this. Go ahead and probate me again if needed, and maybe slap protection to my CSS and JS if needed. INoMedssig.png INoMed (Talk • Contribs) 15:18, 16 December 2015 (EST)
Just please show some restraint. Serpent SKSig.png King 15:19, 16 December 2015 (EST)
1. I come up with many ideas to go into my CSS... And I have no CSS editor to test it out before I implement the changes. 2. I've been trying to, but it's so tempting to go modify the CSS. That's the problem! INoMedssig.png INoMed (Talk • Contribs) 15:23, 16 December 2015 (EST)
I know I shouldn't get in this, but that isn't a real excuse. But, I actually have an idea for you. This could sound cruel, but save all the code to another page ( maybe in a sandbox for you.) and ask for the CSS page to be deleted. When everything is calmer ( Green or Blue statua) recreate the page using all the code you saved. 15:35, 16 December 2015 (EST)