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Super Smash Bros. 4

Arm Rotor

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Arm Rotor
SSB4 R.O.B. Screen-5.jpg
Arm Rotor's uppercut in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
User R.O.B.
Universe R.O.B.

Arm Rotor (アームスピン, Arm Spin) is R.O.B.'s side special move. The attack causes R.O.B. to spin with an arm outstretched. The attack also lifts R.O.B. into the air slightly, allowing it to be used to aid R.O.B.'s recovery a bit (though this is rarely necessary). It deals minor damage (normally 4%), hits multiple times and has decent stun and knockback. This attack can also reflect any incoming projectiles that hit the outstretched arms. The move can be bit difficult to use as a reflector, as there is bit of delay before R.O.B. starts to spin his arms, thus requiring more accurate timing than the other faster reflectors. Finally, it can be extended by rapidly tapping the special move button. If R.O.B. moves left or right while performing this move, his torso will also bend, if the players presses b multiple times, the attack will have longer duration.

The move ends with an uppercut that deals increased damage and knockback in Super Smash Bros. 4.


Special Move customization was added in Super Smash Bros. 4. These are the known variations:

  1. Reflector Arm: Knocks away foes, doesn't hit as often, and is unable to move, but lasts longer and reflects projectiles with a 1.8x damage multiplier.
  2. Backward Arm Rotor: Hits less and has an incredibly short spin, but the uppercut comes out much quicker and the move is also able to combo into itself.


The move is an original creation, however the spinning animation is similar to R.O.B.'s victory pose in Mario Kart DS. The R.O.B peripheral in real life could also rotate its arms, albeit a much slower pace than Arm Rotor.



  • Even when metal, the graphical effects of the Arm Rotor will still correspond with the arm color of R.O.B.'s palette.