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Tactics R 3 Gdlk (intentional misspelling of "Tactics are too Godlike"), generally abbreviated to tR3g (pronounced "treg" or "tee-reg") is a SSB64 crew of Fox specialists lead by The Z, Hipstur and LD. The crew consists of some of the top Fox mains in the world as well as promising apprentices looking to pioneer techniques and advance the metagame.

It was previously known as TR2G (Tactics R 2 Good).


TR2G was created in the summer of 2009 by The Z as a parody crew after he was kicked from Prophetic Tactics, his former crew. Despite this, it ironically recruited some of the top online smashers. Zenyore later left and joined PPS, and the clan quickly became inactive.

In December of 2013, The Z chose to revive the crew, which now only consists of Fox players.

2015 Lineup; Member Profiles

Nametag Location Main Status
The Z Montreal, QC Canada Fox (SSB) Founder
Hipstur Reno, NV USA Fox (SSB) Lead member
LD MD/VA USA Fox (SSB) Lead member
EmmiZhang Melbourne, Vic Australia Fox (SSB) Inactive
Fays Amsterdam, NH Netherlands Fox (SSB) Inactive
Roman Winnipeg, MA Canada Fox (SSB) Active
Umbra Hampton, VA USA Fox (SSB) Active
UnReal Scarborough, ON Canada Fox (SSB) Active


Alleged Fox monopoly

Controversy has rose over the said coincidental high amount of Fox mains in the crew. Many have accused TR3G of conspiring to recruit all the best Fox players into the crew and subsequently creating an unstoppable monopoly of high level Fox players.

External links

The TR3G Fox Vault on Smashboards