Project M

Wolf (PM)

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in Project M and Project+
Wolf SSBB.jpg
Universe Star Fox
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Wolf (SSBB)
Alternate costume Classic Wolf
Wolf (SSBB)

Wolf is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M. He has been given better combo options than his Brawl version for his appearance in Project M.


Wolf's alternate costume.

Changes from Brawl to PM

Wolf was notably buffed in his offensive game, with a faster, more versatile movement and more options to combo and juggle opponents, but nerfed in his defensive game, with a slightly worsened endurance and poorer defensive options.

  • Buff Jab 1 deals slightly more damage.
  • Buff Forward tilt has much less hitlag and has slighty more KO potential.
  • Buff Up tilt has less knockback and with Project M's physics make it a better follow-up move that combos into itself at lower percents.
  • Buff Down tilt does more damage and knockback.
  • Buff Forward smash is a stronger KO move.
  • Buff Down smash first hit does slightly more damage and knockback.
  • Buff Wolf's up smash is now a single swipe upwards, that is now a much better KO move.
  • Buff Forward aerial has less endlag and now has a sweetspot which does much more damage and knockback, and the sourspot has weak knockback which allows for follow-ups especially at higher percents.
  • Buff Back aerial deals slightly more damage and has slightly higher KO potential.
  • Buff Up aerial has horizontal knockback which can make it an effective offstage KO option.
  • Buff Down aerial has slightly faster start-up, and the sourspot does slighly more damage.
  • Buff Neutral aerial now properly connect all in a single use, enabling easier damage racking from it, and has less endlag, and the animation stays still, and does more damage.
  • Buff All throws are better for comboing, and has a new back throw which is faster than his old back throw.
  • Buff Pummel deals higher damage making it more effective at racking up damage.
  • Buff Fire Wolf now has a single hit that lasts throughout the move's entire duration, which also causes tumbling at higher percentages, making it more effective at guard breaking, but hindering its offensive utility on land.
  • Buff Shine now sends opponents in a diagonally upward trajectory, along with considerably increased damage, and can be jump-canceled like those of Fox and Falco, allowing for potentially deadly juggling combos. It can now be cancelled even after reflecting a projectile, which prevents a shine lock from characters with fast projectiles. This also allows reflected projectiles to be followed up on via a waveshine or other move out of a jump, and Shine can be jumped out of, and can do combos with his shine that other spacies cannot do.
  • Buff Wolf Flash has been changed so that if Wolf hits a foe with the end of the animation, he won't fall helpless, allowing him to then use another recovery move to get back on stage, and the sweetspot does more knockback and does slighty more damage.
  • Buff Blasters endlag can be cancelled with an airdodge, which can increase his mobility between shots by wavelanding, and the tip of the gun deals slightly higher damage.
  • Buff The new physics and re-introduction of wavedashing give Wolf many more options to improve overall mobility.
  • Buff Wolf's dashing speed has been drastically improved; he now runs nearly as fast as Fox.
  • Buff Dash attack is now a frontal claw uppercut, which covers a larger area in front of Wolf and conserves forward momentum, while functioning similarly to its Brawl equivalent.
  • Buff Wolf is the character that has benefited the most from the standarized meteor cancel delay of 16 frames; this allows him to act out much faster than with the previous 60 frames he had to wait, leaving him much less vulnerable to meteor smashes and thus enhancing his vertical recovery.
  • Nerf Up tilt sweetspot is harder to hit and has less KO potential.
  • Nerf New up smash deals much less damage, and has slower start-up.
  • Nerf Forward aerial has slightly slower start-up and has a sourspot which is more common to hit with and has drastically less KO potential.
  • Nerf Up aerial does slightly less damage and has a sourspot.
  • Nerf Forward, down, and new back throw deal less damage.
  • Nerf Blaster moves slower and does less damage, and is the Blaster is no longer transcendent
  • Nerf Shine no longer has intangibility.
  • Nerf Pummel is slower.
  • Nerf Wolf is lighter, which, along with his weakened defensive maneuvers, causes his already poor survivability to be even worse.
  • Nerf Can no longer Gatling Combo.
  • Change Holding any taunt button when hitting an opponent with a sweetspotted Wolf Flash causes Wolf to howl (like in his up taunt).

Classic Wolf

Classic Wolf appears as Wolf's alternate costume, based on Star Fox 2, with some inspiration (eyepatch and base head) from Star Fox 64 and his Brawl appearance.



  • Buff Down tilt IASA is slightly earlier.
  • Buff Neutral air landing hit's knockback growth slightly increased.
  • Change Forward tilt cleaned up to match graphical effects and hitbox timings.
  • Change Forward tilt hitlag slightly reduced on 1st hit.
  • Change Down air ground and aerial hitboxes adjusted in knockback to be more similar, and both cause knockdown a bit later.
  • Change Aerial Wolf Flash matched in startup timing to grounded Wolf Flash, and there are now 4 cancel lengths from previous 3.
  • Change Wolf Flash hitbox size reduced, and the trajectory can now be altered slightly higher or lower with the control stick.


  • Buff Shine can be released during the reflect lag to go into the end animation afterwards, preventing rapid hitting projectiles like Fox's standing laser that can re-hit before the reflect lag ends from being able to trap him in it.
  • Buff Back aerial has a little less startup.
  • Nerf Shine invincibility removed.
  • Nerf Dash attack is interruptible slightly later.
  • Change Up tilt hitboxes adjusted to match the animation, and can be interrupted sooner.
  • Change Grounded Wolf Flash ending, such as when Wolf Flash is used into an upward slope, is capable of sliding off of edges.
  • Change Grounded Wolf Flash ending is able to hit with the sweetspot hit when shortened.
  • Change Grounded Wolf Flash ending no longer goes into the aerial on-hit animation if the sweetspot connects and then re-landing.
  • Change Wolf Flash being able to pass through Final Destination's and Yoshi's Island's walls near the edge and fall through the stage has been fixed.



An icon for denoting incomplete things.

Up to date as of version 3.0.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack Triple Claw Combo 4% then 2% then 4% Wolf attacks thrice with his claws. Very low start up and ending lag and decent knockback, while being good for starting up combos.
Forward tilt Reaching Swipe 5% then 6% Wolf reaches out to the opponent and swipes them. It is two swipes with relatively low start up and end lag, decent range and knockback. It can KO at higher percentages and is good for setting up edgeguarding.
Up tilt High Kick 10% (sweetspot) 8% (sourspot) A jumping overhead splits kick. Has low start and end lag, with great vertical range but poor horizontal range. Has decent knockback and can lead into combos.
Down tilt Trip Attack 8% A very low kick that hits under the opponent. Lower start up than end lag, with decent horizontal range but poor vertical range. Has small knockback but is good for setting up combos and edgeguarding opponents.
Dash attack Splendid Claw 9% An upwards attack with Wolf's claws. Low start up lag with low-moderate end lag, with well balanced vertical and horizontal range. Has moderate knockback and is good to set up combos.
Forward smash Quick Slash 5% then 10% (15% total) Wolf propels himself forward for two consecutive hits. Low start up and end lag, with the first hit linking into the second one. The second hit has great knockback and is great for setting up combos.
Up smash Half-Moon Slash 15% (sweetspot), 13% (sourspot) An upwards half-moon slash that completely covers above wolf. Low start up with moderate end lag, but great knockback that can KO opponents at moderate percentages. At low percentages, it can lead into combos.
Down smash Double Sweep 15% (front), 13% (back) Two sweeps around Wolf. Low start up lag with moderate end lag, and low range, but immense knockback that can KO at lower to more moderate percentages (depending on character).
Neutral aerial Spinning Wolf 3%, then 4 hits of 2% (11% total) Wolf spins in the air causing up to 5 hits total if all connect; the first hit will link into the other 4. Has low start up lag with high end lag, but is great for setting up combos against the opponent.
Forward aerial Aerial Swipe 15% (sweetspot), 11% (sourspot) An aerial swipe in front of Wolf. Low start up lag and low-moderate end lag with decent range and knockback. Can set up combos against the opponent or even KO the opponent.
Back aerial Backwards Kick 14% (sweetspot), 11% (sourspot) A backwards aerial kick. Low start up lag with moderate end lag, decent range covering behind Wolf and great knockback. It is greatly used as a combo finisher or a finishing attack.
Up aerial Arc Claw 11% (sweetspot), 10% (sourspot) An upwards claw attack above Wolf that is similar to his Up Smash. Low start up and end lag, with great vertical range and can set up combos quite easily. Will KO at high altitudes at moderate percentages.
Down aerial Wolf Meteor 15% Wolf plunges both his hands below himself. High start up and ending lag, but covers below him. Has great knockback and can even meteor smash the opponent.
Grab Claw Grab Wolf grabs his opponent with his hand.
Pummel Knee 3% Wolf attacks the opponent with his knee.
Forward throw Wolf Fangs 4% Uppercuts his opponent forward. This throw can be used to pseudo chain throw some characters, such as Fox, at very low percentages by buffering a dash forward.
Back throw Howling Vengeance 5% Slams the opponent down and claws them behind himself. The opponent's trajectory is diagonal and upward, allowing it to combo into a forward smash.
Up throw Great claw 7% Throws the opponent upward and slashes them with both claws.
Down throw Hyped Claw 9% Throws the opponent on the ground, does a small jump and claws them. It sends the opponent diagonally upward. At very low percentages, it be followed up by a f-tilt, or d-smash. At low to mid percentages, it can also be followed up by a f-smash, or a Blaster.
Floor attack (front) Duel Kick 6% Rises and kicks on one side of his body, then the other.
Floor attack (back) Duel Kick 6% Rises and kicks on one side of his body, then the other.
Floor attack (trip) Recovery Kick 5% Rises and sweeps a foot around his body.
Edge attack (fast) Quick Kicks 8% Wolf quickly slides his body onstage, kicking forth with both legs, then retreating.
Edge attack (slow) Disgruntled Recover 10% Slowly lifts himself using his arms, then flips onto the stage and kicks with one foot.
Neutral special Blaster 3% (gun), 2%-5% (laser) Wolf shoots one shot from his blaster. Moderate start up lag with high end lag. The gun portion of Wolf's blaster causes low knockback, while the laser causes no knockback. A great attack for halting airborne opponents and gimping their recoveries.
Side special Wolf Flash 3% (sourspot), 16% (sweetspot) Wolf quickly propels himself diagonally. Moderate start up and end lag. The sourspot of the flash causes low knockback and sends opponents upwards, but the sweet spot has two different variations, as it can either send the opponent upwards with higher knockback or meteor smash the opponent. It is also a useful recovery tactic, as it can go diagonally and forward.
Up special Fire Wolf 8% Wolf propels himself and kicks his opponent. Can be used in any direction. Moderate start up, yet high end lag. Has great knockback and range, and can send opponents flying. It is also good for linking up into or finishing combos.
Down special Reflector 5% (start up); reflected attacks do x1.5 the usual damage Wolf activates the reflector on his back. Has very low start up and low end lag, and has decent knockback, sending the opponents diagonally upwards. It is great for starting up combos, as Wolf can jump after activation. It also slows down Wolf's air speed and can act as another recovery tool.
Final Smash Landmaster 5% (take off), 15% (landing), 9-20% (ramming), 15% (barrel roll), 16% (shot) Wolf calls in his Landmaster tank. The attacks of the tank have immense knockback and speed, and is great for edgeguarding or even meteoring opponents off the edge. As it flies, it can Star KO any unlucky opponent. The shots from the tank can cover the entire range of any stage and have immense knockback, even at low percentages. The move lasts a few seconds, but leaves Wolf completely invincible.

In competitive play

Notable players

Alternate costumes

Wolf's Red, Green and White costumes look more polished and edited to look solid.

Wolf's alternate costumes in PM

External links