Project M

Snake (PM)

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Revision as of 22:51, April 20, 2014 by Queen Noob (talk | contribs) (Move set descriptions and revisions have been added. But multiple move set names have yet to be filled in. Will anyone do them? Dun dun dunnnnnn....)
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in Project M and Project+
Snake SSBB.jpg
Universe Metal Gear
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Snake (SSBB)
Snake (SSBB)

Snake is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M and the stealthy protagonist of the Metal Gear games. He has been given new moves and several buffs for his Project M showing.


Changes from Brawl to PM

Snake generally received multiple buffs, nerfs, and general changes from Brawl to PM. His main nerf is that the game's new physics weaken many of his options that were formerly dominant, similar to with Meta Knight, though he still gets plenty of other desirable buffs to his combo and zoning games.

  • Buff Snake's grounded jump height has been increased, which along with the faster falling speeds and addition of L-canceling, allow better and less risky usage of his aerial attacks and also equip him with a powerful SHFFL.
  • Buff Up throw is a stronger finisher, and can chain grab at lower percents.
  • Buff Grenade explodes much faster after thrown, and when thrown at the opponent it does 1% more damage now doing 3% damage, and the knockback is almost as strong as brawls.
  • Buff First hit of forward tilt now causes grounded opponents to bounce upwards, allowing the second hit to connect more reliably and is faster on hit due to less hitlag.
  • Buff Up tilt has been replaced with an uppercut that can combo well at low percentages, similar to Captain Falcon's up smash from Smash 64.
  • Buff Dash attack sourspot does 2% more damage now doing 8%.
  • Buff Down special after placing a C4 can be bluffed, allowing for mindgames.
  • Buff Jab combo does 1% more damage now doing 15% total.
  • Buff Down tilt does 1% more damage now doing 11%, and has better combo set ups than brawl at lower percents.
  • Buff Neutral aerial hits three times (as opposed to four), allowing all kicks to connect in a short hop and rack up damage to launch the opponent afterwards.
  • Buff Tip of forward aerial now spikes, being a deadlier edge-guarding move when spaced correctly, and now does 1% more damage now doing 16%. The sweetspot is a stronger kill move, especially on the ground.
  • Buff Down aerial is faster and it's last stomp is now a meteor smash, also acting better as an edge-guarding move.
  • Buff Forward smash is replaced with a knife combo, where Snake slashes twice in front of him, then performs a third stronger slash with a second press of the attack button. It is much faster than his previous forward smash and can efficiently rack up damage at low percentages, with the third hit gaining KO potential.
  • Buff Up smash's mortars deal higher damage, and their horizontal angle is no longer random; instead, the player can control it like with Ivysaur's Seed Bomb.
  • Buff Down smash has less ending lag, and mines can now KO at lower percentages along with having a larger detection radius.
  • Buff Snake can now drag grabbed enemies sideways by using the left and right taunt buttons.
  • Buff Forward and back throws have very little knockback growth, so it is easier to throw opponents into mines and C4s.
  • Buff Down throw deals more damage and ends faster, forcing the opponent to act faster and racking up more damage as a tech-chasing move.
  • Buff Nikita has been replaced with a Tranquilizer Gun: Snake shoots a small tranquilizing projectile that puts a grounded opponent to sleep for one instant and causes airborne opponents to flinch, all while causing 1% damage. It can be fired three times, but the fourth time will be a reload to be able to fire three shots again. Snake can also reload it even without firing by pressing a Shield button in the first frames. It has more utility than the Nikita, being much faster and allowing Snake to easily punish foes affected by the attack.
  • Buff Cypher now emits electricity when used, and causes opponents to take 6% damage flinch when in close radius. It additionally has a slightly better horizontal movement.
  • Buff C4s produce more vertical knockback to compensate for the faster falling speeds. In addition, they don't disappear unless Snake dies or sets them off, and the detonation animation can be canceled by holding the special button for some sort of feint.
  • Nerf The general new physics of Project M, which include enhanced air movements and the re-introduction of techniques such as wavedashing, increase the pace of many characters' playstyles, allowing most of the cast to overcome Snake's metagame, which was one of the most powerful in Brawl. Like Meta Knight, Snake does not benefit as much from these techniques other than L-canceling, compared to other characters.
  • Nerf Jab combo is less of a kill move.
  • Nerf Back air is less of a kill move.
  • Nerf Down tilt is a weaker kill move.
  • Nerf Significantly lighter; Snake is now only slightly heavier than Captain Falcon and Link.
  • Nerf New up tilt inflicts less damage, has significantly less range and decreased KO potential.
  • Nerf Neutral aerial causes less damage, and the last kick also deals less knockback.
  • Nerf Down aerial deals drastically less damage, and can no longer KO onstage opponents properly.
  • Nerf New forward smash has less KO potential, and the third hit is easy to DI out of at high percents.
  • Nerf Cypher gains less vertical distance, and it no longer gives launch resistance to Snake.
  • Nerf Forward and back throws are worse at KOing by themselves.
  • Nerf Forward tilt combo was slightly weakened, doing 2% less damage now doing 18% total.
  • Nerf Can no longer Gatling Combo.
  • Change Cardboard Box no longer affects opponents.
  • Change Grenades now explode sooner, but only one can be active at any time. Additionally, Snake can now roll his grenades forward by tilting down as he is about to throw them.
  • Change Has a different attack while crawling as opposed to just crouching: he will stab using a knife instead of performing a spin kick. This deals low damage and knockback, but can set up combos.
  • Change C4 no longer transfers between players, and Snake says "There!" upon sticking it to a character.
  • Change His blue costume has more distinctive recolors, making it more noticeable on Team Battles.
  • Change Up taunt has been changed to a taunt where Snake briefly smokes, taking 1% damage when he does so. He then drops the cigarette in front of him, causing 4% flame damage to nearby opponents. It is the longest taunt in the game.
  • Change Down taunt is still his Cardboard Box, but has the speed of the former up taunt.
  • Change Side taunt now has Snake speak into his codec, saying "Colonel, mission accomplished", similar to in one of his victory poses.
  • Change Snake now uses regular punching and kicking SFX for his attacks, rather than unique ones.



  • Buff Forward tilt 2 is stronger.
  • Buff Neutral air last hit is stronger.
  • Buff Back air sweetspot lasts slightly longer.
  • Change Up tilt animation touched up.
  • Change Up smash knockback and angle adjusted.
  • Change Back air angles switched.
  • Change Cypher hitboxes are closer in to him.
  • Change Cypher adjusted in knockback and angle.
  • Change C4 explosion hitbox shifted upwards to match the graphic and hits slightly longer.


  • Buff Crawl Stab's base knockback has been slightly increased.
  • Buff Cypher can sweetspot the edge more easily.
  • Nerf Crawl stab's knockback growth has been slightly decreased.
  • Nerf Up throw has slightly more endlag.
  • Change Jab 1's outermost hitbox shifted inward slightly.
  • Change Dash attack ends slightly earlier.
  • Change Up smash comes out slightly faster.
  • Change Up smash is angleable; hold the direction left or right to control the direction of where the mortar goes.
  • Change Turn Grab has a bit more startup to match other turn grabs.
  • Change Hand Grenade has a new throw option, a low throw which Snake "rolls" the grenade on the ground.
  • Change Hand Grenade Back throw of the grenade has been changed to an "Up" input instead of a "Back" input.
  • Change Cypher is now wavebounceable.


  • Nerf Forward air has reduced knockback growth.
  • Nerf Standing grab has much less reverse range.
  • Change Up Tilt reanimated for polish.
  • Change Forward Smash reanimated for polish.
  • Change Forward Smash start up very slightly decreased.
  • Change Neutral air's last hit sends at a slightly lower angle.
  • Change C4 aerial stick hitbox moved up and slightly in.
  • Change Nikita side B replaced with Tranquilizer Gun.
  • Change Tranquilizer gun has a 3 dart clip that can be reloaded prematurely by holding shield within six frames starting side B.
  • Change Up taunt replaced with a cigarette smoking taunt.


  • Change Forward smash doesn't display all of Snake's facial expressions.
  • Change Fixed graphical issues during forward smash 2.
  • Change Up tilt animation reverted to demo 2.6's Utilt animation.
  • Change Snake can now reload tranq gun even when he hasn't taken any shots.


Up to date as of version 3.0.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack 4%, 3% then 8% (15% total) Punch, Punch, Spinkick. A natural combo. The final kick has high knockback but can be powershielded, even if the combo is done as fast as possible. This is the attack combo from Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid games. 1st jab can also be canceled into a f-tilt or grab.
Forward tilt 8% then 10% Does a knee-thrust forward and, if A is pressed again, an overhead swing of both arms. A natural combo. This move is seen during a cutscene in Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes when Snake fights Grey Fox. The first hitbox has extremely fast start-up and good horizontal reach. On grounded opponents, it bounces them upward with set knockback, causing hitstun but no knockback, which allows Snake to link the opponent into the second hitbox. Since the knee hitbox bounces grounded enemies upward it can set up an up tilt. The second hitbox has fast start-up as well. The f-tilt can be used for general damage racking, as a punishing move, for KOing, and it is also a useful out of shield option, as it takes hardly any frames for the hitbox to come out. Can be power shielded out of the knee hitbox to avoid the swing hitbox however.
Up tilt 12% (arm), 10% (hand) Snake punches one hand upward. It has low start-up, great vertical reach, and surprisingly good horizontal reach, as well as great vertical knockback. Capable of KOing lightweights around 120% while KOing heavyweights around 160%. Higher knockback when the hit connects earlier on in the attack, though the sourspot will still reliably KO under 150%.
Down tilt 11% (sweetspot), 10% (sourspot) Snake is fully prone while crouching, and he sweeps his legs around. While it is fast and has good vertical knockback, it is not as good as his forward and up tilt, due to having less reach than the f-tilt, and much less knockback than the up tilt. It can be used as a surprise KO move since it's usually fresh when used.
Crawl attack 5% Stabs a small dagger out on the ground in front of him.
Dash attack 11% (clean), 8% (late) Snake does a somersault forward, and ends up half-crouching at the end. Easily transitions to crouching/crawling. The somersault and subsequent transition to crouching are visually identical to those moves used by Snake in the Metal Gear Solid series.
Forward smash 6% (2 hits) then 12% (24% total) Pulls out his small dagger and holds it back before slashing upward in front of him. By pressing the attack button two more times he will do two more slashes downward then upward again while moving forward a little, with the third slash dealing more damage than the first two. However due to knockback of the first two hits it will be often hard if not almost impossible for the third slash to hit the opponent, preventing all three hits from being a three hit combo.
Up smash 4% (slam), 14% (mortar shot) Snake slams a mortar (MGS4) in front of himself and fires a shell into the air. The movement of the shell can be directed by pushing the control stick in the desired direction. The shell has low base knockback but not much knockback scaling, making it unreliable as a KO move. Charging the up smash does not increase its power, but it increases the speed at which the shell is fired, making it go higher. When fully charged it travels great distances, almost the entire height of the 'large' stage builder area, making it have by far the greatest vertical reach of any attack. The shell explodes if it makes contact with a ceiling, an opponent, a wall or the ground no matter what direction it's moving in. The action of slamming down the mortar has a hitbox that produces very weak vertical knockback that knocks opponents into the mortar's line of fire. The shell cannot damage Snake unless it hits a Reflector.
Down smash 14% Snake crouches and starts digging a hole in the ground as he charges, and sets a landmine. This is taken from Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. This down smash has slow start-up and does not actually deal any damage right away. Almost immediately after planting the mine, it becomes active, and will detonate if anyone (including Snake) steps on it. If the platform the mine is set on disappears (such as on Rainbow Cruise or Delfino Plaza) the mine falls down and if it makes contact with anything, even the ground, it explodes. Players can't plant more than one mine at a time, but it can be moved by using the attack again, which removes it from its previous position and plants it at Snake's current position. After a while, or if Snake dies, the mine will blow up by itself.
Neutral aerial 3%, 5% then 7% (15% total) Performs three kicks in quick succession. The first kick has very fast start-up, but the whole move itself has slightly long duration with slight ending lag, making it punishable. All three kicks combo well into each other and is best performed high in the air, but all three kicks can come out in a short hop. Best used against airborne and large characters.
Forward aerial 16% (foot), 14% (leg) Snake lifts a leg to head height and axe-drops it down. Has slow start-up and some ending lag, but it is a good meteor smash with great vertical and horizontal reach. Connection with the foot results in a very powerful meteor smash while connection with the leg results in some vertical knockback that can star KO opponents over 100%. When the spacing for meteor smashing with the forward aerial is mastered, this is a surprisingly easy meteor smash to land.
Back aerial 14% (clean), 10% (late) Snake kicks his legs out behind him, making him plank in the air. Has fairly fast start-up along with good reach and good horizontal knockback when sweetspotted. Has Sex Kick properties, meaning its hitbox has a long duration and is stronger at the beginning of the attack. It has some ending lag and never auto-cancels, so it is very punishable if it is not canceled by pressing the shield button. This move is useful for edgeguarding.
Up aerial 14% (clean), 10% (late) Thrusts his legs straight upwards, similar to his back aerial except upwards. Fairly fast start-up with good vertical reach and powerful vertical knockback, but it has considerable ending lag. The up aerial is useful for star KOing airborne opponents that are above 100%.
Down aerial 4 hits of 4% (16% total) Like his neutral aerial, except with four stomps below instead. With a quick start-up, all four stomps can be performed in a short hop. The last stomp has very high vertical knockback. While somewhat laggy and punishable, this attack is good against shields, and is a great punishing move if Snake can predict where an opponent may end up after his opponent performs a roll dodge. Unlike the neutral aerial, it is generally better against grounded opponents.
Grab Grabs and holds his opponent in a restraining chokehold, which is a grabbing position unique to Snake.
Pummel 3% Tightens his chokehold.
Forward throw 9% Flips them over and drops them (scoop slam).
Back throw 9% Throws opponent over his knee. The same type of throw is also seen in the MGS games.
Up throw 10% Back suplex, similar to Jigglypuff's back throw. Can setup for his up tilt at low percentages.
Down throw 14% Lays opponent on the floor, putting the opponent into the downed status. One of the best tech-chase moves in the game and lets Snake get an addition grab or hit if he can predict how the enemy will recover.
Floor attack (front) 6% Rotates his body around with both his feet sticking out and gets up.
Floor attack (back) 6% Rotates his body around with both his feet sticking out and gets up.
Floor attack (trip) 5% Does a swirling kick while getting up.
Edge attack (fast) 8% Picks himself up and swirls his leg forward.
Edge attack (slow) 10% Slowly gets up and kicks forward.
Neutral special Hand Grenade 2-4% (throw), 12% (explosion) When the special button is pressed Snake pulls out a grenade and then pulls out the pin, releasing the button will cause him to throw it. The distance that the grenade is thrown can be controlled by pressing forward, backward, or pressing no direction at all. The grenade will explode after 2 seconds of being out and only one grenade can be out at once, another one can't be produced until it explodes.
Side special Tranquilizer 1% Snake shoots a small tranquilizing projectile that puts a grounded opponent to sleep. Allowing for easy follow-ups and starting combos. If the target is not on the ground, the target will get 1% damage.
Up special Cypher 6% (2 hits) 8% (the camera) He grabs onto a flying reconnaissance camera to recover. It will not make him helpless, but will take away his mid-air jump. One can cancel the ride early by performing any attack (excluding the up special), or by pressing down, upon which the Cypher will become an upward projectile. Despite the large amount of vertical distance this move covers, Snake is very vulnerable to edgeguarding even though the move now has two damaging electric hitboxes until either Snake cancels the move or he is hit out of it.
Down special C4 17% Snake bends down a plants a C4 on the ground where he's standing. However the C4 can also be planted on an enemy, where he will say "There". By using the move a second time, he takes out a remote with a flourish and exclaims "Now!" as he presses the button, detonating the explosive, which can KO at around 100%. The detonation can be cancelled if Snake is attacked before he presses the button.
Final Smash Grenade Launcher 18% (12 shots) Snake catches a helicopter which brings him to the foreground. A grenade launcher is pulled out with enough ammunition for two rounds.

In competitive play

Notable players

Palette swaps

Snake's palette swaps in PM


  • In build prior to 3.0, Snake's up taunt would involve him touching his beard, saying either "Not even close!" or "Tasty!", which was much shorter than his current up taunt.
    • Also prior to 3.0, Snake still had his Nikita, functioning just like in Brawl, though it would always do 18% damage regardless of its speed.

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