Talk:Super Smash Bros. 4/Archive 3

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An icon used in notice templates. NOTE: This talk page is to discuss the content of the article we have on Smash 4, not to discuss Smash 4 itself. Read SW:TALK before commenting on here, specifically:
  • Do not post here about what characters (or anything else) you want to see in Smash 4.
  • Do not post speculation here about what characters (or anything else) you think will be in Smash 4.
  • Do not post here about what you think of confirmed content in Smash 4.

If you would want to discuss Smash 4, take it to the forums. This talk page is only for discussing the content of our Smash 4 article.

Splitting the article

We don't know how different the games will end up being but shouldn't the WiiU and 3DS versions be on differnt pages? If not can someone explain why? 05:38, 6 September 2013 (EDT)

It doesn't look like we will need to split them now because the games are similar and little information is known. We have sufficiently covered their differences with the section called "Console differences". However, a split is likely once the games are released and more information is known. Awesome Cardinal 2000 09:56, 6 September 2013 (EDT)

No X-Bomb

I see nothing about the items, and the X Bomb.Ssb-er-1 (talk) 12:47, 2 November 2013 (EDT)


Am I correct in assuming that this Mewtwo reveal was no joke? It also shows a couple of returns such as Lucario. Malake256 (talk) 00:59, 11 November 2013 (EST)

Oh sorry about that, I stumbled across this and confused this Project M with a different Project M that worked on Metroid: Other M, I see now that this is just about exploiting Brawl. Sorry. Malake256 (talk) 01:03, 11 November 2013 (EST)

Why bring this up on the talk page for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game? We have a Project M page don't we? SeanWheeler (talk) 13:10, 11 November 2013 (EST)

Because he didn't realise that is was PM at first...? Scr7 (talk · contribs) 13:12, 11 November 2013 (EST)


We miss the items. X-Bomb, "Pikmin Rocket", Capsule ... Ssb-er-1 (talk) 12:56, 12 November 2013 (EST)


Please tell me, why do you wish to withhold this information Omega? And why are you taking it so personal to the point of swearing/cursing? It is possible to talk about this without resorting to that you know.

But seriously, its valid information that could indeed be true, so why withhold it? Even as a form of trivia, it seems interesting enough to mention. I mean after all, this wiki has an article dedicated to a fan game. Why is a page dedicated to a fan game, that has no backing from any nintendo official (as far as i know), yet information regarding a legit game stated by someone who actually works for the company isn't?

I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, I honestly want to know your reasoning behind this. In the event it's not true, it makes interesting trivia and it gives people something to talk about. If it is true, then at least the wiki could take pride in the fact it helped the cause by promoting the thing via providing a link to the petition in question for people to sign.

Wouldn't it be nice knowing a character got into the game because its one fans actually worked together to get? Don't you want the wiki to be part of that? Again, in the event it is legit.
Ixbran (talk) 23:37, 4 December 2013 (EST)

Fan games have no backing from Nintendo but are released into the public. They are playable. They are not "fake" or hoaxes. Petitions as ridiculous as adding Reggie to a Smash game are clearly hoaxes, and if anything, deserves to be on the List of Rumors page and not on the main Smash 4 page. Don't add it there until Omega Tyrant puts his comment here, however. --Timson622222 (talk) 23:40, 4 December 2013 (EST)
I dont see how it could be a Hoax, i mean has Reggie been known for that sort of thing? Yea he had joked about wanting to be in the game. But after he said that, he admitted to having been joking about it and moved on. So I believe if he had been joking this time, he would have followed up with an "I'm joking guys." like last time.

I like to think it's the fans wish for him to actually be in the game that made Sakurai consider it. Wouldn't it be interesting if this was indeed true? It would be nice knowing that a character got into smash because it's something fans wanted, and worked together to get.
Ixbran (talk) 23:45, 4 December 2013 (EST)
"Please tell me, why do you wish to withhold this information?"
Because it's not legitimate information?
"And why are you taking it so personal to the point of swearing/cursing?"
"Swearing" does not mean someone is taking something "personally".
"But seriously, its valid information that could indeed be true, so why withhold it?"
Notice the bolded words, if we're adding information that "could be true", then when we are gearing right into speculation (though this goes beyond speculation as I'll get too shortly).
"Even as a form of trivia, it seems interesting enough to mention. I mean after all, this wiki has an article dedicated to a fan game. Why is a page dedicated to a fan game, that has no backing from any nintendo official (as far as i know), yet information regarding a legit game stated by someone who actually works for the company isn't?"
This is completely irrelevant. "Information" about a joke by a Nintendo employee and information about Brawl mods are two entirely different things, don't compare them. Additionally, a joke made by a Nintendo employee about being added to the game pre-development is not "interesting" trivia whatsoever, when it has absolutely no impact on the game.
"In the event it's not true, it makes interesting trivia and it gives people something to talk about."
That is completely irrelevant to the Wiki, we are here to report the facts, not "give people something to talk about".
"If it is true, then at least the wiki could take pride in the fact it helped the cause by promoting the thing via providing a link to the petition in question for people to sign."
Again completely irrelevant. We are an encyclopedia about Smash Bros., not a site to promote shit.
"Wouldn't it be nice knowing a character got into the game because its one fans actually worked together to get? Don't you want the wiki to be part of that?"
Please read what SmashWiki is not, we are not a fanon site that push for things to be in Smash. You seriously want Reggie in Smash? Take it elsewhere, don't use this Wiki to promote it.
"I dont see how it could be a Hoax, i mean has Reggie been known for that sort of thing?"
You seemingly aren't aware of the "My body is ready" meme, and why Reggie has the notoriety he does on the internet.
"So I believe if he had been joking this time, he would have followed up with an "I'm joking guys." like last time."
You're not familiar with the basis of humor are you? See, here's the thing, when people joke around, they don't flat out say it's a joke, as it otherwise ruins the joke. The fact he claims his final smash would be "MY BODY IS READY SLAM" should be quite clear he's entertaining the fanbase and is not at all being serious. Do I really need to fully explain the joke to you?
"I like to think it's the fans wish for him to actually be in the game that made Sakurai consider it. Wouldn't it be interesting if this was indeed true? It would be nice knowing that a character got into smash because it's something fans wanted, and worked together to get."
See what I said earlier about this, we're not going to start speculating on shit because fans "wish for it".
TLDR: It's an obvious joke made by a guy known for his entertaining antics, thus we will not cover it as if it's factual information about Smash 4 content. Also knock it off with the "it could be" and "wouldn't it be nice if X happened?" when they have no basis whatsoever for determining what information goes on the Wiki. Omega Tyrant   00:11, 5 December 2013 (EST)
the fact your so dead set on stating it is a joke and nothing more, without even considering the possibility of it being true, is disappointing. I figured that when it comes to a game company that is known for surprises and /silly/ things, people would learn to stop taking everything so seriously. After all games are supposed to be fun, and providing information about them should be as well. But you're really sucking the fun out of things by getting all uppity about this. I guess we will just have to wait and see how things turn out then. If its not true, then that's perfectly fine and I'll admit I was wrong. But if it does turn out to be true, and the necessary signatures for the petition are met, then making Reggie's Smash.4 character page is something I will thoroughly enjoy doing.
Ixbran (talk) 00:22, 5 December 2013 (EST)
"the fact your so dead set on stating it is a joke and nothing more"
Because obvious joke is obvious? You're the only one who's taking the joke seriously.
"without even considering the possibility of it being true"
SmashWiki is not speculative
"I figured that when it comes to a game company that is known for surprises and /silly/ things, people would learn to stop taking everything so seriously."
Except you know, this is the Wiki mainspace, an online encyclopedia, where it is completely serious. Do you know what a Wiki is for? The forums and userspaces are for fun, not the mainspace.
"and providing information about them should be as well."
Except the "information" you're trying to add here isn't actual information at all, and read my prior sentence.
"But you're really sucking the fun out of things by getting all uppity about this."
Again, read What SmashWiki is not. We are an online encyclopedia, not a pseudo-news site that reports things because "they're fun". And don't complain about users here "being uppity", because they maintain the factual basis of the Wiki and don't let you use it to post pseudo-news about how a guy joked about being in Smash Bros.
"If its not true, then that's perfectly fine and I'll admit I was wrong. But if it does turn out to be true, and the necessary signatures for the petition are met, then making Reggie's Smash.4 character page is something I will thoroughly enjoy doing."
You want to complain that I'm "taking things too seriously", yet here you are taking a joke from a guy notorious for them completely serious, and getting emotional and whiny about it when others shut you down about it. Don't be a hypocrite. Omega Tyrant   00:42, 5 December 2013 (EST)

I'd just like to note here that Nintendo stated just this past week that, back when Operation Rainfall was the petition-of-the-day, while they did ultimately decide to do what the fans wanted, they flat-out ignored the petition in the final decision process. So I'd say the chances of Sakurai even considering one are just about zero. Toomai Glittershine   The Rainbow 10:11, 5 December 2013 (EST)

The Unidentified 3DS Stage is a DK Country Returns 3D Stage!


Firstly, you seem to have your caps lock stuck. It's the key to the left of "A", turn it off, as ALLCAPS is disruptive to talk page discussions as per SW:TALK. Secondly, there is no official source that it is a DK stage, so if you try to make this edit again, it'll just be reverted. Heck, this page even has a clear note saying "do not claim that this is a DK stage". Scr7 (talk · contribs) 13:46, 23 December 2013 (EST)
"I just know it is one"
That is not good enough, as far as we see, the stage could be many different things at this point. Sure it could very well be a DK stage, but SmashWiki is not speculative, and we want official confirmation or else hard evidence that strongly supports it, before we go claiming it on the Wiki as fact that it's going to be a DK stage. Omega Tyrant   13:56, 23 December 2013 (EST)

Assist Characters

"ATs should probably not get that kind of significant billing on the game's main page; Brawl's page doesn't even list them"

If you dont mind my asking, are there any specific reasons as to why their not included, on either the Brawl or Smash.4 pages? I mean sure their not playable, but it would be nice for people browsing the wiki to be able to access their page from the games pages.
Ixbran (talk) 01:11, 29 December 2013 (EST)

Different Colors?

I think I saw a pic on the SSB4 website, with King Dedede lying on the ground on the Mario Galaxy stage, and his hat was PINK! should I post this as news? -The Master Hand MasterHandHeadSSBM.png

Besides the fact Dedede already had a pink palette, any new palette would go on the character's page, it's not newsworthy unless it's a significant alt costume (like Dr. Mario for Mario). Omega Tyrant   08:03, 10 January 2014 (EST)

ssb4 release date be like

December 31, 2014. Chilex (talk) 11:18, 19 January 2014 (EST)