SmashWiki:12TP/Smash Bros. DOJO!! 04

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Japanese.png This page is part of SW:1226. The original page is located here.
Hover over a piece of text to see the original Japanese. If you think you can improve a translation, do so.
Believed translation accuracy is shown by coloured highlights, ranging through high, medium-high, medium, medium-low, and low/untranslated.


Smash Bros. DOJO!! 16-20

- Taunting -
- Using an attack vector on! -
- Kawaseru the attack on the vector! -

- Teching -
- Challenger weakened -

#16 [Controls] Taunting

#17 [Tactics] Using an attack vector on!

#18 [Tactics] Kawaseru the attack on the vector!

#19 [Controls] Teching

#20 [1P] Challenger weakened