Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Yoshi's Island (SSBM)

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Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's Island
Universe Yoshi
Appears in SSBM
Availability Starter (SSBM and SSBB)
Crate type Presents (SSBB Only)
Tracks available Yoshi's Island
Super Mario Bros. 3
Bolded track must be unlocked in Brawl.
Tournament legality
Melee Singles: Banned
Doubles: Banned
Brawl Singles: Counter/Banned
Doubles: Counter/Banned
Article on Super Mario Wiki Yoshi's Island (place)
For other versions of this stage, see Yoshi's Island (disambiguation).

Announced at E3 2001, Yoshi's Island is a starter stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee, also available as a Melee Stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It acts as Yoshi's home stage, and players face Bowser and his teammates on the stage in All-Star mode.


A portion of the Yoshi's Island 1 level, as seen in Super Mario World.

This stage comes from Super Mario World. In Super Mario World, there are yellow boxes with two vertical lines in them. If the player were to hit under a yellow box, the yellow box would spin for a short period of time. When the box is spinning the player is able to go through it. In this stage in Melee and Brawl, there are nine of these yellow boxes. When a player hits or attacks the yellow boxes, the players are able to go through them. In Super Mario World, the player will occasionally come across a diagonal pipe. One of the diagonal pipes is used as cannon for the player to get across a large gap. In this stage, there is a diagonal pipe. There are numerous elements in the background of this stage that are seen in Super Mario World such as round-topped mountains, apple trees, and long rounded clouds. In Super Mario World there are apple trees. When a player is riding on Yoshi, the player can make Yoshi eat the apples from the trees. When Yoshi eats a certain amount of apples, it lays an egg that has a certain item in it. Also in the background of this stage are two enemies from Super Mario World. One of them is a giant Bullet Bill called Banzai Bill. The other enemy is a Fishin' Lakitu with an extra life mushroom. [1]

There are two music tracks that can be heard on this stage. The first comes from Super Mario World's "Athletic" theme. When the player jumps on Yoshi in Super Mario World a drumbeat can be heard. The drumbeat can be heard in Melee's remix of this track. The alternate track has a mix of two music pieces from Super Mario Bros. 3: the overworld theme and the track that plays when selecting a stage in World 1. [2]


This stage has a unique design. On the far right of the stage, there is a hill sloping upwards. Characters can go up the hill, but walking too far will result in a self-destruct. On the left, there is a large Warp Pipe supported by two smaller ones. In the center of the stage are 9 Turning Blocks. Six of the blocks are in the air, while three of them are in the middle of the stage, building a bridge. Below the three middle blocks is a pit. If characters attack a block or jump into it from below, the block starts spinning, like in the original Super Mario World. When this happens, characters won't be able to stand on the spinning blocks, and will instead fall down into the pit where it is possible to get trapped, making it somewhat difficult to recover, especially for Ness

In Brawl, playing as Fox, Falco, or Wolf and activating the Landmaster Final Smash when at least one of the three Turning Blocks in the middle rotates causes the Landmaster to fall through the resulting hole, causing a SD, despite the fact that the Landmaster is much bigger than the opening. This is because of a game physic in which the actual character is still on the field and the characters cannot stand in midair. It is believed that the characters are in the direct middle of the Landmaster. If the Landmaster only hangs over the edge a little, it will not fall. The Pokémon Trainer also occasionally moves above the hole, even though there is clearly nothing under him.

Tournament Legality

In both Melee and Brawl, Yoshi's Island is banned. In both cases, the abnormally close blast lines and the walk off blast line to the right of the stage can easily cause quick KOs; the frequently absence of a bottom blast line also marginalises edgeguarding skills. The ramp can also allow Fox players to easily and quickly shine combo characters off of the stage.


  • The trophy of Metal Mario in Melee, if inspected closely, reflects a still image of this stage.
  • Super Mario World did have large diagonal pipes like the one on the left of this stage; however, all of them angled up and to the right, unlike this one which angles up and to the left.
  • If Pit performs his Final Smash, Palutena's Army, on this stage, the clouds will continue to move in front of Palutena's face.
  • Although Super Mario World was part of the main Mario series, in the Smash series this stage is part of the Yoshi universe. However, all Yoshi universe properties can also be considered part of the Mario universe, due to Yoshi having first appeared in a Mario game, and appearing in various others (especially sports titles and the Mario Party series) since then.
