User:Naked Snake

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Revision as of 05:10, July 5, 2012 by Naked Snake (talk | contribs)
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One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle. -The Boss, MGS3
Naked Snake
Naked Snake - Brawl Trophy.png
Character info
Smash 64 main Fox
Brawl mains Snake, Marth
Other Brawl character Ganondorf
Personal and other info
Real name Michael Chen
Birth date (age 29)
Location Nevada United States


I've been playing Smash on and off for the past few years as well as frequenting this wiki. Due to a lack of game consoles (my parents did not wish to buy any until the Wii), I have played the original SSB and SSBM on my laptop via emulators. Going to a friend's house once in middle school and playing some casual Brawl was what first exposed me to this game series. From that point on, I was captivated by the innovative gameplay, and I started by playing Super Smash Bros. on the Project64 emulator. I was fairly decent at it, although I found it to be a little too simple and combos to be unnecessarily long. I was impressed by Isai's competitive ability, and I soon found that Melee had a much bigger competitive scene. After watching many videos of Ken, Isai, Bombsoldier, Captain Jack, and countless other professionals, I finally got a computer capable of running Gamecube games on the Dolphin Emulator. After many months, I became pretty good at Melee despite having to play on a keyboard (which to me is now as natural as using an actual controller). In high school, my parents finally relented and bought a Wii for my brother and me, and naturally my first game was Brawl. It was in many respects easier than Melee, but nevertheless I found it to be extremely fun and better than Melee as far as competing against others is concerned. I first mained Marth due to my experience with him in Melee (and the fact that Ken was my Smash role model), but I soon grew to know the moveset of each character pretty well and I can play at a decent level with many characters (and I have a few mains now). I've never had the chance to attend a real tournament due to school-related time constraints, but in competitions against my classmates I've usually come out on top. Also, as you might be able to tell from my username, I'm a Metal Gear fan. I like the stealth gameplay, and the storyline is better than that of many novels.

About Me

I live in Nevada, and currently I'm a high school senior. I am currently ranked first in my class according to weighted GPA, and I have earned numerous academic awards and gotten a 5 on eight AP exams. That said, I am not at all averse to video games (as many of my classmates initially thought I would be). Smash is probably my favorite series, and I play it at home on the computer and Wii. There's also a Senior Lounge at my school where there's a TV and a Wii, and I've gone in there a few times as a junior and I plan to frequent the place as a senior. I'm better than most of my classmates/relatives at Brawl, even with "bad" characters like Ganondorf. Since I focus a lot of time on academics and sports, I don't have time to go to any Smash tournaments but I follow them pretty closely and I have a pretty extensive knowledge of Brawl's mechanics as well as every character's moveset. Finally, as far as contributions on this wiki go, I am keenly aware of the importance of proper grammar and spelling. I strive to do my best to make myself logical and clear, but of course, I am not perfect (English is actually not even my first language, my parents taught me Chinese first), and I will occassionally make mistakes while typing. Please feel free to correct me if that occurs.

Competency Tier Lists

Simple table of the characters I use most/best. Hover over the character's image for a short blurb.

Super Smash Bros.
HardDifficulty.png Up smash is A+. Falcon Punch recovery?
NormalDifficulty.png Om nom nom. Good recovery, hard to do well. Strong attacks, horrible recovery. Unexpectedly good up-b sometimes.
EasyDifficulty.png Fireballs! Huge and easy to combo. Charge shot... easy to dodge. Just a worse Kirby. No third jump... PK fire is annoying.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
IntenseDifficulty.png Ken Combo! Down-air ftw. Lots of offstage power. Down throw chaingrab ftw.
VeryHardDifficulty.png Good character, but requires too much tech skill. Sweetspotted knee is awesome. Rest combos? I guess he's okay.
HardDifficulty.png MOOOOOOOOOOOO Much better up-b than before. Just like Mario, but better. Marth clone. Weird, but not bad. The original. Lightning kick ain't bad... Slooooooooow.
NormalDifficulty.png Nana is useless. Also slow. Too many misfires. Strong throws. Ehhh. Nerfed badly. Weird falling speed.
EasyDifficulty.png It damages itself >.> Recovery still sucks. No third jump still.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
IntenseDifficulty.png The god of edgeguarding. Tilts instead of smashes. Also, explosives. Now he has a chaingrab. Supernerf, nevertheless fun to play as. Ridiculous down smash.
VeryHardDifficulty.png Two-hit side smash throws off so many people... I fight my friends. Big head and eyes. I R TRAP JOO WIT MAH MAGIKS. Fast but weak. Tornado... tornado... tornado... ASFDFJKSHDFGI TORNADO!!!1111!!!1
HardDifficulty.png Surprisingly strong smash attacks. Curved arrows? Wat. LAZAHS Playtime, in fact, just started. Meh, he's strong.
NormalDifficulty.png OOK OOK OOK HAIIIIIIIII FALCON... whoops. Nerfed. Keep hitting him. -shank- What's so good about the guy? Mawio. Annoying recovery. Gorilla with a tie. Better than the rest... just because he's a dragon. Down smash sucks. Up smash! Never liked him, multiple jumps yet falls quickly. Almost forgot about Samus's alter ego.
EasyDifficulty.png Never liked her. Terrible range D: Ew. Fast, but useless. Fast is useless when you're this weak. Eggs, eggs, and more eggs. Same as always, huh? Don't even know his moveset.


Naked Snake
Dispute Handling 50%    
Smash Skill 65%    
Smash Knowledge 95%    
Spelling/Grammar 100%  
Typing Speed 90%    
Wikipresence 90%    
Wikiskill 60%    
Basic Attributes
I R Seeing You This user uses the IRC.
Icy Head This user cannot use Flame attacks.
Mr. Vulcan This user's Logic attacks deal 33% more damage.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Rock Head This user is immune to Troll attacks.
Scene Team This user can contribute videos.
Other Attributes
Genius This user has an IQ of over 150.
Music This user enjoys video game music.
Hidden Power This user is a lot stronger than he looks.
MarioIcon(SSBB).png This user enjoys old games.
LuigiIcon(SSBB).png This user is tall, slim, and has a younger brother.
DrMarioIcon(SSBM).png This user aspires to be a scientist.
PeachIcon(SSBB).png This user wonders why Peach entered the SSB series.
BowserIcon(SSBB).png This user is short tempered at times.
YoshiIcon(SSBB).png This user runs quickly.
WarioIcon(SSBB).png This user can be lazy at times.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSBB).png This user has to wear a tie every school day.
DiddyKongIcon(SSBB).png This user likes Journey to the West.
LinkIcon(SSBB).png This user wants to be a hero.
YoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png This user is still young.
ToonLinkIcon(SSBB).png This user can't draw.
ZeldaIcon(SSBB).png This user has an online alter ego.
SheikIcon(SSBB).png This user likes ninjas.
GanondorfIcon(SSBB).png This user has hidden potential.
SamusIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks heavyweights and slow fallers don't mix.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks Zero Suit Samus looks... strange.
KirbyIcon(SSBB).png This user is innocent.
MetaKnightIcon(SSBB).png This user tends to be anti-social.
KingDededeIcon(SSBB).png This user loves power.
FoxIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks Fox requires a lot of technical skill in Melee.
FalcoIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks chaingrabbing isn't "cheap."
WolfIcon(SSBB).png This user has a deep voice.
PikachuIcon(SSBB).png This user spams down smash in team battles.
JigglypuffIcon(SSBB).png This user likes to rest.
PichuIcon(SSBM).png This user not yet evolved into a full adult.
MewtwoIcon(SSBM).png This user is solitary at times.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBB).png This user has played Pokémon.
SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png This user drinks a lot of water.
IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png This user likes to exercise.
CharizardIcon(SSBB).png This user likes dragons.
LucarioIcon(SSBB).png This user is stronger when he's angry.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSBB).png This user has the power of the pawnch.
NessIcon(SSBB).png This user likes sports.
LucasIcon(SSBB).png This user is a kid at heart.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png This user likes to have a good partner.
MarthIcon(SSBB).png This user is slim but strong.
RoyIcon(SSBM).png This user likes to set things on fire.
IkeIcon(SSBB).png This user fights for his friends, but has no sympathy.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBB).png This user is good at math.
PitIcon(SSBB).png This user wishes he could fly.
OlimarIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks Olimar is useless.
ROBIcon(SSBB).png This user can do things robotically.
SonicIcon(SSBB).png This user finds Sonic annoying.
SnakeIcon(SSBB).png This user is very sneaky.