This forum has the purpose of helping to select what battles will eventually take place in the Smash Arena. If you would like to make a suggestion, please feel free to leave it here. New suggestions are placed at the bottom of the page. Be sure to state your reason you suggested it and put the support, reject, and comments sections underneath it.
Like the idea? Be sure to give it your support. Note that this page is not to be used for the actual voting between fighters; that happens in the Arena itself. Remember, the combatants don't necessarily have to be able to fight each other normally in Smash Bros.
Posting suggestions
- Only Smash Bros.-related fights are permitted. Fights don't have to be between playable characters, but the combatants must have appeared in at least one Smash Bros. game.
- If there are already 10 open suggestions, you should probably reconsider adding a new one. If there are 15, it is highly recommended you do not. There is no limit to the number of open suggestions, but having too many clutters the page and makes it more difficult to keep track of.
- Check this list to view the fights that have been done. Repeat fights are permitted if they occurred 100 or more rounds ago. As matchups over 100 rounds ago are moved off that particular list, the list is the definitive source on what can't be repeated.
- Do not post more than one suggestion at a time. Each user may post one suggestion per week (i.e. one every seven days).
- Sign your suggestions/votes/comments with ~~~~ and a # in front of it (you don't necessarily have to put # in the comments sections, but you do have to sign with ~~~~).
- Place new suggestions at the bottom of the page.
- You can retract and remove your own suggestion, but it still counts as your suggestion for that week.
- Similarly to the above, you cannot edit a suggestion once people have started to vote on it. Editing the description is fine; just don't replace, add, or remove combatants.
Voting and comments
- Don't vote for your own suggestion.
- Post why you support/oppose. Don't just say, "Oh, this is a cool idea". Explain why you like/don't like the fight. This is not required but adds credence to your opinion - remember, suggestions are not accepted or rejected based on a simple vote count.
- The comments section is to be used for relevant comments only.
- Do not use this page to argue with other users over their reasons and opinions. You can civilly point out an inconsistency or mistake in their description, but if you say things like, "That's stupid", that could potentially start an argument in the comments, you are breaching this rule.
- Do not make this page into the Smash Arena itself. This is for deciding what goes there, not voting on the winner.
Acceptance or rejectance
- The SA operator(s) has final say over all the fights. Suggestions and comments are merely a way for the community to influence the fights, and can be used, edited, or ignored at the operator(s)'s discretion.
- Acceptance of fights is not based simply on votes. The votes are used to judge the community's opinion of the matchup; again it is solely the operator(s)'s decision on what the bouts are.
- Suggestions are purged every time a new Smash Arena round is posted. It is at this time they are either accepted and placed into the queue, or they are rejected. Not all suggestions are purged at once - only those that are both older than the rest and have higher vote counts. Usually suggestions need at least 5 votes to be decided upon, unless they are very old.
- In the vein of the above, do not repost a suggestion of yours that has been removed recently, since it's either already lined up or been rejected. See the Queue section for an idea of how long it may take for your suggestion to show up.
- If a suggestion of yours has been rejected in the past, you may repost it three months (90 days) after its rejection. However, it is unlikely for a rejected suggestion to be accepted in the future, so it is likely more productive to suggest something else.
- Descriptions are not guaranteed to be included as-is should a suggestion pass.
- In most cases, the combatants of a match should share similarities but have key differences. However, matchups between total opposites are also interesting. Avoid the middle ground where combatants have little in common but are also not polar opposites.
- Protagonist vs. antagonist matches (e.g. Mario vs. Bowser) are valid, and many of them succeed in the arena, but are usually pushed aside by the community in favour of matchups that are less "obvious". Matchups born from in-game events (e.g. Subspace Emissary groupings) or matchups that are big in their home universes but not necessarily in Smash Bros. (e.g. legendary Pokémon fights) tend to fall into this as well.
- Regular matches (one-on-one) are favoured more than three-way fights. If you have an idea for a three-way fight, see if one of the three combatants is really necessary. Fights of more than three participants have to be exceptional in order to be selected, and will likely be reserved for special rounds, so don't try too hard to make one work.
- The description can sway peoples' opinions of a matchup. While the most interesting suggestions can be accepted on their own merits, those in the middle can be made or broken by how you present them.
The current queue is as such:
257 | 258 | 259 | 260 | 261 | 262 | 263 | 264 | 265 |
Hover the cursor over a round number to see its predicted start date. Empty spots are shown in grey.
When the queue becomes full (all the grey spots are filled up), suggestions will be suspended. You may continue to vote on current suggestions, but no more may be proposed. Once the queue drains out to a size of one, suggestions will be re-opened.
The queue is not set in stone; new suggestions may appear before older ones and it may change at any time. The queue is designed to attempt to balance out fights so that participants or universes aren't used too much in a short time.
The contents of the queue are a secret to maintain mystery and intrigue.
Show Your Support
LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! |
{{SA Box}}
- Smash Arena userbox; originally by Squallinoa 08, modified by Toomai. If you wish, place it on your user page. It will tell you the new fights as they happen.
To make a suggestion the easy way, copy the following code, paste it into the bottom of the editing window, and fill out the relevant parts:
==<participant 1> vs. <participant 2>== <description of fight, maybe a few reasons you think it would be a good matchup> ~~~~ ===Support=== ===Oppose=== ===Comments===
Dark Cannon vs. Bullet Bill
Both were used to try and take out the protagonists in The Subspace Emissary. They had the same principle, but worked very differently. But which is more popular? Toast ltimatum 17:35, 22 April 2012 (EDT)
- I like it. Sounds good to me. Transdimensionalflux (talk) 17:43, 22 April 2012 (EDT)
- 11:03, 25 April 2012 (EDT)
- Hmmm...interesting...YES! DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
Do we have a file for the Dark cannon? Or are we going to use it's trophy? 02:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Whether an image is available doesn't affect a suggestion's validity. Toomai Glittershine The Bold 09:16, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Ridley vs. Meta Ridley
The biggest threat to peace in the galaxy versus...himself? Is the incarnate who battles Samus and Pikachu in the Research Facility or the incarnate who chases down the Falcon Flyer to be feared more? 123JamesHeart 00:14, 25 April 2012 (EDT)
- I saw this coming, but I'll support. King KirbyD 16:17, 25 April 2012 (EDT)
- If this hasn't happened yet, then it obviously has to. Toast ltimatum 17:01, 25 April 2012 (EDT)
- To MegaTron1XD: Nostalgia factor could help. Toadat9021doh (talk) 11:17, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- The oppose reasons here are bad. Ridley and Meta Ridley are different bosses with their own unique style. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- How does one fight a heavily modified superior version of yourself? MegaTron1XD 15:36, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- What Mega said. AccoolX File:Accoolx.png 19:31, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- This was suggested before, and failed because what Mega said. Solar Dragon (Talk • Contribs.) 10:39, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- Sorry. They are too similar. LightningBlue: LBPeep 22:02, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
Good ieda, but battling himself...I'm neutral on this one. DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
Well, I think this would be viable, regardless of whether or not it is a being fighting a modified version of itself. The Smash Arena is a popularity contest, and rather than just voting Meta Ridley because it's more powerful, you can vote Ridley because you prefer its Boss Battle, or because you want him in SSB4. Toast ltimatum 15:22, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
Fountain of Dreams vs. Green Greens
Which is the better of the buffed-in-Brawl ball's bi-installment battlefields? King KirbyD 20:56, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
- I fail to see any connection between these two stages other than that they belong to the Kirby universe. Why not do Halberd vs. Green Greens instead? Another issue: Fountain of Dreams only appeared in Melee, so it is not a "bi-installment" stage as claimed. Mousehunter321 (talk · contributions) 21:15, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
- Incorrect description of the stage's relations. MegaTron1XD 15:36, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- The only similarity is that they are both Kirby stages, and there would be better fights to do than this if that is your only correct reasoning. Toast ltimatum 11:09, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Per the above three. DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- One of these two stages against Dream Land would be a better matchup (one would be a match between two Kirbified "Battlefields", while the other would be a matchup between the stages with Whispy Woods). Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Sonic the Hedgehog vs. Pikachu
I don't believe that this matchup is queued. Traditionally, blue and yellow are used to represent lightning and also to represent speed (two examples: in pre-generation IV Pokemon games, Pokemon would glow blue when their speed was raised/lowered, and the hero Static Shock sports blue and yellow). Sonic and Pikachu are both known for their agility, have lost weight over the years (older Sonic kind of had a gut, older Pikachu was a lot more round), have similar Final Smash attacks, forward tilts, and forward aerials (though that's not too important), and they have close relationships with young male humans in their respective anime universes. Sonic's faster, but what Pikachu lacks in speed in comparison, he makes up for with powerful electric attacks, while Sonic is without an element. Which speedy hero has the edge? Blue Ninjakoopa(Talk) 02:14, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Best and most creative suggestion on here. Omega Tyrant 15:29, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- By far, the most creative one. MegaTron1XD 15:36, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Very creative. Didn't expect this one, but now it's up, so...YES! DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Why not? AccoolX File:Accoolx.png 19:36, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- 11:48, 1 May 2012 (EDT)
- The Cheese says: I would REALY like this to happen, mainly because it's intresting, and I wanna see Sonic in the arena again! Sonic will DOMINATE!! 12:10, 7 May 2012 (EDT) The Cheese 11:09 May 7 2012
Try to reduce the amount of words in this reasoning a little bit. Then maybe I, possibly along with others, will be more convinced. Toadat9021doh (talk) 23:36, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
Ness vs. Pokémon Trainer
Two red capped heroes who are strong and silent, have control over many elements, and star in popular RPGs. Who beats who? 09:20, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Good idea. Blue Ninjakoopa(Talk) 10:49, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Ok MegaTron1XD 15:36, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Mother and Pokémon are perhaps the most iconic RPGs represented in SSB. 123JamesHeart 15:55, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- I can see this working, yes. Toast ltimatum 11:09, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Pokemon vs. Psychokenesis. YES! DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- My two favorite games collide... AccoolX File:Accoolx.png 19:31, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- 11:49, 1 May 2012 (EDT)
- 11:22, 8 May 2012 (EDT)
Pikachu vs. Fox vs. Meta Knight
The three top fighters in the Tier List! Who is the best? Meta Ike 15:10, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Pikachu was no where near as difficult to beat as Fox and Meta Knight at the top of their metagames. MegaTron1XD 15:36, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Plus, we already had something like this less than 100 rounds ago. Toadat9021doh (talk) 23:25, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Yeah, we've already had Fox (SSBM) vs. Meta Knight (SSBB). Toast ltimatum 11:09, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Per Mega and Toast. DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Read this again. It is Meta-Knight, Olimar, and Diddy Kong. Besides Pikachu was never in the A tier in Brawl. LightningBlue: LBPeep 22:06, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- LB, this is regarding the number one character in each Smash game, not the top three in Brawl. As for the matchup itself, we already had Brawl MK matchup against Melee Fox, so adding Melee Fox into this is unneeded. Maybe just SSB Pika and Brawl MK instead? Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
I get it. This suggestion can be removed. Meta Ike 21:04, 30 April 2012 (EDT)
Pit vs. Devil
The age-old battle between good and bad has come to the Smash Arena in its most classic form. Will the arrow-wielding angel or the satanic screen-scroller triumph? Toadat9021doh (talk) 23:37, 28 April 2012 (EDT)
- Nice, that's very original. Some people won't approve of Character vs. Assist Trophy, but it's happened before. I sure support. Toast ltimatum 05:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Kewl idea. YES! DarkFox01 11:44, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Cutest 13:51, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- That's actually not a bad idea... AccoolX File:Accoolx.png 19:31, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Definitely. 123JamesHeart 11:23, 4 May 2012 (EDT)
- Unique idea. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Yoshi's Story vs. Yoshi's Island (SSBB)
While they do have a few differences, they are fairly similar as well. 11:17, 30 April 2012 (EDT)
- Don't listen to the oppose, Yoshi's Island brought many elements from Yoshi's Story over. Besides both stages being good tournament stages, they both have hurtable Shy Guys that fly in at random, carrying food, and a living platform that comes out at seeming random to save those falling to their doom. Not to mention, the nature of the stages are vastly identical, and it can be argued that Yoshi's Island is a successor of sorts to Yoshi's Story. However, both stages have their design differences to produce very different stages, with their own feels, and creating different strategies needed to win. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- I think they're similar enough. ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- ^ What OT said ^ 18:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Sorry, but other than being tournament-friendly Yoshi stages, I don't see any similarities between the two stages. Toadat9021doh (talk) 15:40, 30 April 2012 (EDT)
- Now that I know the similarities the two stages have with each other, I'd withdraw my opposition...if I could. Toadat9021doh (talk) 15:34, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Wario Bike vs. Zero Laser
Two special attacks that come with the side-effect of creating projectiles from machines breaking down. 123JamesHeart 11:23, 4 May 2012 (EDT)
- Honestly, I can't see a final smash fighting a Side B. It's just rather unbalanced. Toast ltimatum 15:52, 4 May 2012 (EDT)
- Stranger 1260 06:02, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- Maybe have Armor pieces against Tires instead? That's what it seems you're getting at, and in which case, having the moves involved that create them is unnecessary. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Doesn't make any sense. Zero Laser will just win even if Wario is on a bike. ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Waluigi vs. Tingle
The irritating Assist Trophies collide. The one being the hated Wario Brother. The other is infamous for expensive maps. Which weird-cladded anti-hero will finally victory? 04:24, 5 May 2012 (EDT)
- A matchup between two bizarre characters that are generally regarded as scrappies in their series. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Having thought about it, I guess it could work. Toast ltimatum 08:50, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Clever. ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Mushroomy Kingdom vs. Mushroomy Kingdom (Alternate)
The World 1-1 and World 1-2 variants collide. But which barren wasteland takes your pick? Toast ltimatum 06:27, 5 May 2012 (EDT)
- I like this suggestion, it's pretty unique. King KirbyD 07:49, 5 May 2012 (EDT)
- This suggestion is quite interesting. Stranger 1260 06:05, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- 22:29, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Mushroomy Kingdom hasn't lost a match yet. It'd be interesting to see which part of it is responsible for its success. Toadat9021doh (talk) 15:34, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Barrel Cannon vs. Slide Launcher vs. Minecart
The modes of transportation arrive at the Arena to clash each other. Which one is will leave the others stuck? ShupaRoeh 19:49, 6 May 2012 (EDT)
- That is quite special. Stranger 1260 06:06, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- I would say this is the best suggestion in a while. We never had a matchup involving these, nor any matchup regarding transportation. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Yeah, while I shan't recall my former comment, I'll change my status to a Support Toast ltimatum 08:50, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
This is certainly an interesting idea, but is another one of those suggestions which really shouldn't be 3-way. If you could find a way to turn this into a 2-way fight (I would get rid of the Slide Launcher, personally), then I would support fully. Toast ltimatum 18:42, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- All three are transportation modes in SSE, there's no reason to leave any out in a matchup of those transportation modes. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Peach Parasol vs. Spin Attack
The two seemingly poorest recoveries come to be judged at Arena. Which is better than the other? LightningBlue: LBPeep 20:23, 6 May 2012 (EDT)
- Peach Parasol certainly is not a poor recovery move. Link's Spin Attack, maybe, but Toon Link, no. Waterfall, Vine Whip, Mario's Super Jump Punch etc. They're bad recoveries. Toast ltimatum 20:30, 6 May 2012 (EDT)
- Peach Parasol is one of the best recovery moves in both Melee and Brawl, and two recovery moves are going to need more than just being poor recoveries to be an interesting matchup. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- ^, besides, Its not as Peach Parasol isn't as gimpable. ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Just noticed that Toast. Gonna try again next round. LightningBlue: LBPeep 22:01, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
Mew2King vs. Izaw
One is a smasher who was acclaimed as the number one brawler, he mained the top tier Meta Knight, he was caught splitting with ADHD humiliating the brawl competitive community and he quit brawl as soon as Meta Knight was banned. The other is a YouTuber who grew popularity for maining his favourite character Link and showing us that anyone can be used to a great potential. Who is the better brawler?!--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk 20:40, 6 May 2012 (EDT)
- For a "villainous tier whore top smasher" vs. "smasher good guy that's a low tier hero" matchup, there are much better Brawl choices than Izaw (such as Vermanubis and San, the latter's efforts single handily bringing Ike out of low tier). For what you said on IRC of it being "top tournament guy vs. Youtube guy", I see no point in such a matchup. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- As before, if people don't have competitive knowledge, they can't vote on this. Toast ltimatum 08:50, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Plus, I don't think user matches should be in the Smash Arena. Smash Arena matches should be for things inside the game, not outside it. Toadat9021doh (talk) 15:34, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Mew vs. Celebi vs. Jirachi
All are pokémon that can only be obtained through an event in the game Pokémon, and it all summons different items to appear in Brawl. They also only have a chance of 1/493 to appear in Brawl. Which poké ball pokémon do you like the best? Stranger 1260 06:20, 7 May 2012 (EDT)
- Matchup makes sense, all three fit the same role among pokeball Pokemon. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- Forgot to support this earlier, it obviously needs to happen. Toast ltimatum 08:50, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- We've had plenty of legendary Pokemon battles. Seeing a different kind of Pokemon battle would be a nice change. Toadat9021doh (talk) 15:34, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
Mario vs. Luigi
One is red. The other is green. They fought 100 rounds ago in the Arena, and today their destined rematch begins. Who will come out on top this time? 04:47, 8 May 2012 (EDT)
- It will be funny to watch mario lose Sonicsidekick95 08:46, 15 May 2012 (EDT)
- Mario got curbstomped by Luigi last time, and seeing Luigi's Smash Arena dominance continue with the newest SmashWiki generation, Mario is going to just get curbstomped again, probably even worse. Omega Tyrant 04:14, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- The only fight I ever wanted to be repeated was Mewtwo vs. Lucario, and that happened with Blue Ninjakoopa killing the second tie Toast ltimatum 08:50, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
- ..... The Pylon 09:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)