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Donkey Kong

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For fighter info, see Donkey Kong (SSB), Donkey Kong (SSBM), and Donkey Kong (SSBB).
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Official artwork of Donkey Kong from Donkey Kong Country Returns.
Universe Donkey Kong
Debut Donkey Kong (1981)
Smash Bros. appearances SSB
Console/platform of origin Arcade
Species Kong
Gender Male
Place of origin DK Island
Created by Shigeru Miyamoto
Voice actor Soupy Sales (Saturday Supercade)
Gary Chalk (Captain N: The Game Master)
Richard Yearwood (TV series)
Kevin Bayliss (1994 - 1999)
Dex Manley (2003-2005)
Issac Marshall
Japanese voice actor Takashi Nagasako (2004-present)
Kōichi Yamadera (TV series)

Donkey Kong (Japanese: ドンキーコング, Donkī Kongu) is the protagonist from the Donkey Kong series. In his first appearance, Donkey Kong, he was the antagonist of Mario, but he soon starred in the Mario series games which depicted him as a protagonist, though he remains a featured character in Mario spinoff games.

Character description

Donkey Kong made his first appearance in the arcade game of the same name. Here, he was the antagonist who held Mario's girlfriend, Pauline, captive over a construction building. Mario had to make his way to the top of the tower to rescue Pauline from Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong would later return in Donkey Kong Jr. which saw his young son rescuing him from the now antagonist Mario. He would once again be featured in Donkey Kong 3 which saw him go up against Stanley the Bugman.

After this, Donkey Kong seemed to be largely forgotten in the video game industry aside from remakes of the arcade classic, until Rareware released Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo. Donkey Kong Country saw the appearance of Cranky Kong, Donkey Kong's father, who claimed to be the original Donkey Kong from the Donkey Kong arcade game. The current Donkey Kong appearing from Donkey Kong Country onwards is actually a grownup Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong Country depicted Donkey Kong's first battle with his arch-enemy King K. Rool, and was such a massive success that it helped the SNES take the lead in the 16-bit console war. The series was followed by two sequels in which Donkey Kong was, surprisingly, not playable due to being replaced by Dixie Kong.

However, Donkey Kong would be featured in Super Smash Bros. which marked his first appearance in a fighting game. He would then finally be featured once again as a playable character in Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64. He would then be featured in Super Smash Bros. Melee before starring in the Donkey Konga series and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

While he has switched between appearing as a protagonist and as a antagonist, Donkey Kong has never truly been "evil" and he remains a part of the Mario universe appearing in many of the Mario spinoff games. Donkey Kong also appeared as a baby in Yoshi's Island DS; and in the Mario vs Donkey Kong games, which brings back Mario and Donkey Kong's rivalry.

In Super Smash Bros.

As a playable character

Main article: Donkey Kong (SSB)
Official artwork of Donkey Kong in Super Smash Bros.

Donkey Kong makes his first appearance in a fighting game as a starting playable character in the original Super Smash Bros. DK is surprisngly fast for his size and is one of the strongest characters in the game. His neutral special move is the Giant Punch which becomes stronger depending on how long the player lets DK charge it before using it. His up special is the Spinning Kong which causes DK to spin around wildly with his arms striking anyone nearby. His down special move is the Hand Slap which allows DK to pound the ground with his fists repeatedly creating a small earthquake.

His in-game description is as follows:

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong and Mario started out as arch-rivals, but they've patched things up in recent years. These days DK spends his time searching the jungle for bananas instead of kidnapping beautiful maidens. In the past few years, other members of the Kong family have cashed in on DK's fame as well, including his favorite nephew, Diddy.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

As a playable character

Main article: Donkey Kong (SSBM)
Donkey Kong, as he appears in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Donkey Kong returns in Super Smash Bros. Melee as a starting playable character. He remains mostly the same from the original, but his new side special move, the Headbutt, allows DK to embed his opponents into the ground giving him some free hits. Donkey Kong is known for his incredible strength -- he is capable of walking and jumping while carrying Crates, Barrels, and Party Balls, items that normally decrease a character's walking speed and cause them to become unable to jump. He is also no longer the heaviest Super Smash Bros. character; the newcomer Bowser is.


As a playable character, Donkey Kong has three trophies, a normal trophy acquired by beating the Classic Mode with Donkey Kong on any difficulty, and "Smash Red" and "Smash Blue" trophies won by beating the Adventure and All-Star Modes, respectively.

His normal trophy reads:

Donkey Kong
While he now prefers the laid-back jungle lifestyle to construction site mischief, DK is often forced back into action by the Kremling Krew. The great ape is quite fast despite his burly physique, and he keeps his strength up with a steady diet of his favorite food: bananas. His one extravagance (and only piece of clothing) is a monogrammed necktie.

  • Donkey Kong, Arcade 1981

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Main article: Donkey Kong (SSBB)
Donkey Kong, as he appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Donkey Kong returns as a starting playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He is no longer the sole representative of his series, as Diddy Kong appears alongside him as well. With new physics in the game, Donkey Kong can no longer be comboed as easily, like in Super Smash Bros. Melee, and his power, range, recovery and speed stats have slightly improved and is no longer in top falling speed. His Final Smash is the Konga Beat in which DK takes out the Bongos and plays them. By timing their button presses, the attack power can be increased. During this move, DK is invincible, but it is more risky when playing on a moving stage like Rumble Falls (ironically, Diddy's and DK's stage). Though, the screen scrolls much more slowly while the Final Smash is in action.


Donkey Kong - Brawl Trophy.png

Donkey Kong has a trophy that is awarded each time the Classic mode is completed with Donkey Kong on any difficulty. See Konga Beat for the trophy description of Donkey Kong's Final Smash:

Donkey Kong
A carefree jungle dweller with the charisma of a natural leader. He keeps busy by foiling the plans of the Kremlings and their boss, King K. Rool. As his physique suggests, this ape is a powerhouse. He's got speed to match too, and his love for bananas is second to none. His famous necktie is adorned with his initials, DK.

SNES: Donkey Kong Country
N64: Donkey Kong 64


  • Unlike in most DK games and Mario spinoffs, where Donkey Kong has a cartoonish voice, the Super Smash Bros series has him using gorilla-like roars, most likely for intimidation, with Super Smash Bros. being a fighting game. This is also to make Donkey Kong look more realistic since he's not the only animalistic character to use more realistic voices rather than their usual cartoonish voice in their own games.
  • Donkey Kong is the only character who can walk at a normal speed when carrying a Crate, Rolling Crate, Barrel, or Bonsly. He is also the only character who can jump while doing so, as well as the only character who doesn't drop a heavy item when walking off of a ledge. However, in Mario spin-off games, such as Mario Golf, Bowser is more powerful than DK. However in Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games, he is more powerful than Bowser, so it might just be DK's build that allows him to lift heavy objects, since Bowser has short arms, so he can't lift things like DK can. It should also be noted that Bowser holds the heavy items with one arm, which may also explain why he moves slowly while holding it, though Donkey Kong can throw people farther with one arm than Bowser can with his two arms and by shifting his own body weight. Judging by this, he is possibly the "strongest" character in literal terms. This could also be a reference to him throwing barrels in the original Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Country (his pose when carrying barrels in the Smash Bros. series is similar to the way he did in DKC).
  • Donkey Kong, along with Link, Snake, and Sonic, are the only characters in the Smash series to appear in another fighting game. Donkey Kong appeared in Punch-Out!! for Wii as a secret opponent.
  • Strangely, in all the games in the Super Smash Bros. Series, whenever Donkey Kong uses an item like the Fire Flower or the Ray Gun, he will grasp the top of his head while firing them, as if he's not sure what to make of the weapon.