List of rumors
This page is dedicated to all the rumors that have been floating around the internet. The most famous one being the Sonic the Hedgehog and Tail in Melee.
Sonic & Tails?
The most famous rumor in the game. This rumor states that Sonic and Tail would be unlockable after defeating 20 enemies in Cruel Melee. This has been proven false by countless people.
Toad in Melee?
Another infamous rumor featuring Toad as a playable character. To get Toad, one must shoot all the credits at the end of the game. In conclusion, its false.
Master Hand in The Original?
Videos all over YouTube have claimed to unlock Master Hand, via spinning the control stick 30 times; this has been proven untrue. The only way to play as Master Hand is through a cheat device, such as an Action Replay. The same goes for Metal Mario, only by spinning the control stick 4 times, or occasionally 10. Raichu and Wigglytuff are also said to be in the game, but rumors of their unlockabilty are far and few between.
Clouds of Bosses?
A popular theory states that at the beggining of the Subspace Emissary when Meta Knight's ship appears, various faces show when the gastly clouds form. People have speculated this to be four major bosses throughout the game. This can not be indentified as true or false. Many people believe the four faces resemble Ganondorf, Master Hand, Bowser, and Ridley.
Ridley, Bowser Jr, and Wind-Waker Link
Of course, with everybody hyped about Brawl and unbeknowenst to the fans at the time, their was no official Character List. People have claimed that Ridley, Wind-Waker/Cel-Shaded Link, and Bowser Jr all would be playable characters. This is false, except for Toon Link.
No More Clones
Another popular theory stated that clones will not be in Brawl. That would mean Dr.Mario, Roy, Pichu, Ganondorf, Falco, Young Link, and to a lesser extent Luigi, would not be apart of Brawl's game. This has also been proven false. Luigi, Ganondorf, and Falco do appear in Brawl. Lucas and Wolf, two minor Luigificated clones, also appeared.