20MK MetaKing Icon.png
Character info
Melee main Marth
Other Melee character Roy
Brawl main Meta Knight
Other Brawl characters Falco, Marth, King Dedede
Smash 4 main Meta Knight
Other Smash 4 characters Marth, Captain Falcon, Lucina, Fox, Cloud, Roy, Falco
Ultimate main Meta Knight
Other Ultimate characters Roy, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Lucina, Marth, Falco
Project M mains Marth, Meta Knight
Other Project M characters Roy, Captain Falcon, King Dedede
KA-MetaKnight.gif This user trusts and is a friend of MetaKing.
FE13 Lucina Lord Map Sprite.gif This user's favorite character is a swordsman, the color blue, and wears a mask. But which one?...

Hi, I'm Ken, but I go by MetaKing online.

I basically never contribute to this wiki now because of life and not having much else of value to add here, so this page is kind of dead too. Nothing bitter by all means, just don't have the time or feel invested to do things frequently around here now. Only contributions from here on will probably be either Project M/+, frame data, or BC Smash-related on the rare occasion, dunno.

If you still wanna get in contact with me for whatever reason my Twitter is @20mk_metaking and my Discord is 20mkmetaking.