Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Wolf (SSBU)/Hitboxes

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Move Name Hitbox
Neutral attack 1 Snap Claw WolfJab1SSBU.gif
Neutral attack 2 Follow Claw WolfJab2SSBU.gif
Neutral attack 3 Wild Scratch WolfJab3SSBU.gif
Forward tilt Dual Burst WolfFTiltSSBU.gif
Forward tilt up Dual Burst WolfFTiltUpSSBU.gif
Forward tilt down Dual Burst WolfFTiltDownSSBU.gif
Up tilt Kick Up WolfUTiltSSBU.gif
Down tilt Low Kick WolfDTiltSSBU.gif
Dash attack Shooting Kick WolfDashAttackSSBU.gif
Forward smash Wolf Crash WolfFSmashSSBU.gif
Up smash Spinning Leg Scissors WolfUSmashSSBU.gif
Down smash Gut Slash WolfDSmashSSBU.gif
Neutral aerial Wolf Kick WolfNAirSSBU.gif
Forward aerial Quick Slash WolfFAirSSBU.gif
Back aerial Behind Kick WolfBAirSSBU.gif
Up aerial Air Slice WolfUAirSSBU.gif
Down aerial Meteor Crash WolfDAirSSBU.gif
Neutral special Blaster WolfNSpecialSSBU.gif
Side special Wolf Flash WolfSSpecialSSBU.gif
Up special Fire Wolf WolfUSpecialSSBU.gif
Down special start Reflector WolfDSpecialStartSSBU.gif
Down special hold Reflector WolfDSpecialHoldSSBU.gif
Down special hit Reflector WolfDSpecialHitSSBU.gif
Standing grab WolfGrabSSBU.gif
Dash grab WolfDashGrabSSBU.gif
Pivot grab WolfPivotGrabSSBU.gif
Pummel Grab Kneebutt WolfPummelSSBU.gif
Forward throw Short Scratch WolfFThrowSSBU.gif
Back throw Scratch Upper WolfBThrowSSBU.gif
Up throw Throw Scratch WolfUThrowSSBU.gif
Down throw Bottom Down WolfDThrowSSBU.gif
Getup attack front WolfGetupAttackFrontSSBU.gif
Getup attack back WolfGetupAttackBackSSBU.gif
Getup attack trip WolfTripAttackSSBU.gif
Ledge attack WolfLedgeAttackSSBU.gif