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Hungrybox "HBOX"
Character info
Brawl main Dedede
Team info
Crew(s) What are the Oddz
Personal and other info
Real name Juan Manuel DeBiedma
Location Orlando, FL United states
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Professional
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The youngest member of the crew What are the Oddz, Hungrybox, 16, or Juan D., is currently the best Jigglypuff in the East coast. Due to his extreme improvement in overall playing style and technique, H1roshi made Hungrybox part of What are the Oddz the 7th member in August of 2007. Hungrybox has placed in tournaments, and won in Gigabits August 09. He has high hopes to win more, but the other 16-year old beast, Colbol, is always ready to deprive him of his glory. The matches between the two sophomores have become a tournament favorite, often gaining a larger audience than the grand finals of that tournament.


Hungrybox continues to play Brawl competitively as well. He is one of the best Dedede mains in the state. Originally playing Mario, Hungrybox decided to switch over to Dedede because of Afro Thundah. Afro Thundah is a Florida player currently ranked #2 in the Florida Brawl Power Rankings. He placed 2nd at a 128 man tournament with absolutely no tournament experience using Dedede and Snake. This caused Hungrybox to main Dedede and since then he has placed well at many of the local brawl tournaments.


Currently ranked 5th on the Florida Power Rankings.

Tournament Singles Doubles
The Greatest Melee Tournaments Since Brawl Came Out 5 7
Florida's Awesome Summer Tournament 1 7 2
Event 52 5 13
Every attended Melee Tournament in the past year 3
Tipped Off 4 2 3
Gigabits August 09 1 1
Genesis 3 -


Hungrybox 4-stocked Mew2King in a Money match on a large projection screen at Event 52 prior to the finals. Mew2King won the set, but Cactuar gave him a dollar anyway, stating "Hungrybox 4-stocked Mew2King, and here is his dollar," as he delivered it to Hungrybox.
