SSBU Icon.png

List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/English

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< List of crowd cheers (SSBU)
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These are all the crowd cheers for the English version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • "-" represents a slight pause in the cheer, such as between syllables in a single word.
  • "--" represents a longer pause in the cheer, such as between words.
  • Words that are inside two asterisks (*) describe noises made by the crowd, and they are not actual words in the cheer.
Name FIREY Description Firey! clap 3 times Cheer
SteveHeadAlexSSBU.png Alex Ale - xu! *claps 3 times*
OlimarHeadAlphSSBU.png Alph Alph! Alph! Alph!
Banjo&KazooieHeadSSBU.png Banjo & Kazooie Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban - jo! Ka-Ka-Kazoo - ie!
BayonettaHeadSSBU.png Bayonetta Bay - o!
BowserHeadSSBU.png Bowser Bow - ser! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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BowserJrHeadSSBU.png Bowser Jr. Jun - ior!
BylethHeadSSBU.png Byleth Go Teach!
CaptainFalconHeadSSBU.png Captain Falcon Falcon Punch!
ChromHeadSSBU.png Chrom Chrom, Chrom, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can!
CloudHeadSSBU.png Cloud Cloud! - Cloud! - Cloud!
CorrinHeadSSBU.png Corrin Corr - in!
DaisyHeadSSBU.png Daisy Prin - cess Dai - sy! *clap 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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DarkPitHeadSSBU.png Dark Pit Pittoo Pittoo Pittoo!
DarkSamusHeadSSBU.png Dark Samus Dark Sa - mus! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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DiddyKongHeadSSBU.png Diddy Kong Did - dy Kong!
DonkeyKongHeadSSBU.png Donkey Kong D - K! -- Donkey - Kong!
DrMarioHeadSSBU.png Dr. Mario Go - Doc!
DuckHuntHeadSSBU.png Duck Hunt Duck - Hunt! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Duck - Hunt Duo! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SteveHeadEndermanSSBU.png Enderman End - er - man!
FalcoHeadSSBU.png Falco Fal - co! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
FoxHeadSSBU.png Fox Fox Fox Fox! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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GanondorfHeadSSBU.png Ganondorf Ganon - dooorf!
GreninjaHeadSSBU.png Greninja Gre - ninja!
HeroHeadSSBU.png Hero H - E - R - O! You're My Hero!
IceClimbersHeadSSBU.png Ice Climbers I scream, you scream, Ice Climb - ers! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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BowserJrHeadIggySSBU.png Iggy Ig - gy!
IkeHeadSSBU.png Ike We like Ike!
IncineroarHeadSSBU.png Incineroar In - cine - ROAR!
InklingHeadSSBU.png Inkling Staaaay fresh!
IsabelleHeadSSBU.png Isabelle I - sa - belle!
JigglypuffHeadSSBU.png Jigglypuff Jigglypuff!
JokerHeadSSBU.png Joker Jo - ker! *claps 3 times*
KazuyaHeadSSBU.png Kazuya Ka - zu - ya! *drum beat 2 times*
KenHeadSSBU.png Ken Ken Ken Ken-Ken-Ken!
KingDededeHeadSSBU.png King Dedede De-De-De! De-De-De! Dedededededede!
KingKRoolHeadSSBU.png King K. Rool Krem - ling Krew!
KirbyHeadSSBU.png Kirby Kir - by!
BowserJrHeadLarrySSBU.png Larry Lar - ry!
BowserJrHeadLemmySSBU.png Lemmy Lem - my!
LinkHeadSSBU.png Link/ToonLinkHeadSSBU.png Toon Link Link Link Link! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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LittleMacHeadSSBU.png Little Mac Little Mac! Get 'em back!
LucarioHeadSSBU.png Lucario Lu - cario!
LucasHeadSSBU.png Lucas Lu - cas!
LucinaHeadSSBU.png Lucina Lu - ci - na! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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BowserJrHeadLudwigSSBU.png Ludwig Lud - wig! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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LuigiHeadSSBU.png Luigi Wee - gee! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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MarioHeadSSBU.png Mario Ma - ri - o! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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MarthHeadSSBU.png Marth Marth Marth Marth!
MegaManHeadSSBU.png Mega Man Me - ga - Man!
MetaKnightHeadSSBU.png Meta Knight Me - ta - Knight!
MewtwoHeadSSBU.png Mewtwo Mewwww-two!
MiiBrawlerHeadSSBU.png MiiSwordfighterHeadSSBU.png MiiGunnerHeadSSBU.png Mii Fighters Mii!
MinMinHeadSSBU.png Min Min Min Min! *claps 3 times*
BowserJrHeadMortonSSBU.png Morton Mor - ton!
MrGame&WatchHeadSSBU.png Mr. Game & Watch Game - And - Watch!
NessHeadSSBU.png Ness Su-per Ness!
OlimarHeadSSBU.png Olimar Olimar! Olimar! Olimar!
Pac-ManHeadSSBU.png Pac-Man Pac - Man!
PalutenaHeadSSBU.png Palutena Pa - lu - te - na!
PeachHeadSSBU.png Peach Prin - cess - Peach!
PichuHeadSSBU.png Pichu Pi - chu! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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PikachuHeadSSBU.png Pikachu Pi - ka - chu!
PiranhaPlantHeadSSBU.png Piranha Plant Pira - nha Plant!
PitHeadSSBU.png Pit Pit! Pit! This is it!
PokémonTrainerHeadSSBU.png Pokémon Trainer I choose you! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PyraHeadSSBU.png Pyra/MythraHeadSSBU.png Mythra Py - ra! -- Myth - ra!
ROBHeadSSBU.png R.O.B. R - O - B!
RichterHeadSSBU.png Richter Rich - ter Bel - mont!
RidleyHeadSSBU.png Ridley Go Ridley go!
RobinHeadSSBU.png Robin Ro - bin!
Rosalina&LumaHeadSSBU.png Rosalina & Luma Ro - sa - li - na!
RoyHeadSSBU.png Roy (Fire Emblem) Roy's our boy! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadRoySSBU.png Roy (Super Mario Bros.) Roy Roy Roy!
RyuHeadSSBU.png Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu!
SamusHeadSSBU.png Samus Sa - mus!
SephirothHeadSSBU.png Sephiroth Seph - i - roth!
SheikHeadSSBU.png Sheik Sheik! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
ShulkHeadSSBU.png Shulk Shulk Shulk Shulk!
SimonHeadSSBU.png Simon Si - mon Bel - mont!
SnakeHeadSSBU.png Snake Snake Snake Snake! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SonicHeadSSBU.png Sonic So - nic!
SoraHeadSSBU.png Sora Soooo - ra!
SteveHeadSSBU.png Steve Ste - vu! *claps 3 times*
TerryHeadSSBU.png Terry Come on, come on, Te-rry!
VillagerHeadSSBU.png Villager Vill - a - ger!
WarioHeadSSBU.png Wario Wa - ri - o!
BowserJrHeadWendySSBU.png Wendy Wen - dy!
WiiFitTrainerHeadSSBU.png Wii Fit Trainer Wii Fit! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
WolfHeadSSBU.png Wolf *howl* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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YoshiHeadSSBU.png Yoshi Yo - shi! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
YoungLinkHeadSSBU.png Young Link Young Link! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

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ZeldaHeadSSBU.png Zelda Zel - da!
ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBU.png Zero Suit Samus Ze - ro - Suit!
SteveHeadZombieSSBU.png Zombie Zooommm - bie!


  • Donkey Kong's crowd cheer is a reference to the chorus of the DK Rap from Donkey Kong 64.
  • Ness's English crowd cheer is a reference to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, officially abbreviated as the Super NES or SNES, which itself is a reference to the fact that Ness's name is an anagram of SNES, and the "NES" part is often pronounced "ness".
  • Dark Pit's cheer is "Pittoo!", a nickname (that he doesn't like being called) given to him by Pit in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  • Luigi's cheer is "Weegee!", a reference to a number of games where he excitedly calls himself "Weegee".
  • Ike's cheer is a reference to the catchphrase used in support of candidate Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower in the 1952 US presidential election.
  • Ice Climbers' cheer is a reference to the Ice Cream rhyme made popular in 1927: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"
  • Pokémon Trainer's cheer is a reference to a phrase heard in the Pokémon anime when Ash Ketchum selects his Pokémon: "I choose you!"
  • Inkling's English crowd cheer is a reference to the Squid Sisters sign-off message in Inkopolis News from the English version of Splatoon.
  • Chrom's English crowd cheer continues the trend of Fire Emblem characters getting rhyming chants, following Roy and Ike.
  • Byleth's English crowd cheer is implied to be performed by the Golden Deer house, as their leader, Claude, often refers to Byleth as 'Teach'.

See also